Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


It feels a bit awkward to be writing about my journey at the moment.

I believe this is a time for rest and deep introspection. We are all being given an opportunity to create great change within our being and our lives. Now more than ever, it is the most opportune time to act.

With the New Year fast approaching, I ask you this……

What will you do, release or create?

See you next year.

Love & Blessings,


Sunday, December 19, 2010


You never know what you’ll discover around the next bend in the road and as a result, what you’ll be doing, who you’ll meet. Let’s face it, things can get pretty interesting on this journey we call life.

I woke up one morning with the understanding that I needed to head back to Astoria Oregon. “What’s that all about?” I said out loud. Okay, okay. So I checked out and headed south again.

I felt excited to be in Bellingham, going through the daily motions of creating a life there, meeting people, making connections, so, why was I going backward?

At some point on the road it came to me. Astoria kept hanging at the edges of my awareness. Being near the river had really touched me. It was a place that I didn’t take the time to explore in my eagerness to get to Bellingham. After all, I was in a hurry to see what the fuss was all about. My curiosity of the later got the best of me so instead of hanging for a day or two to explore, I literally blew through. So, I was being presented with an opportunity for a do over. So the last bit of time on the road was filled with the excited anticipation of going back and discovering its hidden treasures.

I checked into the same hotel I stayed before and believe it or not ended up with same room and I didn’t even request it. Sweet.

I spent the next two days exploring Astoria and came to the conclusion that it would be a great place to visit, but not to live for many reasons. In my explorations I discovered Cannon Beach. The large monolith, called Haystack, which it resembles, was of interest to me, so I made some calls and found a great deal on a cottage by the sea. It just fell into place so effortlessly.

Cannon beach is a sleepy little town of 2000 -+, in the winter months, but from February through the fall months it turns into a bustling hive of activity with all the tourists that flood in. I found the people to be warm and friendly and the town itself architecturally charming.

As I lay in bed that night, I was thinking what a wonderful gift that I had been given to find this spot and found myself looking at Cannon Beach as a potential site to land. I was only a block away from the beach and could hear the crash of the surf throughout the night. Energetically speaking, it was intense. The energy coming off the Pacific so directly had me wired the whole night.

So, I’m sure you, as I did, will be questioning why, when I woke up I felt so compelled to go back to Bellingham. There it was--the strong call back. I couldn’t get there fast enough. Sweet place near the ocean, friendly town, and the lack of lattes had nothing to do with it, honest.

So back to Bellingham I drove. As soon as I hit the road I began feeling an undercurrent of excitement. I was ready to get down to the business of creating a life in the town that was so eager to have me. Or so I thought.

I would like to leave everyone with these thoughts from Maya Angelou…..

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."

"I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a life."

"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."

"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."

"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The towns of Bellingham and Fairhaven lie within the crescent of Bellingham Bay.

Even though Bellingham is not what you would consider a large metropolis, it has a fairly dense population of 80,000+, which is quite different from Park City or Ashland.

First things first. I found my latte supplier and it’s called “Woods.” When you order your drink, size choices are Spruce, Cedar, Redwood and lastly the Giant Redwood. Guess which size is Kate’s pick. The shop sits right in the middle of Boulevard Park on the water. Yes, it has an amazing stone fireplace that is always lit and welcoming. I’m sitting in front of it as I write this.

So, I really should back up a little. On the drive to Bellingham an unruly rock found my windshield. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t freak me out. This was a new experience for me. I became very nervous as I heard what sounded like ice cracking on a frozen lake; a line in the glass began moving north of the impact zone. Was my windshield going to go flying into a million pieces as I was driving down the interstate at 60 mph? Fortunately, not and the crack stopped at about 13 inches out from the impact zone.

So, my first day in town was devoted to my much loved car, Chloe. Not only did she receive a brand new shiny windshield (at the cost of a $250 deductible), but received an oil change and a spa treatment as well. Happy car equals happy me.

I spent the second day exploring Bellingham. I wasn’t too impressed with the area. It didn’t have the feel I was hoping for. It was maze of traffic and mass confusion and it seemed that I was getting lost at every turn. No, my homing instincts haven’t diminished. It turns out that Bellingham proper was actually 3 different towns at one time and when they combined to make what is now Bellingham, the street names were not changed, but kept the same- and most key streets are one way out of the blue, and it’s very confusing. Now couple that with the multitude of cars on the road and you have chaos.

I believe it to be deliberate on the part of the founding fathers to make it a right of passage or initiation, a running of the gauntlet, if you will. If you’re smart and a quick learner, you will get to maneuver through town with ease. If not, you will continue to get lost and believe me the stress of it is enough to send the weak of heart running back home to momma.

On the third day I ventured into Fairhaven which lies at the south end of Bellingham. As I came into Fairhaven proper, I literally shouted: “now this is what I’m talking about!” The look, the energy and the vistas were exactly what I was hoping for. I was elated.

I am off to get a PO Box. The post office is located in a local gas station across from the grocery. I tried yesterday to get the box, but was told that the woman who runs the Post Office was out due to having a tooth pulled and would be back today. I feel like one of the family already…..

Shifting gears a bit. I recently had the below information come my way and thought it would be of interest to everyone.

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Between now and the end of the year 2010 we will have a few more energetic hoops to jump through. The wonderful planet mercury goes retrograde December 10 - 29, 2010. May the saints be with us as we visit the ghosts of Christmas past thru the looking glass of many lifetimes. It will not just be one past /per person/per holiday/ but several layers like a cosmic croissant. Food may fly as poltergeist like activity may enter the scene of many a family gatherings as the great-great great grandparents make an appearance.

On 12-21-2010, we have the first of 2 eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on 12-21-2010 in Gemini and the Solar Eclipse on Jan 4, 2011 in Capricorn). The eclipse of 12/21/2010 escorts us into a 2 year power surge until 12/21/2012. . . It is a 3-3-3 energy. This number offers you a choice. The holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron; a 3 sided pyramid within your DNA structure.
This number offers an opportunity to connect with highly evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices; your body, mind, spirit in agreement with your Soul's evolution.
Within this number you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. It is connection with the wisdom of the Over soul and seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome.
12-21-2010 is a place where the numerical status of planet earth comes to an immediate turning point. Well exceeding the speed limits of the turnstile one will be catapulted forward into the echo of every past thought and deed. A perpetual place of transformation held captive by all energies that are and have been aligned with the host human.

An expansion that is introduced from a place where worlds and stars merge is given as the gift of hope to humanity. A celebratory creation comes as it did once before. What was once Christed is crowned King of Light moving from a place of the sun/son. Hope is imbued with science as more and more of what one believes in their soul comes to past and present. You’ll see it when you believe it is shouted from the rooftops of humanity. Cellular intelligence declares its independence from circumstance, trial and error. No time to sit and ponder with the scholars as they rock upon their hunches.

Right comes from the left of humanness as internal circuitry reacts to the luminous downloading. Photonic particles are created as once was seen in fantasy, as life moves closer and closer to a dialogue with space without time. ‘Make it so’ is echoed in the halls of time as everyone is asked to participate in this next creational dance. The Achilles heels/heals of many will ache with prayers as they are brought to their emotional knees in order to receive communion with FIRST LIGHT. Humbleness allows an opening in the canyon of self that once dead ended and echoed of wrong choices. The impassable mountain responds to true emotion from the deep clear well of caring. Hollowness will not be seen as a friendly gesture as many still continue to serve self at the cafeteria of denial.

You are asked to become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become all that you shirk. You are asked to make personal decisions that even Christ himself would fret over. You are being pulled away from your personal line in the sand and taken to a new beach where your footsteps will count. You are asked to become more than you ever thought possible! You are asked to increase your belief factor in yourself and all of your abilities. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is needed to be done, let it fuel your life force.
Instead of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy allow it to give to you increased energy from all circumstances that surround you. Stop whining about what has be-fallen you and see it as a heavenly helping hand, a piece of the soul puzzle you seek to fit the picture in your heart.

The Solar Eclipse on January 4, 2011 is a 1-4-4 star seed activation point. These energies allow you entrance into star vibrations that help you to shift your future by making higher choices within your creational field. This eclipse comes to teach us about our stellar connection and the 144 star seeds that run within our DNA. They help us to remember the inherent light within all that appears dark. They hold the matter of luminescence, a light that is alive and constantly changing in form and appearance. When man was first discovered on Earth he was primitive of nature. Advanced beings came to earth as the giants of the Old Testament and Egyptian lore and married the fair maidens of earth. Thus the stars were seeded into the flesh of mankind.

The 144 star seed activation is really the language of light from the stars that comes to speak to us directly in a form that can be absorbed. No more encrypted codes that can only be deciphered by the gods, but a new underlying simplicity to the pattern that untangles the DNA. It finally tames that which was previously mustang within us; with a soft hand and a loving whisper. We are finally ready to biologically instruct the way we were born to do.

The 144 vibration A creates a new entrance thru the old neuropathways as the higher vibratory light goes hand in hand with the new neuron functions, allowing the dimensions to meld and become See able. All situations that have you coming undone are holograms of distortion projected by what feels a need to be seen. Problems come to move you through sections of time into a cleared aspect of your own truth.

144 also vibrate at a nine frequency. Cosmic and personal completion, The End!
It’s entering the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self.
Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I noticed the sky was getting its first edge of light, so I said my goodbyes to the Starbucks Baristas. And still warm from the fire and fueled by my latte, I climbed into Chloe (my car) and headed to the nearest interstate entrance. As I was about to make my turn, I clearly heard “No! Go to the next entrance to get on.” I did as directed. No whys or what for -just trust. Not even on the road for five minutes and it was already beginning. Cool.

I was thankful that I waited until the sky was light before beginning my journey. It was raining hard and the ponding on the road was bad. However, as I began gaining elevation through Grants Pass it started snowing. The flakes were large and numerous and my headlights were reflecting off of them. It was magnificent. At that moment I thought it was smart to have had my snow tires put on earlier that week.

After a couple of hours on the road I was surprised when I heard (guidance) that I needed to exit. Trusting, I complied and I figured I would just top off the tank even though I still had more than a half a tank left. While I was waiting for the nice man to finish, I clearly heard that it was time to head to the coast. Oh! That definitely was a change in the itinerary as I planned to take I-5 north all the way through. The highway I exited at was 138. It turned out to be a very beautiful drive filled with mist, rolling farm land, and a large herd of Elk. The road followed the Umpqua River the whole way too. (Sorry there were no spots to stop and get pictures along the way)

After I arrived at the coast I began heading north again, but at a much slower pace. Highway 101 snakes its way north revealing amazing vistas and lots of sharp turns.

Beautiful vistas weren’t the only thing that caught my attention. I saw an Entering a Tsunami Zone, sign. It’s a picture of a giant wave with a stick person falling sideways and land, interesting. A little further up the road there was a Leaving a Tsunami Zone, sign, interesting. I was coming to another town, no sign. As I was entering another town the Tsunami Zone sign reappeared. My curiosity was up at this point, and I’m thinking this is crazy, a Tsunami is going to target this part of the coastline, but not another. I put the question to the group (guides). I immediately heard. Not really. It depends on the topography of the ocean floor and where the fault line runs. When conditions are ripe then there is a high probability that these marked areas will have a direct hit. I just want to know were these guys were when I was struggling with math in grade school.

Six hours later I arrived in Astoria Oregon, a small fishing town on the Columbia River with breathtaking scenery in every direction. The Columbia is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest, rising in the Rockies of BC and Canada and flowing south between Washington and Oregon as it makes its way to the Pacific Ocean. I stopped for the day and took a room at an inn on the river. My room overlooked the Columbia providing me with an amazing view of the water and the Washington coast. I cracked my window so I could smell the river and hear the sounds of water lapping on the rocks below as the large ships passed by. My room had a fireplace in it, something I requested in my last post. What a gift.

After a light meal of soup and salad, I had a hot shower and then did yoga by the fire. You know it doesn’t get any better than this. I slept like a baby and yes I was driving along the coast in my sleep all night, winding, winding…. I awoke to thick fog hanging on everything which created this surreal environment. I stopped to get a latte for the road and was treated to a serenade by a group of Sea lions as I took my first sip. Ah!

I didn’t want to spend another 8 hours driving the Washington coast--that doesn’t include the Ferry ride from Port Townsend to get to Bellingham—so that experience would have to wait for another day. I chose to get back on I-5 north up to Bellingham, which would be a mere 4.5 hour drive.

After traveling on desolate (as in the middle of nowhere) Hwy 30 for what seemed like an eternity, I found myself approaching the spot I needed to cross from Oregon to Washington. It was a very long, several hundred feet off the water bridge. I am not going to look down and I am going to keep my eyes forward. This was the mantra I chanted over and over as I crossed.

I was shocked to see how badly scarred the land was when I hit the Washington side and was filled with a great sadness for it, partly mine and partly the lands. It was intense. Why was there scarring on the land? Logging.

As I traveled further north the scarring disappeared, and I could see new growth forest in many places. I believe they have a program of replant what you take, which is great. There were areas in North Oregon that were very badly scarred when I was there in 2006. I am happy to say that in passing those same areas 4 years later, new growth forest is filling in nicely.

The landscape from Olympia northward is truly beautiful. I was amazed at how large Seattle is. It was a giant patch on the landscape with industry, housing, office buildings in the downtown and crazy big city traffic. I was very happy when I got to the other side.

The space needle was cool though I saw little of it, since I had to watch out for the crazy drivers.

I began feeling the excitement building the closer I got to my destination. I came around a turn and up through a beautiful pass with a picturesque lake on my left. A large bald eagle greeted me.

There was Bellingham laid out before me, green, green, green and beautiful Bellingham Bay. Hurray!
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