Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday I awoke at 3 a.m. Granted, I am normally an early riser; anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30 a.m., but this was uncalled for. I just wanted to roll over and sleep a while longer. But once my brain started going, any hope of more sleep was futile. Instead of resisting any further, I decided to hit the road.

Since I had packed the car with my remaining possessions the day before, all I needed to do was dress, grab my purse and climb in the car. I left at 3:30 a.m., missing the early morning traffic in Salt Lake.

The down side? It was dark.

I always enjoy seeing the transition in topography as I move from one location to another, but since I crossed the Idaho state line in the dark there was only the observation of increased elevation and winding roads.

When dawn finally broke, it was behind me and flat open fields of green and dirt crisscrossed patterns lay before me. This part of Idaho is largely agriculture and dairy. Even if you don’t see the cows-- and I don’t know how one could miss them-- you would be able to detect the aroma on the wind. The window went up quickly.

I drove straight through to Boise, approximately 5.5 hours, where I stopped briefly to make a pit stop and more importantly get COFFEE.

Now I am not proud of it, but I am a coffee snob. If I am paying for it, I want a latte, and unfortunately there wasn’t a Starbucks, Java Joe’s or Tully’s to be found—or open. What is wrong with those people? If it were me I would have a spot on every major highway open at 4:00 a.m. Properly drained and fueled, I hit the road.

Next stop? Bend, Oregon.

As I crossed the Oregon state line I felt joyous and had a strong sense of coming home.
The area I came into was agricultural, which is true of much of Oregon. The state is a cornucopia, and the smell of onion was on the air. At first I thought, that can’t be me, I showered for Pete sakes. However, I began to notice that what looked like dirt fields were actually acres and acres of yellow onions.

One of the little areas I passed through was Butte Oregon. Butte stands out in my mind because of a sign I noticed--RoadKill Ranch. It’s true! The sign was attached to a small property of about half an acre. One can only assume that it is their unfortunate task on a regular basis to remove victims of drive bys. Shortly after RoadKill I crossed over Stinkingwater River. Both gave me a huge smile and set off a tangent of giggles.

From that point forward, as I was headed west on 20, the scenery became more beautiful. The winding road made its way up through sage covered hills alongside a beautiful river.

It had been about 4 hours since I left Boise and I stopped briefly at a Shell. When I climbed back in my car a beautiful pink/red dragonfly hovered by my open window, then decided to hover over the windshield and lead me out to the open road. Amazing! Those that know me know the significance the dragonfly has in my life. What made this even more powerful is that I had been contemplating signs from Spirit and how nice it would be to get one today. Somebody was definitely listening.

When Bend came into view I was taken with the high plains desert look. Very much like Utah, but greener, with snow-covered mountains looming on the horizon--breathtaking to say the least. I will be staying for a day in Bend, checking it out before heading to Ashland, which is 3 hours away. Stay tuned….you never know what will happen next…..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Art of Transformation

Those that know me will not be surprised to hear that Spirit has asked me, once again, to make a shift. The destination is Ashland Oregon.

Originally, I was headed for Ashland when I left Florida. However, when I arrived in Park City, Utah, Spirit asked me to stay. I was told it would be temporary, but since time really doesn’t exist, Spirit’s sense of time and ours is obviously going to be different. As a result Spirit’s temporary was two years in the physical realm.

I have no complaints about my stay here. After all, it is very beautiful and the energy is amazing. After living at 0 elevation for 28 years, I discovered that I really do enjoy higher elevation living and all its nuances. Also, I had the opportunity to meet and make some amazing friends and had the blessing of being a part of the healing process for many individuals here.

The growth in my abilities both psychically and as a healer, has been unbelievable, and these changes have allowed me to create a practice without borders, and I now have clients globally.

I can hear it now. How can you give up everything you’ve worked so hard for: and just walk away?

As I have mentioned in previous posts, to resist change when you recognize that a catabolic process has begun, could create unnecessary pain. Or, resistance could cause you to miss the boat completely. Besides, the answer is simple—really; I totally trust my guidance and know that this shift is ultimately in my best interest.

Truthfully, it feels like I have earned the right to shift.

Even though I don’t have it all understood, its okay. I know that all will be revealed in its most perfect timing. It’s like I have been handed a beautifully wrapped present. I am not allowed to open it yet, and I know that its size is misleading. It could actually be larger than or even smaller than it appears. Trust me, I have looked at this box every which way and even shaken it a few times, but received no hints.

So here I am on the precipice of change ready to leap into the unknown, with the certainty that I am in for the most amazing leg of the journey yet. Woo Hoo!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Standing in the Light

I am experiencing an increase in clients voicing their frustration about partners, family members or friends. The complaint? An individual doesn’t seem to want to take steps to shift themselves. It is not uncommon, when one has been working on themselves, that the lower vibration behaviors of others can seem very glaring. When we are close to someone, we are often excited to share our new found truths. I call this the Born Again Christian syndrome.

When they do not seem interested in embracing our new truths it can be very frustrating for some. We see it as if they prefer to wallow in their stuff. Of course everyone has the choice to wallow or not to wallow. Some are so locked into their illusion; they cannot see a way out. Even when shown steps to take, it is as if the way is falling on deaf ears and blind eyes. When we are emotionally invested, it can be very difficult to sit back and watch someone spiral down.

I have a client I will call Sam. Sam is a very loving, compassionate and intelligent individual. She agonizes over the fact that her mother suffers from emotional imbalance and low self esteem, which often leads her to self destructive behavior. Even though Sam has spent a great deal of time offering alternatives to help her mom shift, she continues to make choices that keep her in her stuff. Sam wonders what to do.

Then there is David. He had been working very hard to make shifts in his life, but his partner didn’t share the same ambition for herself. Eventually, this created deep rifts in their relationship and David had to make some hard decisions. Should David have stopped his growth in order to preserve his marriage? I do not believe that anyone should ever hold themselves back to keep peace. After all, we are all here on our own journey and it is about honoring our path.

My sister suffered with addictions her whole life. It was painful to watch her on the path of self destruction. At some point, I realized she was holding our family emotionally hostage. All I was doing, when I thought I was helping, was enabling her inability. No matter what was said or done, it would never make a difference, because she wasn’t ready to make a change. In my effort to assist I was hurting her and myself.
I finally told her that I loved her and when she was ready to do what she needed to do, I would be there for her. Until then not to ask for my help any further. I have to say that was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

What I learned and we must all learn, is that, the only person we can change is ourselves. We cannot live someone else’s life for them. We can only hope that eventually they choose to stand in the light. Where, we can stand together.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fear of Success, Failure or Both?

You find yourself poised to grab the brass ring that represents the fruits of your hard labor, but when it comes to taking the last step? Fear grips you. You freeze

Negative thoughts begin flowing in, one right after the other. Your intellectual spinning weaves an intricate web of can’t do, should not and can’t possibly.

Nothing good ever happens to me. This is a mistake. Something has to go wrong. Universe is probably playing a cruel joke on me and is going to jerk the rug out from under me at any moment. It is too good to hope for. I don’t really deserve this and when someone figures that out, I will lose everything. They’ve got the wrong person. Are you sure?

Sound familiar?

In my practice many have voiced these thoughts, and on occasion, I have experienced similar thoughts as well.

When we are afraid of success, it is often because we are afraid of losing the gift we are sharing, now that everyone is looking. The other side of being in the limelight, out there for the entire world to see, is that it puts us in a very vulnerable position; it opens us to the opinions of others, which have the potential to be unkind.

I have observed that everyone has an opinion about most things and that most opinions are based on where the person is in their life—usually changing and shifting like the tides.

Or it could be that by deed or word, you struck a nerve in asking them to look deep within. Mirroring has the potential to be painful for the mirror and/or for the reflection.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but we don’t have to accept it. However, if this opinion rings true, and we decide to take it on, it could become a useful tool. We can use it to shift and grow, ultimately empowering instead of immobilizing us.

Then there are those that fear failing for many of the same reasons. Their fear immobilizes them, keeping them locked in neutral, stalling what could be.
They haven’t learned that each endeavor is an opportunity for growth. There are do over’s. We are not locked into one channel. There are multiple paths that lay before us and all we have to do is shift.

For me, I just ask myself, what will I be missing if I don’t go for it? With that in mind, I just walk through that door and don’t look back.
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