Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


As I sit to create today’s post I am not sure what to write. There weren’t any words of wisdom channeled: nor events that would be of interest to others.

However, I would share this in passing.

On my morning commune with nature I was surrounded by the snow caped mountains and the lush green of the valley. Watching the playful antics of young calves scampering about made me laugh out loud and my heart swelled as I watched a young foal nursing from its mother.

Contemplating my significance in the grand scheme of things was answered as the rays of the new dawn reflected off the morning dew that was on everything. The Divine is all around me and supports me in all things. What a gift to treasure.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, June 12, 2011


The energetic wave I spoke of in my last post has almost past over us, but the chaos it is creating within all matter is intense, interesting to observe and above all move through.

Quite frankly, it feels as if I am standing in the center of a tornado with chaos swirling all around me. To see clearly what needs to be released personally and collectively flying by… is an odd sensation indeed.

Even though movement has been erratic, there has been synchronistic flow in my every day activities. None of it is lost to me- the importance of it is clear. It is as if all is being revealed in any given moment and that being aware and open to see – is so beautiful.

The gratitude I feel for all the blessings that have come and are coming my way and the gifts that the Mother has given me is all encompassing.

The changes within my being are palpable. I feel like I am being fine tuned. There are subtle and not so subtle changes in my energy work and psychic. I have been guided to decrease the sessions from 60 minutes to 45 minutes. It is being aggressive in shifting all the old stuff that clients are holding on to. I have been hearing for clients, that this is the time to make those hard choices. No more sitting on the fence. There is no more time to mull it over. Take those blinders off and see what is…. (You’ve heard this before, right?)

A note of interest…The planets are coming into some very unique alignments. We will experience 2 eclipses within the month of June. June 1st was a Partial Solar Eclipse on a New Moon. The second will be on June 15. It will be a Full Lunar Eclipse on a Full Moon and will be visible from Africa Asia and Europe. Then we will have a Partial Solar Eclipse on a New Moon July 1st. This will be visible from Antarctica. Saturn (long-term growth and gain) and Jupiter (profits) are moving direct on June 12. So from the 13th on, things should begin moving along nicely.

So embrace the newness coming your way with total trust and gratitude.

I stand in the middle of the Heber Valley with the Wasatch Mountains surrounding me and I want to break out in The Hills Are Alive with Music…really. It is that inspiring- green and lush with wildflowers popping up all over the place. I do feel joy, gratitude and a sense of anticipation of good things to come.

Did I mention the cowboys?

Blessings & Love,

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