Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Surfing the Wave in Southern California

I feel as though I must apologize for the lack of activity on my blog. Not very blog like is it. However, I’ve been distracted with some major shifts in my life. I know, I know, me and every other living thing on this beautiful planet of ours.

As September rolled around it was becoming evident to me that my time in Utah was at a close and there was no reason to stay. I began receiving guidance to make a shift to California, of all places. When a friend had mentioned California to me earlier in the year I was very resistant to going. I can’t even say why. However, since it was coming from “my people”, I knew, as always, it would be in my best interest to heed the guidance.

The date they gave me to travel was October 1st.

An acquaintance that I met on line, named Judy, through a friend in the UK graciously offered me a spot to land for a couple of weeks so I could get my bearings.

So with this first offering and fueled with trust, I headed out Saturday, October 1st for southern California.

All and all the trip was very uneventful and excruciatingly long. I arrived safely at 6 p.m. PST and didn’t even run screaming back to Utah when I was confronted with the notorious California traffic. Yes, it really is as bad as everyone says it is.

The next day Judy took me to paradise, the Palos Verdes Peninsula. As we came to the top of Hawthorne Blvd the Pacific Ocean filled my windshield and then some. I was literally vibrating from the energy rolling off of it and I kept saying OMG!

Judy shared her favorite Starbucks store with me and then took me to the beautiful park that sits right across the street along the coast. As we walked in the park, I spotted Blue Whales off Pointe Vicente blowing and rolling. Tears rolled down my face as I watched these magnificent creatures in the water with the background music of the surf crashing against the rocks 125 feet below me. It was in that moment that it felt like I had come home.

I returned to the park the next day and have every day since. On one such visit, during my walking meditation, I told my people; if you want me here, it is my desire to live on this Peninsula.

The following week I stopped by the Interpretive Center located in the park. I wanted to ask about the whales I was seeing. A very nice woman, named Judith, was on duty that day and was kind enough to give me a tour of the museum and answer my questions about the whales. Through the course of our time together she learned that I was new to the area and at the end of my tour she said; I don’t want to come off sounding odd, but there is something about you and I don’t know what your arrangements are, but I have a house here in Palos Verdes and I do rent a room in my home and it just happens to be available now, .if your interested.

That was on Tuesday and that Friday I moved in to Judith’s house. The view from her house is beautiful. You can see the Pacific and Catalina Island, that is, when it’s not shrouded in sea mist. What is it with islands and the whole mist thing?

Each morning I drive ten minutes down the coast to Starbucks. I have my coffee, bead and enjoy the view. I also use this time to meet people from the area and because they see me beading my purses they learn about that and my healing work. Networking isn’t it grand.

There is also large horse community in Rolling Hills Estates which lies on the backside of the mountain that Palos Verdes is located on.

One afternoon my people guided me to stop in a little general store and in doing so I met the owner, Karen. During our conversation she shared with me about an upcoming tack sale happening that Saturday. I paid ten dollars to have a spot. I set up a small table with literature about my work, as well as apples and horse treats. It was a wonderful way to introduce myself and my work to community. The immediate response from this was two horse sessions, but that’s a story for another post.

From the time we are born to the time we die, our lives are full of change, and more so than ever right now. Once again it is how we perceive the changes we are experiencing. Do we resist or do we roll with it?

You do know what I’m going to say, right?

Blessings & Love,


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm certain many of you are scratching your heads asking, why does it still feel like mercury retrograde? Yes, it was a powerful retrograde, but it went direct at the end of August. Hmmmm! And here it is the beginning of October and its tendrils are still being felt.

Honestly, within my circle of friends this has been an on going topic of conversation since the second week of September.

The word, from my people-

Due to the amazing energy shifts occurring across our beautiful Gaia, the vibration of all matter is raising. This is causing all lower vibration energies held by everyone and everything to be released; and to move up and out.

This is HUGE!!!! We are literally dancing through energetic sludge.

So then the obvious question, how do I dance in the mud?

Each day, be gentle with yourself as well as others. Consciously place one foot in front of the other. Be fully focused in the moment and allow grace to flow within your words, thoughts and actions. Trust and faith should be your watch words. They will keep you anchored to what is based in reality and to not be distracted by things based in illusion. Slow down. Allow yourself to float like a feather carried on the water. The more your fight, resist or challenge the more painful this process will be for you.

I encourage each and every one of you to see this as a blessing; because that is exactly what this is. We are all being given the opportunity to expand to reach our full potential.

Oh, and try to remember how much fun it was to play in the mud. Tons!!

Friday, September 9, 2011


A few of you have noticed that I have been absent from my blog this past month. This observation is based on calls and emails I’ve received in the past few weeks asking what was up.

I did make the decision back in June to contribute to the page once a month. Yes, I am aware that August has come and gone without so much as a peep, but here I am.

It is not my intention to speak to the changes that are happening all around us. If you’re unaware, I’d be surprised. I will say, however, to trust that everything is as it should be and all will be right in our world when it is all said and done.

No, my subject is the rampant judging and peoples unwillingness to embrace those that appear to be different; whether it is color, religion or beliefs that label them so.

We are, after all, connected at the very core of existence; fine energetic tendrils reaching out through the Planck level of time and space. This level of existence was discovered through research in the field of Quantum Physics. This is the super highway I travel when I do my astral travel healings.

First and foremost we are inherently the same. What molds us is the path that we have chosen to travel from birth. It is our experiences which make us the unique individuals that we are at any given moment.

We all have the choice to embrace everyone as equals without judgment or condemnation.

This will require us to work through our fear of the unknown. To not create a story based on assumptions made. To no expect everyone to fit “the mold”.

It will require us to approach each individual with an open heart and mind so that we can see what is truly in front of us.

I am no stranger to being on the outside due to my innate nature. Even though this is a lonely space at times, I have learned to let go of ego, to forgive, to understand and love those who would treat me so. I find looking at the bigger picture helpful to this end.

So, I encourage each of you to ask yourselves, do I walk with an open heart or do I walk with a closed heart?

What choice will you make?

Love & Blessings,

Friday, July 29, 2011


Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew.

- Guillaume Apollinaire

I love this quote.

Those of you who have been following my journey over the past year know that I live my life following the guidance that my guides (affectionately known as “My People”) provide to me throughout each day. I won’t always know why they ask me to move in a certain direction or say something in particular immediately, but as the journey unfolds all becomes crystal clear. If, on the rare occasion, it doesn’t, that’s alright too. Why you ask, because I fully trust what I am given.

It is this trust that has carried me through the roller coaster ride of the past month.

I’m certain that a great many of you are aware that we experienced three powerful celestial configurations during this time, as well as the Energetic Tsunami that took weeks to pass over our lovely Gaia. The Energetic Tsunami began altering all matter as soon as it began sweeping the planet, creating currents that caused all things hidden to rise to the surface.

I have been witness on a personal level, as well as in the general populace of humans and animals the shifts that these new energies have birthed.

The veils have been lifted and emotions are running high with most experiencing physical symptoms as well.

The metaphoric blinders are off. We don’t have the luxury of turning a blind eye to the things right in front of us anymore and the time has long past for sitting on the preverbial fence.

Personally, I liked that the issues I thought dealt with long ago and weren’t, presented to be addressed and released. Although extremely emotional and painful at times, I gave myself over fully to the cleansing process. The gift from this allowing: a new sense of freedom and lightness.

So, I encourage everyone to look full on the change that is upon them. Stand at the edge of the cliff and fall freely, trusting that you will soar.

Love & Blessings,


Sunday, June 26, 2011


As I sit to create today’s post I am not sure what to write. There weren’t any words of wisdom channeled: nor events that would be of interest to others.

However, I would share this in passing.

On my morning commune with nature I was surrounded by the snow caped mountains and the lush green of the valley. Watching the playful antics of young calves scampering about made me laugh out loud and my heart swelled as I watched a young foal nursing from its mother.

Contemplating my significance in the grand scheme of things was answered as the rays of the new dawn reflected off the morning dew that was on everything. The Divine is all around me and supports me in all things. What a gift to treasure.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, June 12, 2011


The energetic wave I spoke of in my last post has almost past over us, but the chaos it is creating within all matter is intense, interesting to observe and above all move through.

Quite frankly, it feels as if I am standing in the center of a tornado with chaos swirling all around me. To see clearly what needs to be released personally and collectively flying by… is an odd sensation indeed.

Even though movement has been erratic, there has been synchronistic flow in my every day activities. None of it is lost to me- the importance of it is clear. It is as if all is being revealed in any given moment and that being aware and open to see – is so beautiful.

The gratitude I feel for all the blessings that have come and are coming my way and the gifts that the Mother has given me is all encompassing.

The changes within my being are palpable. I feel like I am being fine tuned. There are subtle and not so subtle changes in my energy work and psychic. I have been guided to decrease the sessions from 60 minutes to 45 minutes. It is being aggressive in shifting all the old stuff that clients are holding on to. I have been hearing for clients, that this is the time to make those hard choices. No more sitting on the fence. There is no more time to mull it over. Take those blinders off and see what is…. (You’ve heard this before, right?)

A note of interest…The planets are coming into some very unique alignments. We will experience 2 eclipses within the month of June. June 1st was a Partial Solar Eclipse on a New Moon. The second will be on June 15. It will be a Full Lunar Eclipse on a Full Moon and will be visible from Africa Asia and Europe. Then we will have a Partial Solar Eclipse on a New Moon July 1st. This will be visible from Antarctica. Saturn (long-term growth and gain) and Jupiter (profits) are moving direct on June 12. So from the 13th on, things should begin moving along nicely.

So embrace the newness coming your way with total trust and gratitude.

I stand in the middle of the Heber Valley with the Wasatch Mountains surrounding me and I want to break out in The Hills Are Alive with Music…really. It is that inspiring- green and lush with wildflowers popping up all over the place. I do feel joy, gratitude and a sense of anticipation of good things to come.

Did I mention the cowboys?

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, May 29, 2011


Since my last post the wave has carried me to Heber, UT. Heber is a beautiful valley just 20 minutes south of Park City. The valley is green, lush and filled with horse and cattle farms. I’m happy to say it already feels like home. I’ve met really nice people and am making great connections for my work. It’s my feeling that this sleepy little community is in the middle of transforming into a spiritual Mecca and I am riding the crest of the change. How exciting!

As I drive to and from Park City at the crack of dawn, I have been blessed with witnessing some amazing animal encounters. Below, are just a few vignettes that really spoke to me.

I was headed into Park City early one morning and as I was climbing the mountain pass, I glanced over and spotted two Muskrats raised out of their burrow facing the rising sun in salutation. It touched me that our four legged friends knew the importance of offering gratitude and that they were taking the time to connect with source. Something I encourage friends, family and clients to do every day.

During another early morning trip into Park City, my eye was caught by a small calf stretching his neck and touching noses with a large work horse across a fence. They both were really intent on connecting with one another. Inner species friendships, if only humans were so open and welcoming.

On a hike into Rock Cliff Park two weeks ago I saw what appeared to be a Golden Eagle dropping from the sky with its talons out. It was magnificent to see. Of course I followed it with my eyes and was rewarded with seeing the eagle land on its aerie sitting high on a crag, which I had mistaken for a withered bush, only moments before.

The next day I went back with my binoculars to get a better look and just to be sure it was in fact a Golden Eagle. I am happy to report that it is. When I first moved to Utah I thought I spotted a Golden, but a local told me there weren’t any here. Now I know differently.

Over the past couple of weeks I have hiked to that area several times to check on the nest. Last week my frequent trips paid off with the sighting of a tuft of white. Babies!! Hurray!!!

Just yesterday I took a friend with me to check on the nest and as we came around the corner, we were greeted by the babies squawking up a storm.

I noted three vultures circling above and I was worried for the little ones. There was no parent in sight, so I communicated to the vultures that I was watching and they needed to leave; and they did. One of the babies was right at the edge of the nest making it easy pickings. To my relief a parent finally arrived carrying something in its talons and began shredding and feeding it to the two little ones. What an amazing event to witness. I was literally vibrating with excitement. My only regret was not having a camera to capture such an amazing experience.

I find the greatest pleasure in the simple things and encourage everyone to find the natural wonders that feed their souls.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011


An energetic wave, generated deep in space is washing over our planet like a massive tsunami affecting all matter in its path. This wave is ushering us into a new era.

How will this affect us –you ask?

All matter is being altered.

Have you been feeling physically out of sorts lately? Things in your life not connecting are you missing time and the like. These are just a few symptoms you could be experiencing from the shift.

I began feeling the affects back in March with increasing intensity as each day passes. I can feel my body being altered, the vibration of my energetic being rising. Time and space have shifted. It’s speeding up or coming to stand still, depending on what I need to accomplish. I am finding myself more to the etheric side lately and finding it increasingly difficult to interact on the physical side. I know that this is temporary, but it’s very inconvenient at times.

It will take some time for the wave to pass, but pass it will, so I encourage everyone to be easy with yourselves. Float or ride the wave instead of struggling or resisting and in doing this the changes will flow effortlessly and painlessly.


Monday, May 16, 2011


By Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, "I know who I am."
And God said, "That's wonderful! Who are you?"
And the Little Soul shouted, "I'm the Light!"
God smiled a big smile. "That's right!" God exclaimed. "You are the Light."
The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.
"Wow," said the Little Soul, "this is really cool!"
"Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!" grumbled the Little Soul. "I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like."
And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

"Not to worry, Little Soul," the Friendly Soul said, "I will help you."
"You will?" the Little Soul brightened. "But what can you do?"

"Why, I can give you someone to forgive!"
"You can?"

"Certainly!" chirped the Friendly Soul. "I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive."
"But why? Why would you do that?" the Little Soul asked. "You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought--to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?"

"Simple," the Friendly Soul said. "I would do it because I love you."
The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.
"Don't be so amazed," said the Friendly Soul, "you have done the same thing for me. Don't you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember."

"We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it."
"Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so," the Friendly Soul explained further, "I will come into your next lifetime and be the 'bad one' this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

"But what will you do?" the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, "that will be so terrible?"
"Oh," replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, "we'll think of something."
Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, "You are right about one thing, you know."

"What is that?" the Little Soul wanted to know.
"I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return."

"Oh, anything, anything!" cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, "I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!"
Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.
"What is it?" the Little Soul asked. "What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!"

"Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!" God interrupted. "Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels."
And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul's request. "What can I do for you?" the Little Soul asked again.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," the Friendly Soul replied, "in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment..."
"Yes?" the Little Soul interrupted, "yes...?""Remember Who I Really Am."
"Oh, I will!" cried the Little Soul, "I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!"

"Good," said the Friendly Soul, "because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are."
"No, we won't!" the Little Soul promised again. "I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

" And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.
And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness--and especially if it brought sadness--the Little Soul thought of what God had said.
"Always remember," God had smiled, "I have sent you nothing but angels."

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I know that there are some of you following my blog, struggling with the concept of allowing guidance to shift and move you. I say this from an intuited standpoint, as well as from the repeated question from multiple people, “Why did you leave in the first place and what was the trip all about?”

So let’s back track a bit.

When I first left Florida May 31st 2008, my intention was to head to Ashland Oregon. For years I felt an inexplicable draw to the Pacific Northwest, but being in relationships and not in a position to just drop everything and go for it, I stayed in Florida.

When the opportunity presented itself to shift, I took it without even looking back. A funny, unexpected, thing happened on the way to the Ball. I arrived in Utah on my 4th day of traveling and decided to take a day of rest, as I had been pushing it pretty hard.

The next morning when I stepped outside into the beautiful, clear day, I was struck both energetically and visually by the Wasatch Mountains to my right and Utah Lake to my left. To keep a long story short, I decided then and there to take a few days to explore the area. One such expedition took me to Park City and to my surprise I was told that I would stay temporarily and that Park City was where I needed to be. It was amazing, everything just fell into place.

Two and a half years later, I received the guidance to shift again, in order to finish my journey out west.

On September 28th 2010, after releasing everything, I set out to finish what I started.
For the next 8 months my time was split, 4 months in Ashland Oregon and 4 months in Bellingham Washington. In each town I met and worked with several people and enjoyed the beauty and activities each area had to offer. However, when the guidance came to shift again and the specific location given; well, quite honestly, I was very surprised, but excited to come back. I feel as if I completed and unseen task and that now I am free to begin anew.

This brings us to the present.

In the three weeks I have been back everything I require has flowed to me with grace and ease. I have had the great fortune to meet an amazing couple who have opened their hearts and home to me in this new beginning and I have begun seeing new clients from the area. Before long I will be in my own place.

This, my friends, is what is referred to as being in the flow. Trusting, believing and not being afraid to let go. By doing so puts us where we need to be at any given moment. Doing exactly what we need to be doing at any given time.

Blessings & Love,

Sunday, April 17, 2011


The week of March 21st I began sensing a shift coming. It’s a feeling that just washes over me and its one that I cannot easily describe. However, I have experienced it enough times to know to pay attention and patiently wait, knowing all would be revealed in its most perfect timing.

The following week I was guided to head back to Park City Utah. My initial response was what? Not that I was ever unhappy in Park City, but honestly, I never thought to go back. Of course looking back, when I was saying my goodbyes, people would ask “so how long are you going be gone?” My reply, “You just never know”.

My rent was due on the 7th of April and the 7th was fast approaching. There was no time to make a plan. I knew I wasn’t meant to stay another month in Bellingham, so I would have to leave the following week before the rent came due. Upon realizing this I shout, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

So I spent all day Tuesday cleaning the condo and packing my car. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and I hit the road at 5:30 a.m. in an attempt to miss rush-hour traffic in Seattle/Bellevue. My route, by Google, would take me on Interstate 90 across several high mountain passes as I traveled through Washington, Idaho and Montana.

The first pass was Snoqualmie (sno-KWAHL-mee) Pass. The warning signs displayed the need for chains or snow tires on an AWD as I approached the base of the pass. Chloe and I were covered. There were semis lined up on the side of the road as I headed up the pass at a snails pace of 30 mph. The road was winding and steep and covered in snow and ice and the snow was coming down hard. It looked like a winter wonderland and I wanted to stop and take pictures to share the beauty, but there was no place to pull over as the snow was piled high from the plows.

All and all, that first day, I would go over 7 passes Snoqualmie, Fourth of July, Lookout, Lolo (low low), Lost Trail, Bannock, Gilmore. Yes, snowing all the way.

Side note:

When Phil made his prediction of an early spring, I sensed he was off and the country would endure several more weeks of winter. Those of you who are driven by the seasons for your fashion; my thoughts on the subject, you are going to miss out on your spring wardrobe and will be jumping straight into your summer wardrobe, so get ready.

To say it was intense, is putting it mildly. Blessedly, other than fatigue, there were no unwelcomed surprises and I made it as far as Missoula Montana the first day. Yes, 11 hours of driving.

I had never been to Missoula Montana. It’s actually quite lovely. It’s the land of cattle and cowboys. The area is beginning to see peeks of green here and there and its surrounding mountains were snow covered, making for a nice contrast. The people were very friendly too. Did I mention the cowboys? (Smile)

The next morning I got up feeling a bit worse for wear and was enjoying my first cup of Jo, and seriously considered the idea of resting a day and exploring the area before hitting the road again. I mean, why not? “No!” came in loud and clear from my guides, “You need to leave for Park City today.” Great!

Of course the whole trip I’m thinking, what’s the plan? There is no stinking plan. Great!

I got off to a late start Thursday leaving at 8:30 a.m. Really not too much to share about the drive that day. It was snowing and snowing and snowing. After 9 hours on the road and enjoying Monida Pass and the Continental Divide in a raging snow storm, I finally arrived in Park City. As I got out of the car I had to resist the urge to get down on all fours and kiss the ground. I was that grateful to have made it safely and I couldn’t wait to lay prone on a comfy bed.

I stayed Thursday through Sunday in the local HI. All I wanted to do was sleep. After 4 days of quiet and solitude I realized just how big an energetic hit I had taken over the last eight months, but I will leave that dissection for another post.

People I have reunited with since coming back to Park City have all asked me if I regret having left Park City in the first place. My answer is definitely not. I had a journey to complete and now that it’s done I feel free to begin anew without anything hanging unfinished out there.

I was on a hike in a beautiful area called Red Rock a couple of days ago. I have attached some pictures. While immersing myself in the energy that nature provides, I was struck by the similarity of my travels to Dorothy’s travels to OZ.

Like Dorothy, I clicked my ruby slippers and repeated, “There is no place like home… There is no place like home”.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, April 3, 2011


The tragedy that has touched Japan weighs heavy on the peoples of the world. It is difficult to imagine what every man, woman and child is feeling, experiencing, as we have not walked in their shoes.

The question I keep hearing over and over from individuals, is “How Can I Help?”

After reading my statement, “We as individuals can help to keep this expansion alive by sending our loving and compassionate thoughts to our brothers and sisters globally.” from my blog, Hands That Heal through Energetics, people have been asking me, “Can our positive thoughts really help?”

The answer is YES!!

There is a scientist in Japan, Dr. Masuro Emoto, who has done amazing research about the affects of emotions/thoughts and words, on water. I encourage each and every one of you to go to this link and read about it.

I first became aware of his research while watching the video What the Bleep…. And was ecstatic to find confirmation to what I intuitively knew, which is, that our thoughts, words and emotions have a direct affect on our environment and each other. I do believe in this concept with all my being, so much so, that I have written powerful words of love on my Brita container to charge the water I drink.

The call for assistance from Dr. Emoto asked for mass prayer on March 31st; see below, however, I believe if we each continue to send this loving message daily, it will reinforce the energy started on the Thursday, and will continue to be of great service.

So I am asking for your active participation. Pass this on to all your friends and ask them to forward it. Let’s all pray together daily and create a circle of love across the planet.

Blessings & Love,


To All People around the World
Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!

By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.
Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people’s consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this planet!!
The prayer procedure is as follows.

Name of ceremony:
“Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”

Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant,
we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”

Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere prayer.

Thank you very much from my heart.

With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello, my recent post has generated a lot of discussion off site. Since I have been discussing the changes that are occurring I felt it was important to share this information I received from my guides now instead of waiting until next posting time.

When the event of 9/11/01 occurred, I learned something very interesting from my guides. They told me that all those souls had contracted prior to incarnating to go out together; the victims as well as the terrorists. They agreed to do this in order to create a massive heart opening globally, if it wasn’t present on its own within humanity on that date.

As horrific as the whole scenario was, it did create a huge outpouring of love, compassion and it united humanity; as strangers came together in a unified cause to assist in whatever fashion they could.

Alas, however, it was not to last and over time the majority returned to the closed off treadmill of daily existence.

More recently, it was brought to my attention again, as I watched the events on 3/11/11 in Japan. My guides told me that it was the same group sacrifice for the greater good of humanity. An attempt to create a heart opening across the planet, which is needed at this time to take in the changing energies bombarding Gaia.

Again humanity fell short in numbers of awakened individuals and plan A was switched to plan B and the group made the ultimate sacrifice. Not without success, as it is evident that there has been a huge heart opening across the globe.

We as individuals can help to keep this expansion alive by sending our loving and compassionate thoughts to our brothers and sisters globally. To make it a priority to begin and end each day with gratitude and love and to helping our fellow beings in any way possible.

Love is the key.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well dear friends, it’s getting interesting out there indeed. As predicted, things are accelerating and shifting at a rate not experienced in millennia; and I am being told this is just the beginning.

Unfortunately, these shifts are not limited to movement within our lives, but will and are manifesting in the physical shifting of our beloved Gaia. These resulting earth movements and releases are affecting all living things on her surface.

We are in the midst of a catabolic process on a global level. This is a clearing; a burning away of what needs to be released in order to make room for all the new energies emerging. We are painfully witnessing the affects of this process within every country.

Each day calls are coming in from clients and friends who are experiencing the affects of catabolic clearing in their lives, and it’s producing a state of fear for many of them. Understandably so, after all we are creatures of habit and tend to feel threatened when we are asked to make changes involuntarily in our lives.

However, this is a clearing away of all that is obsolete and which has no place in the new scheme of things.

So, with this in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to consider changing their perception of how they think things are and to see the reality of what is. I know, I know, I am sounding like a broken record, but I will keep repeating it as long as it needs to be said. We are being given an opportunity to begin anew. As mentioned in previous posts, if we are not where we need to be; in work, love, location etc, Universe will be making the shift for us.

The Divine wants us to be happy and successful in all aspects of our lives: as IT experiences through us. This is about letting go and trusting the process; moving with the flow.

It is time to shake the dust off and revisit dreams you let go of in times past; and see how they resonate with you now. Maybe you will have new dreams to explore. Planetary alignments at this time can help support this. In play is Jupiter, ruler of luck, gifts and miracles, and can assist on many levels, from career, money, health, love, friendship and travel. Also in play is Uranus, which rules discovery and genius.

Blessings & Love,

The following is a Hopi statement, which I feel relates to what I have been discussing:
"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for."
- The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I have a friend who is choosing to wallow in the muck of their suffering. No judgment; I’ve just heard their story over and over since our first meeting and yes the Mother has offered beautiful words of wisdom in our previous conversations.

Once again I’m hearing the music, “I’m sorry that you continue to suffer needlessly”, I say. Their reply, “I believe the Dali Lama would say that suffering is not needless, that we need to suffer for our soul’s growth”. My eyebrows rise at reading this last line, and my response, “I do not agree. The Dali Lama, in so many words, has said that suffering is a fact of human existence, but we have a choice to attach or not. In fact attachment/desire is the root of all suffering. If we were to let go of attachment/desire, we would not suffer.” On this last point I don’t necessarily agree, no disrespect, but I feel that not all suffering comes from attachment/desire, but this is best left for another post.

Somewhere between 563 BC to 486 BC Prince Siddhartha, a young prince (Buddha), came to enlightenment while seeking the path which would end suffering for all mankind. When he first began his journey, he believed that total depravation from all desires; including the most basic human needs all while being in a constant state of meditation would lead him to enlightenment. However after many years of intentional depravation, and after becoming a mere shell of his former self, in a flash of inspiration he realized that the true path to enlightenment lies in taking the middle path in all things; not starving oneself on any level.

It is true; suffering is a fact of human existence. Like fear it can be a powerful motivator in getting us to shift. We all experience different levels of suffering throughout our lives.

When one experiences physical suffering most will do what’s necessary to end it. I don’t know anyone who wishes to endure physical pain, unless of course they are a masochistic. Yes, they do exist.

At the beginning of my practice, I learned that there are those who would choose to hold onto their physical suffering, not wanting to heal themselves. All because their infirmity gave them power over family and friends. Or, in their new state of good health, they would have to move forward engaging the outside world.

Emotional suffering can be a little trickier. Emotions can be very convoluted. We are all open to experience ecstatic feeling. However, when it comes to feelings that are uncomfortable or even painful, most of us would shut down and bury them deep within the recesses of our psyche; under padlock and key, with the clearest intention of never resurrecting said feelings into the light of day. Unfortunately, we are all aware that to do this can create a myriad of physical and/or psychological issues.

Of course, like my friend, they can choose to hold onto their suffering as a form of self flagellation. Literally punishing themselves for mistakes they have made and the pain they may have caused others. Or even for the human flaws they see within themselves. Feeling they have no right to experience joy or happiness in their lives. I am bad and imperfect, so therefore I do not deserve. Or it could just be fear to move forward, which ultimately is fear of failure. It is easier to stay in the constant, even if it is not the healthiest of choices.

You might be interested to know that every time we choose to tell our story, the telling gives it fresh energy and reinforces its’ hold on us. So if one chooses to keep retelling their tale of woe, then they are only reinforcing their sense of victimization.

It is my belief that we have choice. We can choose to be happy; not attaching to what we perceive is the negative side of an experience. Life after all is truly about how we choose to perceive our experience. Not to sound Pollyannaish, but there really is a silver lining to every cloud, it is the nature of our world, DUALITY.

As for myself, even though on occasion, I can feel the pangs of suffering, I choose to perceive the silver lining in all things and walk straight up the middle.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, February 20, 2011


The winds of change seem to be escalating the release of unresolved issues for a great many of us. Fear is one of the most prevalent states of being that the majority of people are experiencing at this time. This fear has many faces: fear of change, fear of lack, fear of ruin and so on.

With the rising vibration of the planet, many layers are being stripped away from all sentient beings and our beloved Gaia. This process is creating a firestorm of emotional energies raging across the planet and within each of us.

Fear in itself is not a negative emotion. It is only when we allow fear to immobilize us or cause us to act in a self destructive manner that it becomes problematic. Fear can be a wonderful motivator, launching us onto new paths to explore and experience or stopping us short of physical or emotional harm.

It can actually bring about change within a society. Look at the example of the power of directed fear creating dynamic change within the Egyptian community. A whole group of peoples walked through their door of fear, risking life and limb, to stand up to a government that had not been serving their society’s best interest. In one strong collective voice they declared that enough is enough.

I would like to put forth the idea of changing our perception of fear. Instead of resisting this emotion, we can use it to our advantage, motivating us to shift forward. Yesterday, I did just that.

I am fortunate that there are many trails in the mountains that surround Bellingham to explore. I have heard from many locals that the Fragrance Lake trail is a wonderful hike with the lake as the prize at the top. Heights, at times, can make me uncomfortable, but because I love being in the mountains and woods, I am frequently walking through that particular door of fear to embrace what I love.

Fragrance Lake trail is 5.5 miles round trip; the elevation gain is 1100 feet by trail’s end for 2200 feet plus on the total hike. The grade is 5 – 7% the majority with many narrowed steep areas; difficulty level is moderately easy to moderately difficult. I felt the majority of the trail was pretty difficult.

As I park Chloe I am excited to get into the woods. I gear up and begin my ascent at 10 a.m. I step into a beautiful, varied landscape that fills my being, overlaid with the smells of rich earth and fragrant evergreen. The slight breeze and cool temperature of 50 degrees is welcoming; perfect for hiking. I make my way up, back and forth, only occasionally pausing to catch my breath or to take a picture to share with you.

About an hour in I came to a very narrow, steep spot and I froze. Literally my legs would not move. So I had a talk with myself. “Kate you’ve come this far, you can do this! You worked hard to get to this point--turning back is not an option. Think what you might miss and just do it!” So I did, and I didn’t even close my eyes.

The trail from that point forward was the most difficult overall, with a narrower, steeper trail line, lots of switchbacks, roots, downed trees and rocks to navigate.

I trudge up and up, hoping the lake will reveal itself at any moment. Thank the goddess; a human being is coming my way. It’s a woman and her dog coming down the trail. I say to her, “Hi. Please tell me the lake is close!” “Well, you still have to go up that rise then down and then…” “Thank you,” I say. “Have a great day!” All the while I’m thinking like, OMG!!! Not one to give up, I breathe deeply and continue on. After about 20 minutes more of climbing I descend down a short trail, come over a rise, and there she is--Fragrance Lake. I fall in love immediately. It’s so worth my efforts. This beautiful lake lying before me is going to be a great place to meditate, contemplate and renew. I begin immediately. It is so peaceful that I don’t want to leave, but, reluctantly, I gear up and begin my hike back.

Since I am so tired and don’t trust my ability to navigate the trail in a safe way back down, I decided to take the fire road. I was given a whole different vantage point from the road and was treated to a beautiful waterfall. Changing orbit can bring new things in after all.

About 40 minutes into the return trip, I get a huge surprise—some very large prints in the mud to my left. My brain begins going through the list. No not dog, no not coyote, no not cougar… BEAR!!!!!!!!… Yes! There are bar in them thare woods.

Please don’t be concerned. I am constantly scanning my surroundings when I hike. I also walk with hiking poles and have decided that if need be I would not hesitate to smack any critter that gets testy with me. Or just run like hell……whichever feels prudent at the moment.

I am back to the beginning after 2.5 hours, feeling very tired but spiritually renewed. I enjoy reliving in my mind’s eye the sights and sounds I experienced through the day as I head home.

I hope you enjoy the pictures I took to share with you. No, I didn’t stop to take pictures of the bear tracks…I mean, please.

Love & Blessings,


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hello Everyone,

It was my hope/intention that this blog generate dialogue with its readers, which would lead to helpful if not profound revelations for us all.

So, with this in mind, I would encourage each and everyone who reads Hands that Heal Thru Energetics to ask questions and/or make comments. All are welcome.

As always, I am here for you!


I can’t think of a single person whose life is not moving at mach 10. I mean really, who has time to sit and take a peek inside these days? And yet it is important to pause and do just that.

I like to come to a standstill and go within for a good inventory of everything now and again. To really listen to what I might have to say. To see what needs to be weeded out.

So many things shift and change in our lives, it’s nice to know how we’re truly feeling about who we are, what we’re doing and what we want to manifest. In my opinion, there is no greater waste of motion than trying to manifest old dreams that no longer apply, but we won’t know that unless we get in touch with who we are now.

It is also a time to find hidden ideals, feelings etc, that no longer serve our highest good. Releasing them will provide us with an opening for those that do serve us.

Yes, going within can be scary. You never know what you might discover. Our highest good asks us to be strong and to ask the hard questions. During this exploration, when you see things that you are proud of, please give yourself a pat on the back or a gold star. For those things that might make you cringe, please let go without self judgment. After all, we are here to learn.

Since I believe it is important to do this periodically, I made the time this week to do just that. No great outer exploration of my new locale, but a deep exploration of my inner terrain became my focus.

I found many things I am proud of, and a couple of things that did make me cringe, which I let go without any self recrimination. All and all I’d say it was a thorough spring cleaning; out with what no longer serves me, and acknowledgement of what does, along with new possibilities.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, February 6, 2011


You are about to enter an unedited zone and could be exposed to grammatical errors or inappropriate content. Proceed with caution! ;-)

I awoke on Sunday with a strong pull to immerse myself in the vibrations that only the higher elevations can provide. So I headed to the spot where locals like to go to get high on cold mountain air, skies so clear and blue it feels like you can reach up and skim the surface- now wouldn’t that be cool, and the adrenalin junkies get their fix racing down the slopes at break neck speeds.

So, I am off to Mount Baker on a scouting expedition. Mount Baker rises from the landscape at 10,781 feet and lies 31 miles due east of Bellingham proper. She is a beautiful sight on the horizon-always stirring primal feelings every time I gaze at her. Mount Baker is the second most active volcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc and the youngest at a mere 80 – 90,000 years old and is the third largest in the Cascade Arc.

Mount Baker is known by the local Native American tribes of Lummi and Nooksack, as Koma Kulshan or simply Kulshan. Interestingly enough the name does not refer to the mountain itself, but to the region, Go Up High or Way Back in the Mountains Shooting.

It is a picturesque day as I set out, sunny, cool and not a rain cloud on the horizon. I’m taking the most direct route, route 542, also known as the Mount Baker Scenic Highway. It was just that. Amazing landscapes lay on both sides of the road. Seriously, I could spend a few hours just taking in the sights along the highway, but I want to get to the mountain.

As the road begins winding its way up the mountain the old growth forest of Snoqualmie National Forest becomes the backdrop. Breathtaking. I slow down to 45 from 55 just so I can safely take it all in. Even then it would have been nice if I had someone else driving or could set the car on autopilot.

About 7 miles past the ranger station I notice a sign/exit for Nooksack Falls -also known as Wells Creek Falls. Excited to see the falls I take the exit, but only make it a short distance because the road is like Swiss cheese due to washout from rain and snow. I feel it would be prudent to park and walk. I am treated with a minor cascade on my little exploration. It’s lovely. After taking a few shots, pictures are attached; I head back to the main road.

A short distance up the road I notice a trailhead that looks interesting, so I decide to park and do a little more exploring. It is the Excelsior Pass trailhead located at 4200 feet. The trail is the easiest of three accesses to the High Divide and the trail description hints to mountain meadows and alpine vistas. However, since I‘m not really equipped for a lengthy hike today, I tell myself, “keep it short Kate”, as I begin hiking up the trail.

As soon as I hit the tree line it feels like I’ve walked into a Cathedral. With reverent hushed tones, the water is falling over rocks in the little stream just off the trail and even the birds chirp their praises softly. I can feel Divine’s presence all around me. The landscape of old growth forest looks and feels as if I had stepped into a time portal and have gone back 1000 years. As I walk the trail at a 4% incline, the smell of conifers fills my senses and ice crystal rain softly on me from the snow covered tree tops. Sunlight is illuminating each crystal, giving me the sensation of being coated in Fairy dust adding to the otherworldly feel that envelopes me. The trail keeps beaconing to me, wanting me to keep going, hinting to the unexplored beauty that waits, but common sense prevails and after only 30 minutes I reluctantly turn around and begin head back down.

On my drive up I passed a trailhead that went along a river. I decided to make that my last stop before heading back to Bellingham. It doesn’t disappoint. I take the short hike enjoying the water as it is rushing past, taking with it all my cares.

Feeling recharged and more importantly reconnected I make my way back to Bellingham on 542 and pass an Eagle standing like a lone sentinel on my path high in the trees. Life is good.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, January 30, 2011


This week has been profound on many levels. To those on the outside looking in it may appear as subtle ripples in Kate’s world. To me, tidal waves are crashing over me, washing away the old and bringing in the new.

For example: A higher being connected with me as I lay down to sleep. He was at least 7 feet tall, very pale with long white hair. His body was willowy. This being possessed an aura of calm, peace and high intelligence. He did not speak to me, but he reached out with his finger and touches my third eye. Suddenly, I was high above the earth falling at a rapid rate and the next moment I was squeezing through my mother’s birth canal. I burst forth covered in fluids shocked by the bright lights, loud noises and definitely the chill in the air. Intense doesn’t describe it, but as suddenly as it began it was over. Since this experience this being has been present at every healing session. I have noticed subtle nuances in my sessions as well. The look and the feel, though nothing I can pinpoint specifically, are definitely different.

A few nights later I received information from my guides for a new friend about a Labyrinth that he needs to build on his property in CA. The Labyrinth is a giant spiral which is to be built from the inside out. It is to be 50 feet by 50 feet with a large quartz crystal in the center. It is to have a large standing stone 5 – 8 feet high placed in each of the 4 directions 10 feet off the outer edge. My friend asked me for a drawing, but since that is not one of my strengths I decided to create a smaller one at the beach. I went to my favorite spot and created the mini labyrinth in sand per the direction of my guides. To my amazement, as crude as it was, the power it was generating was high. I could only imagine what the larger scale would feel like. He is being asked to create this in order to draw to the land that which he needs in order to build his healing center high in the mountains of California. You can read about and see pictures of the property along with artist renderings of the Pyramid building. Please look to my favorite links to see it.

Last, I finally made it to the Scottish Country Dance class on Wednesday night. I arrived a few minutes before 7 p.m. to introduce myself. There were at least 30 other people from 12-70 years old there, all very friendly, happy and ready to have fun.
For the next two hours I smiled and laughed while listening to music that kept my body in motion. I couldn’t, and didn’t want to, stop. I learned reels, which are the faster dances, traveling steps, skip change, slip step to the slower formal steps of Strathspy. The most difficult for me, which we learned in the last part of the class, was the Pas de Basque, meaning little push. I won’t even attempt to explain. Let’s just say that in the end I will prevail.

Travel, travel set 1234, half turn 2234… I was dancing in my sleep with a smile on my face.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am drawn to the little park by Bellingham Bay. I go for a walk and my feet always seem to find their way there.

It has a small beach of grey/black sand, and stones that have seen endless tumbling in the surf. This has created beautifully shaped stones that sing of all things passing. Large skeletons lie on the beach, echoing memories of giants reaching heavenward. Their green crowns stand as beacons on the horizon.

As I sit, meditate, contemplate and breathe, I notice how much Lummi Island reminds me of a whale’s back rising out of the bay. It is shrouded in a thick layer of low lying clouds, as if warm breath has been expelled through a blowhole, then met the cooler air surrounding it.

This creates a certain mystique and conjures thoughts of native creation stories and hints of the sacred energies on its shore. I have every intention of taking the short ferry ride over and explore soon.

Since the park abuts the port, I am thrilled by the sight of big ships moored at the docks. My mind wanders in imaginings of where they hale from and what their purpose is. Presently there is a NOAA vessel in dry dock having her hull maintenance. I looked up her hull number online. Her name is Belle M Shimada. She is a part of the Pacific fleet, and her mission is to study the ecosystem and fish of the Pacific Ocean. Information that she gathers is shared with commercial fisheries and the government. I would love a tour and have gone so far as to email the vessel admin office asking if they allow visitors. We shall see.

My attention is drawn to a long grey fishing boat, its bow pushing through the mirrored surface of the water creating a rolling wake in its passing. A flock of gulls, like mascots, announce the success of the day with their shrill calls as they hover over the catch well. The fisherman stands tall in his dirty yellow slicker focused on getting his catch to market and seems oblivious to the group that follows. Or possibly, he is so used to their racket that he doesn’t hear them anymore.

Another familiar call pulls my attention from the boat’s progress and its noisy procession. High above, I am treated to the sight of a beautiful bald eagle rising and falling on the air currents with tall Spruce as its backdrop. I still my mind and connect and in no time am feeling the sensation of air moving over my feathers and cool mist all around me. The view is spectacular and clear.

I am only able to maintain this for a brief time and I thank her for this moment of grace as I find myself earthbound once again.

Reluctantly, I head toward home, my two feet leading the way.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, January 16, 2011


I’m afraid that this weeks post will be lacking its usual color. I was hit hard on Monday by a stealth virus. I suppose my focus being so engrossed in the moving in process, that I didn’t even have a clue it was lurking. On top of that, I thought I nipped a sinus infection that was brewing earlier in the week, but alas it hit too.

Needless to say I was bed ridden through Thursday, with my waking hours spent wrapped in a Robitussin haze.

Friday I needed to rouse myself from the comfort of my warm bed to make a foraging expedition to the local Co-Op. I had been living on organic soups from the box for the past few days and was craving fresh veggies, so I was going to make a fresh batch of vegetable chicken soup, come hell –or- high- water.

It wasn’t a pretty sight as I shuffled down the aisles, but I managed to gather what I needed and went home to put it all together. All and all I think my soup turned out pretty good considering. Not my best batch, but wholesome and fresh.

After resting for several hours, I took a short 20 minute walk down to the water. Even though the pier was calling me, I had to turn around and head back to the condo while I still could, under my own power. The fresh air and the sound of the gulls and the vista of Lummi Island renewed my flagging spirits. It was definitely worth the effort.

It’s Saturday and I am feeling better still, the cobwebs are dissipating, and am looking forward to being fully functional in the land of the living this coming week.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, January 9, 2011


As I stared out at the water and the storm clouds rolling in this morning, I was reflecting on where my journey has taken me thus far both on a physical as well as spiritual level. As you know if you’ve been following my blog, I have been following whisperings in my ear to head west and then north, which has ultimately taken me deep into the Pacific Northwest landing me in Bellingham Washington. I have felt very much like a gypsy in my 260 horse drawn carriage as I’ve been led down this long road these last few months.

So I am happy to report that I’ve moved into my new space this week, which is a lovely two bedroom condo in downtown Fairhaven. My roommate, who owns the condo, is Fred B. Fred is an easy natured gentleman, my age, into real estate. His work takes him out of town 5 days a week so I will be left holding down the fort, as it were. My new space has all the creature comforts. I feel as if I have hit an oasis after blowing around like a leaf on the wind all these months, not only on a physical level, but on a mental/emotional level as well. I am feeling so much gratitude for having been brought here--there are no words to express the depth.

What’s great about Fred is his openness to my work. He didn’t bat an eyelash when I told him what I do, but just said, “Cool!” His next words were, “treat my home as if it were your own. This is your space too. Whatever you need you’re welcome to use.” It was my turn to say, “Cool!”

This is actually my first venture at in-town living. I have always lived in the burbs or a rural area close to town. One of the many things that are great about this location is that it’s within walking distance of everything. I do enjoy walking everywhere as it allows me to see and observe so much more than when I’m driving. I have found, for the most part, that people are very friendly here and I enjoy connecting with those passing by.

It’s been great to start seeing clients here as well. I have two new ones this week, and I’m really looking forward to building my practice within the community.

Wednesday will be my first Scottish Dance class. I figured it would be fun and a good way to meet people in the community who are into all things Scottish like me. It’s also a great way to get myself into the mind set for the Scottish Highland Games coming up in February. Not that I need much effort in that department.

So here I am, poised at the brink of a new life, ready to embrace all that the area has to offer and to give back as much.

In this time of great change on the planet I encourage each and every one of you to follow your dreams and if you aren’t dreaming then start.

Love & Blessings

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yesterday I was released from the energetic goo that was brought on by Mercury in Retrograde. I could swear I heard a pop as I broke free, propelling me forward with an unexpected feeling of euphoria and clear mindedness. Exhilarating to say the least, however, it took a few moments to get used to it. During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward, a great exhalation escaped.

Now that retrograde is behind us, I’ve been told things are going to start moving very rapidly. You say, “but things have been speeding up for some time.” True. However, I’m talking about the speed of light—as in fast. Universe is literally shifting into hyper- drive.

Now I understand why Spirit has been asking me to say to everyone “Now Is the Time.”
During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward a great exhalation escaped. No More Sitting On the Fence. Be And Do What You Dream. Go Where You Wish To Be. Do Not Let Fear Hold You Back! Think Outside The Box!

What better timing for this, than on the eve of the New Year? It is my sense that 2011 will be filled with unbelievable revelations and a new clarity for all. It will be more important than ever to see things as they truly are.

New Years is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. Its energy is like snake medicine-- filled with endless opportunity for transformation and transmutation. Through the last few days of the year, most of us find ourselves moving in ways that enable us to release and slip out of our old self to be reborn into something new. This is always coupled with a fresh awareness of the potential that is all around us, like gifts from on high.

I love to ring in the New Year with a large bonfire. I place all that I wish to release by speaking into a handful of rice or writing the words on paper, then tossing it into the flames, and watching it rise toward the star people. In doing this I am clearing the way for all the new to come into my life.

On the 3rd of January, I will be moving into my new apartment and will be seeing my first Bellingham resident the next day. I already have things I am looking forward to in this upcoming New Year. I discovered that they have Scottish Dance classes in Fairhaven as well as regular meet-ups each month. Also they have Highland Games in February. I do love a man in a Kilt.

My wish for each and every one of you is a new year filled with the blessings of peace, joy, happiness and abundance.

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