Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew.

- Guillaume Apollinaire

I love this quote.

Those of you who have been following my journey over the past year know that I live my life following the guidance that my guides (affectionately known as “My People”) provide to me throughout each day. I won’t always know why they ask me to move in a certain direction or say something in particular immediately, but as the journey unfolds all becomes crystal clear. If, on the rare occasion, it doesn’t, that’s alright too. Why you ask, because I fully trust what I am given.

It is this trust that has carried me through the roller coaster ride of the past month.

I’m certain that a great many of you are aware that we experienced three powerful celestial configurations during this time, as well as the Energetic Tsunami that took weeks to pass over our lovely Gaia. The Energetic Tsunami began altering all matter as soon as it began sweeping the planet, creating currents that caused all things hidden to rise to the surface.

I have been witness on a personal level, as well as in the general populace of humans and animals the shifts that these new energies have birthed.

The veils have been lifted and emotions are running high with most experiencing physical symptoms as well.

The metaphoric blinders are off. We don’t have the luxury of turning a blind eye to the things right in front of us anymore and the time has long past for sitting on the preverbial fence.

Personally, I liked that the issues I thought dealt with long ago and weren’t, presented to be addressed and released. Although extremely emotional and painful at times, I gave myself over fully to the cleansing process. The gift from this allowing: a new sense of freedom and lightness.

So, I encourage everyone to look full on the change that is upon them. Stand at the edge of the cliff and fall freely, trusting that you will soar.

Love & Blessings,

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