Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Check In I’m certain that everyone is familiar with the term, “has baggage”. And I’m not referring to the kind you check in. Humans have it in their nature to deliberately hold on to their “emotional baggage”. Some wearing it as a well-earned badge of courage, earned for enduring some past wrongs/trials either real or perceived. Maybe someone springs to mind or maybe you see yourself. Emotional baggage comes in all shapes and sizes – carry-ons, overnight bags and yes, even steamer trunks. No matter the size of the baggage, holding on to it only keeps us stuck. Societies can suffer from this trap as well. Eventually, you have to ask yourself the hard question. Is it worth it? To ere is human, to forgive divine, so true. To forgive others and to forgive self, starts us on the path to healing our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. And in doing this we are able to clear the way for positive movement forward on our evolutionary path. Blessings, Kate

Thursday, September 5, 2013

THE SKY IS BLUE.. NO IT’S…. You may ask what our perception has to do with anything. You may say, life is what it is and that would be true, but how we perceive life is everything. How we perceive our environment greatly influences our experience. In the field of Quantum Physics, research has shown that just the act of observing an event alters the outcome, even if no physical action is taken on our part. It would stand to reason that our mental and emotional state during the observation would determine whether it is a positive or negative experience. On this plane of existence duality exists. Hot/Cold, Light/Dark, Happy/Sad, Love/Hate, and so on, you cannot have one without the other. For us to trust, we must decide that neither is good nor bad. To embrace each with equal enthusiasm, no matter what the circumstance, brings us to the middle path, being present. This one change creates a fuller experience. Embracing this concept allows us to take responsibility for the experience and know that we have only drawn to ourselves that which was needed for our soul’s growth. It also empowers us, eliminating the need to feel victimized, because we are the creator of our experience on every level. Blessings, Kate
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