Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


It feels a bit awkward to be writing about my journey at the moment.

I believe this is a time for rest and deep introspection. We are all being given an opportunity to create great change within our being and our lives. Now more than ever, it is the most opportune time to act.

With the New Year fast approaching, I ask you this……

What will you do, release or create?

See you next year.

Love & Blessings,


Sunday, December 19, 2010


You never know what you’ll discover around the next bend in the road and as a result, what you’ll be doing, who you’ll meet. Let’s face it, things can get pretty interesting on this journey we call life.

I woke up one morning with the understanding that I needed to head back to Astoria Oregon. “What’s that all about?” I said out loud. Okay, okay. So I checked out and headed south again.

I felt excited to be in Bellingham, going through the daily motions of creating a life there, meeting people, making connections, so, why was I going backward?

At some point on the road it came to me. Astoria kept hanging at the edges of my awareness. Being near the river had really touched me. It was a place that I didn’t take the time to explore in my eagerness to get to Bellingham. After all, I was in a hurry to see what the fuss was all about. My curiosity of the later got the best of me so instead of hanging for a day or two to explore, I literally blew through. So, I was being presented with an opportunity for a do over. So the last bit of time on the road was filled with the excited anticipation of going back and discovering its hidden treasures.

I checked into the same hotel I stayed before and believe it or not ended up with same room and I didn’t even request it. Sweet.

I spent the next two days exploring Astoria and came to the conclusion that it would be a great place to visit, but not to live for many reasons. In my explorations I discovered Cannon Beach. The large monolith, called Haystack, which it resembles, was of interest to me, so I made some calls and found a great deal on a cottage by the sea. It just fell into place so effortlessly.

Cannon beach is a sleepy little town of 2000 -+, in the winter months, but from February through the fall months it turns into a bustling hive of activity with all the tourists that flood in. I found the people to be warm and friendly and the town itself architecturally charming.

As I lay in bed that night, I was thinking what a wonderful gift that I had been given to find this spot and found myself looking at Cannon Beach as a potential site to land. I was only a block away from the beach and could hear the crash of the surf throughout the night. Energetically speaking, it was intense. The energy coming off the Pacific so directly had me wired the whole night.

So, I’m sure you, as I did, will be questioning why, when I woke up I felt so compelled to go back to Bellingham. There it was--the strong call back. I couldn’t get there fast enough. Sweet place near the ocean, friendly town, and the lack of lattes had nothing to do with it, honest.

So back to Bellingham I drove. As soon as I hit the road I began feeling an undercurrent of excitement. I was ready to get down to the business of creating a life in the town that was so eager to have me. Or so I thought.

I would like to leave everyone with these thoughts from Maya Angelou…..

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."

"I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a life."

"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."

"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The towns of Bellingham and Fairhaven lie within the crescent of Bellingham Bay.

Even though Bellingham is not what you would consider a large metropolis, it has a fairly dense population of 80,000+, which is quite different from Park City or Ashland.

First things first. I found my latte supplier and it’s called “Woods.” When you order your drink, size choices are Spruce, Cedar, Redwood and lastly the Giant Redwood. Guess which size is Kate’s pick. The shop sits right in the middle of Boulevard Park on the water. Yes, it has an amazing stone fireplace that is always lit and welcoming. I’m sitting in front of it as I write this.

So, I really should back up a little. On the drive to Bellingham an unruly rock found my windshield. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t freak me out. This was a new experience for me. I became very nervous as I heard what sounded like ice cracking on a frozen lake; a line in the glass began moving north of the impact zone. Was my windshield going to go flying into a million pieces as I was driving down the interstate at 60 mph? Fortunately, not and the crack stopped at about 13 inches out from the impact zone.

So, my first day in town was devoted to my much loved car, Chloe. Not only did she receive a brand new shiny windshield (at the cost of a $250 deductible), but received an oil change and a spa treatment as well. Happy car equals happy me.

I spent the second day exploring Bellingham. I wasn’t too impressed with the area. It didn’t have the feel I was hoping for. It was maze of traffic and mass confusion and it seemed that I was getting lost at every turn. No, my homing instincts haven’t diminished. It turns out that Bellingham proper was actually 3 different towns at one time and when they combined to make what is now Bellingham, the street names were not changed, but kept the same- and most key streets are one way out of the blue, and it’s very confusing. Now couple that with the multitude of cars on the road and you have chaos.

I believe it to be deliberate on the part of the founding fathers to make it a right of passage or initiation, a running of the gauntlet, if you will. If you’re smart and a quick learner, you will get to maneuver through town with ease. If not, you will continue to get lost and believe me the stress of it is enough to send the weak of heart running back home to momma.

On the third day I ventured into Fairhaven which lies at the south end of Bellingham. As I came into Fairhaven proper, I literally shouted: “now this is what I’m talking about!” The look, the energy and the vistas were exactly what I was hoping for. I was elated.

I am off to get a PO Box. The post office is located in a local gas station across from the grocery. I tried yesterday to get the box, but was told that the woman who runs the Post Office was out due to having a tooth pulled and would be back today. I feel like one of the family already…..

Shifting gears a bit. I recently had the below information come my way and thought it would be of interest to everyone.

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Between now and the end of the year 2010 we will have a few more energetic hoops to jump through. The wonderful planet mercury goes retrograde December 10 - 29, 2010. May the saints be with us as we visit the ghosts of Christmas past thru the looking glass of many lifetimes. It will not just be one past /per person/per holiday/ but several layers like a cosmic croissant. Food may fly as poltergeist like activity may enter the scene of many a family gatherings as the great-great great grandparents make an appearance.

On 12-21-2010, we have the first of 2 eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on 12-21-2010 in Gemini and the Solar Eclipse on Jan 4, 2011 in Capricorn). The eclipse of 12/21/2010 escorts us into a 2 year power surge until 12/21/2012. . . It is a 3-3-3 energy. This number offers you a choice. The holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron; a 3 sided pyramid within your DNA structure.
This number offers an opportunity to connect with highly evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices; your body, mind, spirit in agreement with your Soul's evolution.
Within this number you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. It is connection with the wisdom of the Over soul and seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome.
12-21-2010 is a place where the numerical status of planet earth comes to an immediate turning point. Well exceeding the speed limits of the turnstile one will be catapulted forward into the echo of every past thought and deed. A perpetual place of transformation held captive by all energies that are and have been aligned with the host human.

An expansion that is introduced from a place where worlds and stars merge is given as the gift of hope to humanity. A celebratory creation comes as it did once before. What was once Christed is crowned King of Light moving from a place of the sun/son. Hope is imbued with science as more and more of what one believes in their soul comes to past and present. You’ll see it when you believe it is shouted from the rooftops of humanity. Cellular intelligence declares its independence from circumstance, trial and error. No time to sit and ponder with the scholars as they rock upon their hunches.

Right comes from the left of humanness as internal circuitry reacts to the luminous downloading. Photonic particles are created as once was seen in fantasy, as life moves closer and closer to a dialogue with space without time. ‘Make it so’ is echoed in the halls of time as everyone is asked to participate in this next creational dance. The Achilles heels/heals of many will ache with prayers as they are brought to their emotional knees in order to receive communion with FIRST LIGHT. Humbleness allows an opening in the canyon of self that once dead ended and echoed of wrong choices. The impassable mountain responds to true emotion from the deep clear well of caring. Hollowness will not be seen as a friendly gesture as many still continue to serve self at the cafeteria of denial.

You are asked to become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become all that you shirk. You are asked to make personal decisions that even Christ himself would fret over. You are being pulled away from your personal line in the sand and taken to a new beach where your footsteps will count. You are asked to become more than you ever thought possible! You are asked to increase your belief factor in yourself and all of your abilities. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is needed to be done, let it fuel your life force.
Instead of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy allow it to give to you increased energy from all circumstances that surround you. Stop whining about what has be-fallen you and see it as a heavenly helping hand, a piece of the soul puzzle you seek to fit the picture in your heart.

The Solar Eclipse on January 4, 2011 is a 1-4-4 star seed activation point. These energies allow you entrance into star vibrations that help you to shift your future by making higher choices within your creational field. This eclipse comes to teach us about our stellar connection and the 144 star seeds that run within our DNA. They help us to remember the inherent light within all that appears dark. They hold the matter of luminescence, a light that is alive and constantly changing in form and appearance. When man was first discovered on Earth he was primitive of nature. Advanced beings came to earth as the giants of the Old Testament and Egyptian lore and married the fair maidens of earth. Thus the stars were seeded into the flesh of mankind.

The 144 star seed activation is really the language of light from the stars that comes to speak to us directly in a form that can be absorbed. No more encrypted codes that can only be deciphered by the gods, but a new underlying simplicity to the pattern that untangles the DNA. It finally tames that which was previously mustang within us; with a soft hand and a loving whisper. We are finally ready to biologically instruct the way we were born to do.

The 144 vibration A creates a new entrance thru the old neuropathways as the higher vibratory light goes hand in hand with the new neuron functions, allowing the dimensions to meld and become See able. All situations that have you coming undone are holograms of distortion projected by what feels a need to be seen. Problems come to move you through sections of time into a cleared aspect of your own truth.

144 also vibrate at a nine frequency. Cosmic and personal completion, The End!
It’s entering the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self.
Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I noticed the sky was getting its first edge of light, so I said my goodbyes to the Starbucks Baristas. And still warm from the fire and fueled by my latte, I climbed into Chloe (my car) and headed to the nearest interstate entrance. As I was about to make my turn, I clearly heard “No! Go to the next entrance to get on.” I did as directed. No whys or what for -just trust. Not even on the road for five minutes and it was already beginning. Cool.

I was thankful that I waited until the sky was light before beginning my journey. It was raining hard and the ponding on the road was bad. However, as I began gaining elevation through Grants Pass it started snowing. The flakes were large and numerous and my headlights were reflecting off of them. It was magnificent. At that moment I thought it was smart to have had my snow tires put on earlier that week.

After a couple of hours on the road I was surprised when I heard (guidance) that I needed to exit. Trusting, I complied and I figured I would just top off the tank even though I still had more than a half a tank left. While I was waiting for the nice man to finish, I clearly heard that it was time to head to the coast. Oh! That definitely was a change in the itinerary as I planned to take I-5 north all the way through. The highway I exited at was 138. It turned out to be a very beautiful drive filled with mist, rolling farm land, and a large herd of Elk. The road followed the Umpqua River the whole way too. (Sorry there were no spots to stop and get pictures along the way)

After I arrived at the coast I began heading north again, but at a much slower pace. Highway 101 snakes its way north revealing amazing vistas and lots of sharp turns.

Beautiful vistas weren’t the only thing that caught my attention. I saw an Entering a Tsunami Zone, sign. It’s a picture of a giant wave with a stick person falling sideways and land, interesting. A little further up the road there was a Leaving a Tsunami Zone, sign, interesting. I was coming to another town, no sign. As I was entering another town the Tsunami Zone sign reappeared. My curiosity was up at this point, and I’m thinking this is crazy, a Tsunami is going to target this part of the coastline, but not another. I put the question to the group (guides). I immediately heard. Not really. It depends on the topography of the ocean floor and where the fault line runs. When conditions are ripe then there is a high probability that these marked areas will have a direct hit. I just want to know were these guys were when I was struggling with math in grade school.

Six hours later I arrived in Astoria Oregon, a small fishing town on the Columbia River with breathtaking scenery in every direction. The Columbia is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest, rising in the Rockies of BC and Canada and flowing south between Washington and Oregon as it makes its way to the Pacific Ocean. I stopped for the day and took a room at an inn on the river. My room overlooked the Columbia providing me with an amazing view of the water and the Washington coast. I cracked my window so I could smell the river and hear the sounds of water lapping on the rocks below as the large ships passed by. My room had a fireplace in it, something I requested in my last post. What a gift.

After a light meal of soup and salad, I had a hot shower and then did yoga by the fire. You know it doesn’t get any better than this. I slept like a baby and yes I was driving along the coast in my sleep all night, winding, winding…. I awoke to thick fog hanging on everything which created this surreal environment. I stopped to get a latte for the road and was treated to a serenade by a group of Sea lions as I took my first sip. Ah!

I didn’t want to spend another 8 hours driving the Washington coast--that doesn’t include the Ferry ride from Port Townsend to get to Bellingham—so that experience would have to wait for another day. I chose to get back on I-5 north up to Bellingham, which would be a mere 4.5 hour drive.

After traveling on desolate (as in the middle of nowhere) Hwy 30 for what seemed like an eternity, I found myself approaching the spot I needed to cross from Oregon to Washington. It was a very long, several hundred feet off the water bridge. I am not going to look down and I am going to keep my eyes forward. This was the mantra I chanted over and over as I crossed.

I was shocked to see how badly scarred the land was when I hit the Washington side and was filled with a great sadness for it, partly mine and partly the lands. It was intense. Why was there scarring on the land? Logging.

As I traveled further north the scarring disappeared, and I could see new growth forest in many places. I believe they have a program of replant what you take, which is great. There were areas in North Oregon that were very badly scarred when I was there in 2006. I am happy to say that in passing those same areas 4 years later, new growth forest is filling in nicely.

The landscape from Olympia northward is truly beautiful. I was amazed at how large Seattle is. It was a giant patch on the landscape with industry, housing, office buildings in the downtown and crazy big city traffic. I was very happy when I got to the other side.

The space needle was cool though I saw little of it, since I had to watch out for the crazy drivers.

I began feeling the excitement building the closer I got to my destination. I came around a turn and up through a beautiful pass with a picturesque lake on my left. A large bald eagle greeted me.

There was Bellingham laid out before me, green, green, green and beautiful Bellingham Bay. Hurray!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I hope this finds everyone recovered from their Thanksgiving celebrations and it was an enjoyable day for all.

Mine was spent with some very dear friends, Sarah and Kevin. I have to say from the start that Sarah is an amazing cook. She puts so much love into everything she makes. Using all organic local produce, to healthy choices for all her ingredients, she is able to create a magical spread that is not only very pleasing to the eye, but to the palate as well. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a meal so much. So between the great company and the delicious food, I went home feeling sated and loved.

It’s Saturday morning and I am sitting in front of a fire at Starbucks. It is such a great pleasure for me, drinking coffee and watching the fire. I will be starting my journey northward toward Washington State in a few minutes and am planning on stopping in Astoria Oregon for the day. I should be arriving in Bellingham tomorrow afternoon welcomed by sunshine, which will be nice as they have had some major snow in the last couple days.

And so, I leave Ashland with no regrets. Who knows whether I will be returning?

Until next week, I would like to leave you with this. I recently received, Hopi Prophecy Fulfilled. I have a great respect for the Native Prophecies and Elder wisdom. You will find this to be another interpretation of the great changes that we are in the midst of, but keep in mind this was prophesized many many years ago.

Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they predicted the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-Bopp) passed from our heavens. They spoke about us seeing strange things going on with animals, frogs with six legs, rabbits with four ears, animals being born with both genders. They spoke of Earth Changes, and 'Firestorms." And they talked about the Eight Thunders Prophecies... and the Pale Prophet.

The following is an excerpt from LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf © 1994-2004 It has appeared in numerous articles over the web, and in magazines all over the world.

“The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Frank Waters wrote about Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina, in The Book of the Hopi the story came from Grandfather Dan, oldest Hopi.
It was told to me that first the Blue Star Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. Then the Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times.
In the Final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South Pole. In the final days the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise.
This fact is evidenced in many Petra glyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The rotation of the Earth has been manipulated by not so benevolent Star beings. The twins will be seen in our North Western skies. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days.
The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life.

Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier, the Red Kachina, whom will bring the Day of Purification On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.

The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. (Crop Circles have been found in ice) From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. All things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing.

Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found.
It is important to understand that these messages will be found upon every living thing, even within our bodies, even within a drop of our blood. All life forms will receive the messages from the twins. Those that fly, the plants, even the rabbit. The appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years will be our final opportunity to change our ways. Everything we experience is all a mater of choice.

Many will appear to have lost their souls in these final days. So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are nothing without spirit. They will disappear, for they are just hollow vessels for anything to use. Life will be so bad in the cities that many will choose to leave this plane, some in whole groups.

Only those who return to the values of the old ways will be able to find peace of mind. For in the Earth we shall find relief from the madness that will be all around us.
It will be a very hard time for women with children for they will be shunned, and many of the children in these times will be unnatural. Some being from the Stars some from past worlds some will even be created by man in an unnatural manner and will be soulless. Many of people in this time will be empty in Spirit they will have Sampacu. No life force in their eyes.

As we get close to the time of arrival the Purifier there will be those who walk as ghosts through the cities, through canyons they will have constructed in their man made mountains. Those that walk through these places will be very heavy in their walk; it will appear almost painful as they take each step for they will be disconnected from their spirit and the Earth.

After the arrival of the twins, they will begin to vanish before your eyes like so much smoke. Others will have great deformities, both in the mind and upon their bodies. There will be those who would walk in the body that are not from this reality, for many of the gateways that once protected us will be opened, there will be much confusion; confusion between sexes and children and their elders.

Life will get very perverted, and there will be little social order, in these times many will ask for the mountains themselves to fall upon them just to end their misery. Still others will appear as if untouched by what is occurring. They are the ones who remember the original teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirit. Those who remember who their mother and father are, The Pahana who have left to live in the mountains and forest.

When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings.
This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens in this way we will know Creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt very strongly.

Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state. There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind us of our past creations. All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World.

We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. Then one morning, in a moment we will awaken to the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood; many things will begin to happen, but we are not sure of their exact nature for much of reality will not be as it is now.

There will be many strange beasts upon the Earth in those days, some from the past and some that we have never seen. The nature of mankind will appear strange in these times we walk between worlds and we will house many spirits even within our bodies After a time we will again walk with our brothers from the Stars, and rebuild this Earth But not until the Purifier has left his mark upon the universe.

No thing living will go untouched, here or in the heavens.

The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the Earth and in harmony with her creatures. Remember that we are the caretakers, and the fire keepers of the Spirit. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have faired in our journey.”

Sunday, November 21, 2010


For several weeks, I have been sharing the little ins and outs of my life in Ashland. At this very moment we are expecting the first snow of the year, not a common thing here, which makes it all the more exciting. Ashland has definitely been a beautiful spot to land, with all its little eccentricities, but I knew going in that it was only meant to provide temporary respite. I knew I would be heading someplace that, for some time, has been unclear. I’ve been fairly patient, waiting for clarity.

During my time here I have felt myself processing. I’m letting go of the last remnants of trying to fit my path, my personal drumbeat, to the so-called “norm.”

Finally, without regret, I am truly embracing one undeniable truth--the path I walk does not need to fit the “norm” and with that comes true personal freedom. From the outside my path will seem unconventional to most, but it’s perfect in its simplicity and feels right and wonderful to me. Being in service makes me smile inside and out.

With the energetic shifts on the planet and only a few buffers remaining, I am seeing clearly that it is important to be where we will be the happiest, doing what really feeds our soul on all levels. For each of you that will mean something different. You will need to ask yourselves, “Can I step through my fear to follow my dreams? Can I possibly let go of all that I know to make my dreams happen?”

I touched on this before in a previous post and here we are coming full circle. Or maybe you’re there already and that’s great.

With this said, for some of you it will not come as a surprise when I share that I have been feeling a strong compelling pull to the coast of Washington. More specifically, the Olympic Peninsula near Bellingham Washington. This is such spectacular country, and so close to the ocean that I would be able to revel in it’s beauty and power on a daily basis—it gives me goose bumps.

This pull was there before I left Utah, but I knew I needed to come to Ashland first to finish or begin. It really is not important to know, since it was that which needed to be.

Every day the call becomes stronger and stronger. I’m even experiencing dreams of the ocean on a nightly basis. You could liken it to getting hit between the eyes with an Ethereal 2 x 4. The signs have become clear. It’s not that I have been ignoring the stirrings, but I’ve been waiting for a sign of Universe’s perfect timing to leave.

There are no words to describe how perfect this all feels to me. This is why its called following your bliss.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


As a way of introducing myself and my work to the communities in the area, I participated in a Psychic/Holistic Faire held at the fairgrounds in Grants Pass last Saturday.

I know that some of you are surprised. It’s true; normally my sensitivity to energies keeps me away from participating in events and large crowds. However, I felt very compelled to participate and I honored that.

Grants Pass is just 40 minutes north of Ashland. It is a beautiful drive and this particular morning there were clouds hanging low over the mountains and vibrant fall colors on the trees; Michael Hoppe’s Tapestry, was playing on the stereo. All these elements combined made for a very pleasant drive, and time seemed to fly by.

I was relieved to see that the building we were to set up in was not too large and that everything was clean and organized. I was happy that I was allowed to choose my own spot, which I quickly found on the last row in the middle.

After setting up I smudged my area and then sat down to draw in energies to create a sacred space. With that completed and feeling the slight buzz that comes with it, I decided to open the bottle of water I brought for the day and was promptly doused in a large spray of mineral water. All I could do is laugh thinking we, meaning the space and I, had experienced a true baptism. Now we were definitely ready.

There were a few minutes left before the doors opened to the public, so I decided to take a quick stroll around to say hello to the other 39 exhibitors. I noticed that most of the readers had ended up on my row. Beautiful, live Native American flute music drifted through the building and the energy was beginning to build long before the public was allowed to come in. What a high.

The Faire doors opened promptly at 10 a.m. and soon after, I had a lady sitting in front of me. I found it took me a moment to create a bubble around us to block out all the other psychic input in the building. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but finally everything fell away and the person in front of me was the only psychic influence I was experiencing. Thank goodness!

I soon found myself in the familiar ethereal high, moving from one reading to the next never really knowing the time, but honoring the familiar beep, beep, beep of the 20 minute timer going off. I really do lose all sense of time, as well as my appetite.

For the next 7 hours the readings were filled with happy news and encouragement to move in different directions, conditions being ripe and supportive. I was intrigued that I was doing so much medium work. It seemed everybody and their brother were coming through, as well as deceased pets bounding into my realm of vision, excitedly wanting to share with their parents that they were happy and still around.

One lady and a deceased relative argued back and forth for a good while. Each wanted to have the last word! Finally, I just had to cut the connection. It was all I could do to keep a straight face.

The next to last reading for a woman was emotionally hard for me. She had just lost her 20 year old daughter unexpectedly and since her world revolved around the daughter, she was like a rudderless boat adrift in the sea of life. It was a very poignant, emotional conversation with the daughter pleading with her mother to start living again and to be there for her little girl Eva. I hope with all my heart that the mother will be able to pull herself up for her sake and for her granddaughter.

Most importantly, I discovered through this experience that I am more than capable of handling the heavy hitters in the psychic realm and coming out fully intact. All in all I had an amazingly enlightened experience as well as great fun.

But, I definitely was done at the end--and ravenous. No, seriously. Ravenous!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


It is a simple fact of nature. All relationships, whether they are casual acquaintances, friendships or loves, have expiration dates. We are not privy to the specific date of their demise, but it is there, nonetheless.

We are a species rapt in the rapture that new relationships bring. We leap blindly into the experience usually without a care as to whether or not it is going to last a few hours, days, weeks, months or years. I believe this is a genetic drive; otherwise we would all be too afraid to dive in.

When the dynamics begin to shift in a relationship, it is a sure sign that the catabolic process has begun and the expiration date is fast approaching. If you’re like most, you’ll find yourself wondering” What did I do wrong? If only I had…. I don’t want this to end. I am sensing something is off, but if I don’t ask then maybe it will go away.”

Most of us have an idea of where we would like to see a relationship go. We continually write or rewrite the act for each day and project far into the future. When we attempt to cling to our contrived scenarios--turning our thoughts to what was or could be--we keep ourselves trapped in illusion and out of reality. This, my friends, can cause a great deal of pain.

Here’s a novel idea. Why not be present in each day and in every relationship? Give them the attention they deserve, taking and giving to each the very best we have to offer. Then, with an open heart and gratitude, let go when it is time.

In doing this we are always present to what is-- here and now. We see clearly what is before us--not just what we want to see.

We have to be able to ask ourselves and others the hard questions and to act according to the truth of what is. This will ensure our solid seat in reality, enabling us to take action in our highest good.

Finally, the most important relationship; is the one with ourselves.

Do you know who you are? Really? Or have you been locked into the persona of wife, husband, mother, father or friend, playing the roles with the finesse of a well seasoned actor? Are you so busy doing for others that you have neglected the one that needs you the most, YOU?

If you are so busy ignoring you, your path, and your purpose of being, then how can you fully give of yourself to others? Because we have the choice, we can choose to begin traveling this path and living the great adventure.

So I encourage each and every one of you to get to know YOU. Follow your dreams and share them with those in your life. Share that richer, fuller you.

What better way to be present and to leave an unforgettable mark on lives when the final act arrives; and being confident and strong, letting go without any regrets and with the love and gratitude that it deserves.

Sunday, October 31, 2010



Ashland is the epitome of hometown USA. From the tree lined streets, the bloom filled gardens and the unending flow of people walking or riding bikes through out town, it truly is a slice of mom’s apple pie--à la mode of course.

Individuality is fully embraced, respected and expressed to its fullest over and over again, much to my delight

One of the many cool things about Ashland is the resident’s love of Halloween. They seem to pull out all the stops. When you walk or drive through town you will observe that most, if not all, Craftsman, Bungalow and Victorian homes are completely wrapped in Webs, giant spiders and ghouls and things that--well, I don’t know quite what they are.

At 3 p.m. on Sunday a parade will be held with young and old walking Main Street in full regalia. It is for this reason that the post for today is a tad late. I wanted to share pictures with all of you. So I hope I am forgiven.

A cycle of rain began two days ago, a welcome change to the constant sunshine. I do enjoy watching the black clouds roll in in all their power, and seeing everything take on richer tones. As an extra bonus, there is snow on the surrounding mountains. Now I get to enjoy the beauty of the snow, but not have to endure the headaches of dealing with it up close and personal. I can go visit it, play in it and then leave it. Hurray!

I thought everyone would be happy to know that I will be shifting to a new spot in town. It’s temporary, but I can stay for 5 months. The spot is a beautiful Victorian house that was converted to a guest house called Delaunay House. You can see pictures at I will be staying in the Pilgrim. It is very lovely and has everything I could possibly need. It will be great to give the car a rest and walk to where ever I need to go, one of the many benefits of being so close to everything. People actually talk to each other here, so it is a nice way to get to know others as you are on walkabout.

This move came none too soon. As you know, I have been residing in a rented room outside of town on a beautiful small farm. In all honesty its views are spectacular and just being able to enjoy watching the horses, wildlife and hummingbirds has made the inconvenience of being so far out and having no privacy seem insignificant.

There is a family of deer, a few doe and their fawns, that have been hanging around and on occasion I have had the pleasure of just sitting and watching them. Yesterday afternoon, not 20 feet from my parked vehicle, I noticed one of the fawns dead by the side of the road that leads to the back of the property. I was heart broken.
Later that afternoon a big ruckus ensued when a large truck came down our street with a large Blood Hound in the back sounding off. The neighborhood dogs began barking and the horses in our pasture stopped in mid-chew, lifting their heads to see what was happening. This noisy vehicle pulled in our driveway, stopped and out stepped a Mountain Man and he was a mountain of a man. He met with my landlady and they both walked over to the fawn’s body, where a deep conversation accompanied by hushed tones and serious expressions began. It didn’t look good. . After finishing their conversation, the Mountain Man removed the fawn’s body. I asked my landlady if they determined what killed the fawn. She said that it was a cougar or bobcat. OMG!!!!

None too soon, is what I say.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Not only have I been searching for a place to call home, but I have been keeping an eye out for a good meditation group to connect with. One of the many things I love about Ashland is the people are so conscious here. So I have been looking for a group to connect with to share intelligent conversation about all things esoteric.

When I first arrived, I checked out a Monday evening meditation group that sounded promising. It is held at a local Synagogue that has the most amazing stain glass window behind the pulpit--a depiction of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The energy in the space is amazing. However when the meeting began it became something totally different.

The first hour was spent listening to the leader talk about all her qualifications and then the next hour was spent listening to various songs and being told to close our eyes, “because spirit cannot work within us unless we do”. Needless to say, I did not close my eyes, but kept an eye on things. When she headed my way with the clear intention to direct energy at me, I made myself invisible and she passed right by. It is uncomfortable when someone is pointing loaded hands at you. The most interesting thing was that there was no meditation happening. Out of respect I did not walk out, but saw it through and then lit out like a house on fire.

I met with a gentleman this weekend named Ed Hirsch who has a group that practices Presence. Yes, just as it sounds. We chatted for a couple of hours and I am looking forward to meeting with his group this Wednesday. If it’s anything like our time together, I believe I will enjoy it.

I went hiking Saturday with my friends, Sarah and Kevin, a cute couple whose company I thoroughly enjoy. They took me to a trailhead just west of town in the Siskiyou Mountains. It was lovely to be in the conifers enjoying the cool morning with the smell of the rich earth and spruce all around us and the crows chatting up a storm.

We had been out for a little over an hour when I heard someone call out Bear! Bear! My heart began racing. Suddenly this monster dog came bounding toward us with its mom close behind yelling “Bear! You get back here right now!”

Yeah, very funny, go ahead and laugh, but I have a plan should I meet up with one--a bear that is. Yes, mind control. No, seriously. I am planning on putting all this talent to the test. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It’s Monday the 11th of October. As I write this, I’m sitting in a little coffee house I recently discovered, called Evos. It’s very eclectic, but more importantly it has the best coffee I‘ve ever tasted and scones to live for. There is amazing art on the walls and music from the 70’s is playing in the background. The proprietors, Candace and Don really know how to make a being feel welcome. It’s so cool!

My Saturday was spent in the never ending quest for finding a more permanent place to live. I was hoping beyond hope that my space would be ready for me, but sadly, it wasn’t. So feeling a little weary I decided to take Sunday off and do a little exploring to renew my spirits. I discovered that Mt. Shasta is only 90 minutes away so it would be off to the Promised Land for me.

Leaving early in the morning I was rewarded with the most perfect light hitting the mountains and Shasta Valley as I came up over the rise. What a spectacular view of Mt. Shasta, so imposing on the horizon. The power rolling off the mountain was intense. As soon as I hit the valley floor a vision began filtering in of a past eruption. It took all I had to stop the vision, when I just wanted to give myself over to it. Seriously, not a good thing to have happening when you’re driving, let alone at 75 mph.

When I got home, I checked and the last eruption for Mt. Shasta was 200 years ago. The strength of the energetic signature is amazing. Were you aware that every event that has occurred through time leaves an energetic signature that someone like me can read? Since past, present and future are all happening simultaneously…well you get the idea. It’s all just hanging out there waiting to be discovered.

I found the little town of Mt. Shasta to be interesting with all its New Age shops. However, the beauty and energy of the area will keep me coming back again and again. I hear the hiking up there is amazing. I cannot wait to experience it.

Did anyone pick up that Sunday was 10/10/10? I have to admit with everything going on that one slipped by me until a friend was kind enough to share. The day ushered in amazing energies that will continue to open things up and provide that little extra something we need to accomplish the changes we are in the process of making. However, you have to be willing to let go of the worn and outdated in order to keep balance. It’s all part of that Universal catabolic state of burning away to make room for the new.

I awoke this morning feeling renewed and definitely benefiting from an energy shift and clearing away of all the etheric clutter I picked up on my travels here. I feel more in sync with the area and things definitely have been flowing better.

Before I sign off there are a couple of important facts about Oregon I think everyone should know.

You can’t pump your own fuel here. No, it’s true! Just like times past, you get full service at no extra charge. I like it!

You can’t buy any products that have Pseudoephedrine (don’t ask me to pronounce it) Sulfate without a prescription. You’re thinking: so what? Well if you have pollen allergies and are used to walking up to the pharmacy window, signing electronic papers and getting handed a 30 day supply, it would mean something to you. What a shock. It’s like living in a dry county (no liquor sold) and having to make rum runs. I’m thinking, great, I am going to have to drive 30 minutes across the state line into California to make a Claritin run once a month, how crazy is that? I can see it now, a life of crime running drugs over state lines, just to keep from sneezing, coughing and having itchy eyes. Isn’t that special!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It has been 15 days since I left Park City. I know, hard to believe, but true.

Someone asked me recently, if I missed it. In the two years that I lived there I met people who lived in, left and came back to Park City.

I loved it and loved the beauty, but surprisingly I don’t miss it. Truthfully? My focus has been so keen on my start here in Ashland that I haven’t looked back.

More importantly, there are people who I will miss interacting with on a daily basis. After all we have our routines, don’t we? I really enjoyed my yoga class and going to PC Roasters after enjoying a latte, chatting with everyone about everything under the sun and seeing my dog friend--a white Great Pyrenees aptly named, Yeti.

There are friends I definitely miss seeing in the flesh, even though I have seen a few since I have been gone. Astral travel does put a whole different spin on things. In truth we are never really separate.

I am now staying in a beautiful spot just south of town surrounded by green, green and horses. Mountains cradle Ashland in an interesting contrast. To the west is the Siskiyou Mountain range which is covered in beautiful Redwoods and many types of conifers. To the east it is rolling hills cloaked in wheat colored grass and oaks. What really speaks to me, however, is the energy I feel from the Pacific Ocean, only two hours away.

Ashland is a bit surreal at times. It is not a big town, but densely populated, thanks to city planning. It is filled with professional aging hippies and college students who are attending Southern Oregon University. As I write this I am recalling the evening I stayed in Bend someone asked me where I was headed. When I replied Ashland, she said “oh!” I asked, “Why?” She very seriously informed me that Ashland is full of hippies and everyone smokes pot. It was all I could do to reply with a straight face. Really! Early one morning I was walking through one of the little parks and began experiencing a slight buzz. I began to notice an all too familiar fragrance, yes; the guy walking in front of me was definitely smoking a joint. Just to be clear, marijuana is legal here for medicinal purposes. Still, I resisted asking him what his physical issue was.

Everyone is a practicing Greenie (environmentally conscious) and traffic stops to allow people to cross the street. Well, most of the time, unless their plate says California. They always seem to be in a hurry.
There is a thriving Thespian community here; as a matter of fact their Shakespeare productions draw people from all over the world from February through October each year. There are deer aplenty here wandering through town and they even wait for traffic to stop before crossing the street--really. Ashland is unique in so many ways, it fits like a well worn pair of jeans and tie-dye shirt.

There are already places that I enjoy being and people I enjoy seeing. Some are beginning to hear about my work and so the Dance Continues…….

Sunday, October 3, 2010


After exploring Bend I actually was blessed to get 10 minutes of Dr. Griffith’s time. She is the equine vet I wanted to connect with before heading to Ashland. For those of you who don’t know, I met Dr. Griffith in Ocala while she was there training in equine acupuncture. After our chat, she offered for me to look her up, if I indeed, made it to Oregon. Well there you are. I am happy to share that she now has all my information and will be getting in touch for a sit down in the near future. Why am I in touch with her? I am specifically looking for equine referrals for my work and she happens to be a very intelligent, kind woman as well.

I arrived in Ashland late Friday and had the same response as I did on my first visit in 08. I cried and felt an overwhelming sense of joy. It was like finally coming home after being away for a lifetime.
Sunday morning I awoke feeling compelled to move to Europe—just kidding! However, I was compelled to head to the ocean. So head west young woman I did.

The only route from Ashland to the ocean is on the Redwood Highway. It is so named because; the road takes you right through Redwood National Park. Needless to say I was very excited as I was going to feel the Pacific on my feet and stand amongst the giants all in one day. Wahoo!!!!
The forest was beyond anything I could imagine. The energy was ancient and filled my every fiber. The beauty was magnificent. I had the windows down and my senses were assailed by a rich mix of earth conifers, and myrtle. I wanted to stop so I could absorb it all, and in ten minutes in, I found just the spot.

Imagine you are off to the side of a very narrow two lane road. You step out of your car and all around you are giants and a magical fern filled forest floor lay at your feet. Then you notice something else the silence and you become keenly aware that the Divine is all around you.
I wanted to take a few pictures to share with everyone and I started on my side, but then felt the need to turn and take some shots of the grove across the highway. Now mind you, everything is still, but vibrating with this energy that is palpable. I turn point the camera and click. Nothing moving, everything is still and silent. I get back in my car and continue toward the coast.

I have been feeling the energy from the ocean since Bend, Oregon, but it’s really getting strong as I move closer. I have now moved off of the Redwood Highway and am headed north on 101 also known as the Pacific Coast Highway.

I came around a curve and am hit with the visual of purple/grey/blue on the horizon and sea mist hanging like a light haze. The strong smell of salt is heavy in the air. Believe it or not the Pacific Ocean definitely smells different than the Atlantic and the Gulf.
At this point I cannot see the water, but the excitement is building. It has been 4 years since I have walked on a beach or just sat and watched the surf come in.

As I am approaching Brookings Oregon, I spot Crissey Fields State Park and pull in. I come up through the dunes and I’m struck by the energy that is rolling off the waves and the feeling I experience standing there watching the waves crash in. Well, to put it mildly, I was moved. The feel of the water on my feet as the water moved up the beach, amazing. I spend a few hours just being and taking it all in before I reluctantly head back to Ashland.

I have included some of the pictures from the shore on the blog, but most especially, I have also included one from my stop among the Redwoods. It is an amazing picture. You will see that I shot more than I was expecting. I consider it a gift of confirmation and one that only has one explanation.

What do you see?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday I awoke at 3 a.m. Granted, I am normally an early riser; anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30 a.m., but this was uncalled for. I just wanted to roll over and sleep a while longer. But once my brain started going, any hope of more sleep was futile. Instead of resisting any further, I decided to hit the road.

Since I had packed the car with my remaining possessions the day before, all I needed to do was dress, grab my purse and climb in the car. I left at 3:30 a.m., missing the early morning traffic in Salt Lake.

The down side? It was dark.

I always enjoy seeing the transition in topography as I move from one location to another, but since I crossed the Idaho state line in the dark there was only the observation of increased elevation and winding roads.

When dawn finally broke, it was behind me and flat open fields of green and dirt crisscrossed patterns lay before me. This part of Idaho is largely agriculture and dairy. Even if you don’t see the cows-- and I don’t know how one could miss them-- you would be able to detect the aroma on the wind. The window went up quickly.

I drove straight through to Boise, approximately 5.5 hours, where I stopped briefly to make a pit stop and more importantly get COFFEE.

Now I am not proud of it, but I am a coffee snob. If I am paying for it, I want a latte, and unfortunately there wasn’t a Starbucks, Java Joe’s or Tully’s to be found—or open. What is wrong with those people? If it were me I would have a spot on every major highway open at 4:00 a.m. Properly drained and fueled, I hit the road.

Next stop? Bend, Oregon.

As I crossed the Oregon state line I felt joyous and had a strong sense of coming home.
The area I came into was agricultural, which is true of much of Oregon. The state is a cornucopia, and the smell of onion was on the air. At first I thought, that can’t be me, I showered for Pete sakes. However, I began to notice that what looked like dirt fields were actually acres and acres of yellow onions.

One of the little areas I passed through was Butte Oregon. Butte stands out in my mind because of a sign I noticed--RoadKill Ranch. It’s true! The sign was attached to a small property of about half an acre. One can only assume that it is their unfortunate task on a regular basis to remove victims of drive bys. Shortly after RoadKill I crossed over Stinkingwater River. Both gave me a huge smile and set off a tangent of giggles.

From that point forward, as I was headed west on 20, the scenery became more beautiful. The winding road made its way up through sage covered hills alongside a beautiful river.

It had been about 4 hours since I left Boise and I stopped briefly at a Shell. When I climbed back in my car a beautiful pink/red dragonfly hovered by my open window, then decided to hover over the windshield and lead me out to the open road. Amazing! Those that know me know the significance the dragonfly has in my life. What made this even more powerful is that I had been contemplating signs from Spirit and how nice it would be to get one today. Somebody was definitely listening.

When Bend came into view I was taken with the high plains desert look. Very much like Utah, but greener, with snow-covered mountains looming on the horizon--breathtaking to say the least. I will be staying for a day in Bend, checking it out before heading to Ashland, which is 3 hours away. Stay tuned….you never know what will happen next…..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Art of Transformation

Those that know me will not be surprised to hear that Spirit has asked me, once again, to make a shift. The destination is Ashland Oregon.

Originally, I was headed for Ashland when I left Florida. However, when I arrived in Park City, Utah, Spirit asked me to stay. I was told it would be temporary, but since time really doesn’t exist, Spirit’s sense of time and ours is obviously going to be different. As a result Spirit’s temporary was two years in the physical realm.

I have no complaints about my stay here. After all, it is very beautiful and the energy is amazing. After living at 0 elevation for 28 years, I discovered that I really do enjoy higher elevation living and all its nuances. Also, I had the opportunity to meet and make some amazing friends and had the blessing of being a part of the healing process for many individuals here.

The growth in my abilities both psychically and as a healer, has been unbelievable, and these changes have allowed me to create a practice without borders, and I now have clients globally.

I can hear it now. How can you give up everything you’ve worked so hard for: and just walk away?

As I have mentioned in previous posts, to resist change when you recognize that a catabolic process has begun, could create unnecessary pain. Or, resistance could cause you to miss the boat completely. Besides, the answer is simple—really; I totally trust my guidance and know that this shift is ultimately in my best interest.

Truthfully, it feels like I have earned the right to shift.

Even though I don’t have it all understood, its okay. I know that all will be revealed in its most perfect timing. It’s like I have been handed a beautifully wrapped present. I am not allowed to open it yet, and I know that its size is misleading. It could actually be larger than or even smaller than it appears. Trust me, I have looked at this box every which way and even shaken it a few times, but received no hints.

So here I am on the precipice of change ready to leap into the unknown, with the certainty that I am in for the most amazing leg of the journey yet. Woo Hoo!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Standing in the Light

I am experiencing an increase in clients voicing their frustration about partners, family members or friends. The complaint? An individual doesn’t seem to want to take steps to shift themselves. It is not uncommon, when one has been working on themselves, that the lower vibration behaviors of others can seem very glaring. When we are close to someone, we are often excited to share our new found truths. I call this the Born Again Christian syndrome.

When they do not seem interested in embracing our new truths it can be very frustrating for some. We see it as if they prefer to wallow in their stuff. Of course everyone has the choice to wallow or not to wallow. Some are so locked into their illusion; they cannot see a way out. Even when shown steps to take, it is as if the way is falling on deaf ears and blind eyes. When we are emotionally invested, it can be very difficult to sit back and watch someone spiral down.

I have a client I will call Sam. Sam is a very loving, compassionate and intelligent individual. She agonizes over the fact that her mother suffers from emotional imbalance and low self esteem, which often leads her to self destructive behavior. Even though Sam has spent a great deal of time offering alternatives to help her mom shift, she continues to make choices that keep her in her stuff. Sam wonders what to do.

Then there is David. He had been working very hard to make shifts in his life, but his partner didn’t share the same ambition for herself. Eventually, this created deep rifts in their relationship and David had to make some hard decisions. Should David have stopped his growth in order to preserve his marriage? I do not believe that anyone should ever hold themselves back to keep peace. After all, we are all here on our own journey and it is about honoring our path.

My sister suffered with addictions her whole life. It was painful to watch her on the path of self destruction. At some point, I realized she was holding our family emotionally hostage. All I was doing, when I thought I was helping, was enabling her inability. No matter what was said or done, it would never make a difference, because she wasn’t ready to make a change. In my effort to assist I was hurting her and myself.
I finally told her that I loved her and when she was ready to do what she needed to do, I would be there for her. Until then not to ask for my help any further. I have to say that was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

What I learned and we must all learn, is that, the only person we can change is ourselves. We cannot live someone else’s life for them. We can only hope that eventually they choose to stand in the light. Where, we can stand together.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fear of Success, Failure or Both?

You find yourself poised to grab the brass ring that represents the fruits of your hard labor, but when it comes to taking the last step? Fear grips you. You freeze

Negative thoughts begin flowing in, one right after the other. Your intellectual spinning weaves an intricate web of can’t do, should not and can’t possibly.

Nothing good ever happens to me. This is a mistake. Something has to go wrong. Universe is probably playing a cruel joke on me and is going to jerk the rug out from under me at any moment. It is too good to hope for. I don’t really deserve this and when someone figures that out, I will lose everything. They’ve got the wrong person. Are you sure?

Sound familiar?

In my practice many have voiced these thoughts, and on occasion, I have experienced similar thoughts as well.

When we are afraid of success, it is often because we are afraid of losing the gift we are sharing, now that everyone is looking. The other side of being in the limelight, out there for the entire world to see, is that it puts us in a very vulnerable position; it opens us to the opinions of others, which have the potential to be unkind.

I have observed that everyone has an opinion about most things and that most opinions are based on where the person is in their life—usually changing and shifting like the tides.

Or it could be that by deed or word, you struck a nerve in asking them to look deep within. Mirroring has the potential to be painful for the mirror and/or for the reflection.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but we don’t have to accept it. However, if this opinion rings true, and we decide to take it on, it could become a useful tool. We can use it to shift and grow, ultimately empowering instead of immobilizing us.

Then there are those that fear failing for many of the same reasons. Their fear immobilizes them, keeping them locked in neutral, stalling what could be.
They haven’t learned that each endeavor is an opportunity for growth. There are do over’s. We are not locked into one channel. There are multiple paths that lay before us and all we have to do is shift.

For me, I just ask myself, what will I be missing if I don’t go for it? With that in mind, I just walk through that door and don’t look back.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do you Really Want to Get Better?

One of my first clients was a woman, whom I’ll call Beth. Beth was sweet and shy, barely speaking above a whisper. She had been suffering with Fibromyalgia for two years, and shared with me how painful it was just being still—let alone going through the everyday tasks of living. This created a sphere of isolation and depression for her.

Knowing personally how isolating illness can be, my heart really went out to her. I was very excited to have the opportunity to work with Beth, and at that point, I had no idea to what extent the work would assist her. I just knew and trusted that the work would make the difference it needed to, as it always has.

Our first session amazed me. I observed the deep lines of pain disappear from her face, replaced by a soft smile as she drifted off into the Theta state of relaxation. (Theta is the brain wave state above Delta, a zone of deep relaxation, where one can drift in and out of awareness and can experience sensations of blissfully floating. For some, there is a multi- color show.)

As the session ended, I gently brought Beth back. The look of disbelief and wonder on her face was priceless. She had experienced a whole hour of uninterrupted rest without pain. We were both ecstatic.

Beth scheduled her next session for the following week. I saw her, a total of 4 times. Each session was basically a repeat in experience with significant improvements each time. Between sessions she was experienced less and less pain and I was seeing a whole different woman. She was smiling, happy, joking and dedicated to bringing balance and wellness back into her life.

Imagine my surprise on the day of her 5th visit; Beth did not arrive for her session, but her husband. He very politely told me, “my wife will no longer be coming to see you” and then he walked out. Needless to say it was a bit confusing.

Some time later, I began working with another woman, who I’ll call Janice. Janice had suffered from Chronic Fatigue for several years. Right from the beginning her sessions were making a powerful impact on her overall wellbeing. After just a few sessions, as with Beth, I began seeing a happier, healthier woman, filled with more energy and enthusiasm for life to match. Just as suddenly though, I was told by Janice herself, that she could no longer come see me.

As a practitioner it is always my hope that someone who comes to me wants to be healed. However, there are two very different lessons I learned from these experiences.
First, in Beth’s case, Beth’s illness created a very happy dynamic for her husband. It provided him with someone that was totally dependent on him and a clear road to make whatever decision he chose without question from Beth. As Beth began experiencing pain free days and became more confident, happy, outgoing and wanted to have more say in the day to day decisions etc., it began to create conflict with her husband. He was losing control. In his mind this threatened his happy home environment and the hammer came down—hard.

In Janice’s case, her situation was the opposite of Beth’s, she ruled the roost. Never required to assist in the day to day responsibilities, she pretty much did what she wanted and directed life from her chaise. She was lavished with anything and everything. When she began to feel better, her husband began asking for equal distribution of the responsibilities within the home…he no longer was willing to wait on her hand and foot. Dynamics changed and the holder of power began feeling threatened and there was only one recourse, to stop getting better in order to retain control.

I know. It seems crazy, right? Unfortunately, it’s true in both cases.

Learning from these experiences, I now say to new clients, this work will change your life. So you have to ask yourself in the interest of saving your time and money and my time. Do you really want to get better? You have to ask yourself am I ready to shift no matter what the consequences.

Are you ready?

Sunday, August 22, 2010


If you ask someone what happiness means to them, chances are they would say: money in the bank; the car of their dreams; or a big house.

Unfortunately, western society keeps perpetuating the illusion of, The American Dream, when in fact, obtaining, maintaining and protecting assets can create just the opposite result--unhappiness.

Western style societies are riddled with stress and all the physical manifestations of it. A great deal of this has been brought on by excessive debt and very little time to enjoy family, friends, having “me” time or getting to play with our toys. Why? Because we are working so hard to keep the illusion alive.

Picture a juggler that has 20 balls in the air at once. He has no time to rest because it is a full time job keeping those balls from falling. This is what I call existing. It is not really living.

A friend recently made this statement, “here I am almost homeless, jobless and the happiest I have ever been”. Crazy? Not really. It’s amazing how happy we can be when we don't put requirements on it.

My philosophy in both my practice and personal life is this…Keep it simple.

I won’t define what would make me happy, but I can tell you what has made me happy. Happiness has come in many shapes and sizes in my life, from what I would have expected to the unexpected. They include:

Following and honoring my path



Making a difference

Coffee with friends

A good meal

Doing things that feed my soul

Thought provoking conversation

Being out in nature

Laughing, dancing, singing and playing… just to name a few.

How about you?

Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury went into retrograde, moving backwards, on Friday the 20th. “It is the planet of communication, particularly communication that honors the synthesis of content, context and timing”. When in retrograde it will affect all things pertaining to communication, whether written or oral and all things that provide communication, such as tv, radio, phone and computer. It will affect timing of things and people may sound like they are talking Greek, even you.

I recommend taking time to think before speaking, not to sign any contracts and if you really have to, then to read it over with a fine tooth comb and make sure that you cross every and dot every i. The good news is it will only last until September 12th.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cardinal Grand Cross

There is a unique planet configuration reaching its climax this month. It is called the Cardinal Grand Cross. The definition of the Grand Cross is as varied as the multitude of people writing about it.

Based on the multiple sites I reviewed, and sticking with my philosophy of KIS (keep it simple) it basically boils down to this.

Some time ago certain planets began their journey toward forming this very rare configuration of planet alignment. The Grand Cross in itself is not uncommon, but what is rare about this particular cross, is it involves 7 planets, when typically it involves 4 to 5. The planets are the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (pronounced your-on-us) and Pluto and they are all within a few degrees of each other as opposed to greater degrees of separation.

This, coupled with the lunar and solar eclipses as well as the increased solar flare activity we’ve experienced in the last couple of months, is shaking things up on our beloved Gaia and within humanity. One would have to be in complete denial to think that these events have no affect.

Some Astrologers believe this is the true ushering in of the Age of Aquarius. I believe the ushering in began a few years back, which has been a slow process, thankfully.

What really resonates with me is that the energies coming off this configuration serve to push all things in the dark into the light. They create intolerance for illusionary thinking and dishonesty from ourselves and from others. They force us to see things as they are.

Sound familiar? This event clearly reflects the information I channeled a few years back about this being the time of the great illumination, which I shared with you in my posts Beginning or End? 2012 and Standing Alone?.

It is also creating a wave of energy that will encourage us to complete anything unfinished and give us the power and creativity to move forward into new directions. How cool is that!

Folks we are in the front row seats, so put on your 3D glasses and strap yourself in. It’s going to be a hell of a ride. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Universe is Speaking are You Listening?

Every day Universe is speaking to us in subtle ways and when we don’t pay attention, it could escalate until we get the equivalent of a 2 x 4 between the eyes. Early on, I experienced both methods. Now, a little older and I’d like to think a little wiser, I pay attention to the subtle signs that come my way and happily avoid the more painful alternatives.

If you’re heading in a specific direction and hitting brick wall after brick wall, this is Universe’s way of saying one of two things. This is not the path for you or your timing is off, so wait. However, if you’re cruising along and everything is practically falling in your lap, this is a green light to keep moving forward with the confidence you are moving in the right direction.

Universe is the master at manipulation and uses everything at its disposal to speak to us. It speaks to us through whispered knowing, gut feelings, or even through the four-legged, the winged ones, those that slither or swim, and let’s not forget the insect community, all of whom share our environment and are connected to us.

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the subtle way that nature speaks to me. For example, when a hawk flies across my path, I know to pay attention, something is coming. When I have an unusual sighting of an eagle, I know that I am flowing within Divine timing. When I engage raven or crow I am reminded that majic is all around me.
My extensive collection of feathers is a testament to the many confirmations to prayer I have received over the years. The most recent confirmation is the double rainbow, which I woke up to on Wednesday morning.

We all act as Universe’s angels at one time or another, including saying the right words or taking the right action in coming to the aid of someone we know or a total stranger.
Think about it. Have you not felt compelled to go in a different direction, only to find yourself coming to the aid of someone stranded on the side of the road or discovering later that you avoided an accident or delay on your usual route? There are times when someone comes to mind so strongly that you call, only to find out that they really needed someone to talk to at that moment.

Listening is about slowing down and paying attention. Signs are all around us, but if you are moving too fast or too wrapped in your own stuff, you could miss the most important message you will ever receive. Growing in the skill of paying attention will change your life—I guarantee it!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello Everyone,

As promised, below are the links to my first tv interview on Mind over Matter with Mitch Friedman, in Santa Fe New Mexico recently.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

I tried to post the video for you, but it kept shifting to different ones.



Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beginning or End? 2012

Someone recently asked me if I believed there was any validity to the predictions for 2012.

If we were to believe what Hollywood’s movie, 2012, portrays then we are all doomed.

I do not subscribe to that scenario. I have it from high authority that the shift began some time ago. This process started out slowly and has been gaining momentum each passing day. Part of this process is the ever increasing vibration of Earth, which is affecting all life forms on the planet and yes that means you as well. Time is literally speeding up.

Yes, there are physical ramifications as well, from changes in global weather patterns to earth movements, such as earthquakes and volcanic activities. Gaia is giving herself over to the process--something she has done many times before over the millennia.

Each New Year I channel a message from the Mother. A few years ago I channeled the following message: This is the beginning of the great illumination, when all things in the dark will be brought into the light. All that is built on illusion cannot withstand the test of time and the Time is here. If we are not on the path we were meant to be, we will be shifted. The key is not to resist, but to move with the flow, not to allow fear to freeze us. So many are resisting. So many have bought into the illusion. So many are in pain.

Basically, all things based on illusion, which is low vibration energy, will not be able to hold integrity as vibrations rise. As a result, it will fall away or be left behind as everything else shifts. This is important, so I’ll repeat it. It will fall away or be left behind as everything else shifts.

It is my understanding based on what I have been given, that due to the increased vibration everything is shifting or rising, moving towards a higher dimension.

It is not that people will perish, but where their consciousness lays will determine if they shift forward or stay behind.

As all things of nature instinctively shift without reservation, movement forward is a given, unless a conscious choice to stay behind is made.

If you look at the breakdown in the economic systems worldwide, systems based on illusion, you will find a perfect example of what I am saying. As these systems are rooted in illusion, they are falling away. Due to its very nature of low vibration it cannot maintain its integrity.

Yes, it is scary. The very foundation of our reality is being shaken, but it is an opportunity to move forward into the light, the light of Truth.

It is time to let go of what was and shift into what is.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Standing Alone?

Great change is sweeping across and within our planet. We are all feeling Universe’s nudge to make dynamic changes within our lives.

Humans are creatures of habit, and when confronted with having to make changes, can experience uncertainty and even fear. This leads to a response of holding tighter and to resistance on multiple levels. With this resistance comes the cycle of emotional, and even physical, pain, which can manifest as the body responds.

I liken this to the hydraulics at the base of a waterfall. For those of you who have rafted, you will know exactly what I mean. For those who have not, it is the water dynamics at the base of the falls where there is a churning or turning. If you get caught in the hydraulics, it causes you to go up and then to be pulled back under, over and over and over.

This manifests in the emotional body as despair, and can bring on the feeling of standing alone against all odds. Our state of confusion, fear and resistance, clouds our thought process, and the potential for making poor choices is high. Decisions made in desperation can only lead to wasted motion and more pain and delay the state of being in the flow.

It helps if we take a moment to look at the shift as an opportunity for growth, instead of the notion that we are falling victim to some unjust universal prank or punishment. Then we can remain floating at the surface with a clear view enabling us to see opportunities as they present themselves. It truly is all about our perception as stated in my post The Sky is Blue…

To take this a step further, focus on the blessings in your life and express genuine gratitude in sacred moments, such as prayer or meditation each day. When you aren’t focused on what you don’t have or think you should have, something amazing happens--you begin drawing to you the energy of this strong focus. Now you are co-creating waves of positive potential, rolling like waves onto shore.

The key is to remain in a space of faith and trust, not pushing. Wait for clear direction to be revealed in Universe’s timing, which is impeccable.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are You Wise or Do You Just Know Stuff?

What is wisdom? As humans we are bound by an innate need to constantly move forward in our soul’s growth. Just as the salmon are urged to move upstream to create new life, so we are compelled by forces beyond our selves.

For some this is a conscious need, for others it lingers deep in their subconscious. Even so, it is just as moving and compelling and draws to us experience after experience.

Do we learn from our experiences or do we doom ourselves to repeat the same lessons over and over?

This compelling may lead some to attend course after course or read book after book in their quest to awaken and to figure out the great cosmos within and outside their selves.

Accumulated knowledge does not make you wise.

Wisdom comes from practicing the knowledge that you know to be true. Not because someone has told you so, but because it resonates in the deepest part of your being.

Wisdom is revealed in embracing and expressing the knowledge that you have gathered, and in your actions toward others and yourself.

Wisdom comes in making time each day to practice the art of sacred space.

In truth, Wisdom is the sacred expression of knowledge

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Sky is Blue no it’s….

You may ask what our perception has to do with anything. You may say, life is what it is and that would be true, but how we perceive life is everything.

How we perceive our environment greatly influences our experience.

In the field of Quantum Physics, research has shown that just the act of observing an event alters the outcome, even if no physical action is taken on our part. It would stand to reason that our mental and emotional state during the observation would determine whether it is a positive or negative experience.

On this plane of existence duality exists. Hot/Cold, Light/Dark, Happy/Sad, Love/Hate, and so on, you cannot have one without the other. For us to trust, we must decide that neither is good nor bad. To embrace each with equal enthusiasm, no matter what the circumstance, brings us to the middle path, being present. This one change creates a fuller experience.

Embracing this concept allows us to take responsibility for the experience and know that we have only drawn to ourselves that which was needed for our soul’s growth.

It also empowers us, eliminating the need to feel victimized, because we are the creator of our experience on every level.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Unexpected Journey

I was surprised when I received guidance from Source, to take a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. However, I have learned to pay attention when guided in this way, just like the old commercial: when EF Hutton speaks, everybody listens.

So, the trip was taken on trust and faith, its purpose waiting to be discovered. It is because of this trust and patience in Universe’s timing that synchronicity abounds in my life.

Nature’s beauty stretches before my eyes
As if painted from an artist’s pallet
And stone spires reach toward Azure skies

Ancient Tai temple created by wind and rain
Feet of Sphinx lay en masse
Listening closely I hear voices from the past.

Revelation- my visit created an opportunity to be interviewed for a local TV show, produced by Mitch Friedman called Mind over Matter. What an amazing experience that was. I found a kindred spirit in Mitch and am grateful for the chance to get the word out about my work to a wider audience. When the interview is available I will be posting the YouTube link on my blog.

I connected with a woman named Judy Quay, a beautiful spiritual being, who is a talented singer/songwriter. Judy had made contact with me about my work last year and it was wonderful to spend time with her and discover our mutual love of the path.

Last, but not least, the energies in Santa Fe and Taos created powerful energetic shifts within me. I return home knowing that this trip has opened new avenues, and I am waiting for them to be revealed.

There is nothing like coming home from a long journey, even when you know that your home is temporary.

Allow yourself to float like a feather on the water, shifting and moving with the current without resisting. Take comfort in knowing we are always where we need to be at any given moment and doing exactly what we need to be doing at any given time.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Get Out of My Way!

How often do we busy ourselves with trivial things to avoid moving forward? Could it be that we are afraid of failing or surprisingly, succeeding?

Why do we no longer jump with the enthusiasm of a child moving headlong into their dreams? Believing and trusting that all things are possible?
Remember when your bike became a mighty steed carrying you through fields of grass swaying in the breeze, or the ancient oak in your backyard became a mountain peak to climb?

Somewhere along the line we have shut down that very basic part of ourselves. We have lost our innocent eyes, our innate trust in ourselves and what we see, hear and feel. More importantly, we lost our belief that all dreams are possible.

So ask yourself the hard question: am I standing in my own way? If the answer is yes, what am I so afraid of? What is the worst that could happen if I were to follow my dreams?

It is like learning to ride a bike. We all fell the first few times, but we got back up and kept on trying until tada! We were riding off into the sunset, relishing the new sense of freedom that it brought. Remember?

Monday, June 21, 2010


I decided that there are several of my earlier posts that are more pertinent than ever and I would like to begin at the beginning. I hope that you find that they resonate with you and provide some insight in the days to come. My name is Kate McKenna. As we all are, I am many things. However, the deepest part of me that cannot be shed like an outgrown coat, the part I carry as I pass from life to life, is psychic/medium/healer and animal communicator. It is my life’s passion, which brings great joy as well as heartache—but such is life.

After encouragement from friends and clients to get myself on the web, this is my first attempt at a blog page and blogging. What an odd sounding word, blogging. It sounds like something they would learn to do at Hogwarts.

After the first day of trial and error--yes, we are talking a full 8-9 hours of frustrations and aha moments-- it finally came together as the page you see before you. Knowing that it will metamorphous by tweaks here and there over time appeals to me. After all, life is about change. The Buddhists say the only thing in life that is permanent is impermanence. It is through this catabolic process that room is made for the new potentialities that are waiting to come into our lives. Resistance is futile and, more importantly, to resist creates unnecessary pain. When we allow and give over to the process, we can manifest more quickly in our lives.

My intention for having this blog is to share my work experiences both through my psychic/medium work and as a healer. Truth be told it is rarely separated into those neat compartments, but intermingled in the most profound ways.

Part of my work as a healer is to provide spiritual counseling. All guidance given comes through me from Spirit, so my work is geared specifically for each individual, whether they are two-legged or four-legged. I suppose you could think of me as a spiritual version of Dear Abby. So with that said, I will be happy to answer your life questions or questions you might have about my work.

I am very excited to bring this new aspect in, as embracing change creates new and positive energy in our lives and opens fresh avenues of potential.
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