Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sacred Feminine

The Sacred Feminine is being ushered in with the power of the Lunar Eclipse tonight and the second phase of Venus in Transit on the 6th, the first having occurred in 2004. Venus in Transit comes approximately every 121 years in pairs at 8 years apart. We will not see this again in our lifetime. If you sit quietly, you will feel the power building as Universe pushes to bring forth the powers and energies of the 5th dimension. Hold on tight. It’s about to get really interesting. Don’t forget to smile and say woohoo!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I think I’m safe in saying that we’ve all been experiencing our own personal rollercoaster ride since the beginning of the New Year. Our physical as well as our ethereal bodies are adjusting to the New Energetic Paradigm.

What an amazing time to be present and participating in.

Even so, it is a time that’s bringing birthing pains as we are being forced to release any of the old lower vibration behaviors/stuff that we haven’t quite purged yet. No one is immune.

The truly fantastic news is that this new energy present is/will fully support the positive changes we make in our lives. So think BIG.

Breathe, relax and let go. Above all trust and believe and throw your hands up in the air and say Whoohoo!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Cosmic Orientation

The evolution of our consciousness and our culture is an awe-inspiring task, but I believe

it is possible for anyone who cares deeply enough about it. Those of us who feel

compelled by the evolutionary impulse must be willing to embrace the dramatic scale at

which the life-process is operating. When we awaken to the fact that we are part of a

fourteen-billion-year process that is going somewhere, we begin to see our own day-to-

day, moment-to-moment choices in a literally cosmic context.

We see our own presence here on earth in relationship to the evolution of the cosmos itself.

This cosmic orientation is essential if we are to succeed in taking the next evolutionary

step. If our orientation is not that big, we are always going to fall short. Our habitual

ways of thinking are just too small-minded, petty, and personal. In order for authentic,

profound, and meaningful transformation to occur, we have to make the effort to see all

of our choices in this cosmic context. And that, in itself, is evolution. That's what our

next step is: awakening to a cosmic orientation to being a human being, here on earth,

right now.
—Andrew Cohen

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Message from the Mother for 2012

As we leave 2011 new opportunities are approaching. These are two words given for the New Year to reflect upon..

2012 is bringing in even greater change. It will ask each of us, as a group and individually to let go of all that we think we need and embrace what is.

To bend and flow like water around the rocks and trees of life. To move gently or with force as needed. To embrace with the openness and trust of a child the new vibration that is birthing at this time. More importantly, is to allow yourself to feel the love and joy in the newness. Only then will we find that perfect union that allows access to all forms of prosperity that is available to each and every one of us.

As the vibration of the planet continues to accelerate, our ability to manifest or draw into our lives becomes tenfold. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to alter our perceptions and adopt the perspective of the middle path.

Since we presently reside on a plane of duality, we cannot have light without dark, hot without cold, love without hate…etc. When one perceives their pleasant day and/or unpleasant day, with equal enthusiasm and each is embraced with equal gratitude and love, then one finds themselves on the middle path. My favorite saying is, “It’s all good”, because it is.

When we reach this place of acceptance, we cannot help but attract positive experiences.

More importantly, we become a beacon of positive vibration, affecting all that is around us by shifting reality onto the path of light.

Blessing & Love,
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