Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, October 31, 2010



Ashland is the epitome of hometown USA. From the tree lined streets, the bloom filled gardens and the unending flow of people walking or riding bikes through out town, it truly is a slice of mom’s apple pie--à la mode of course.

Individuality is fully embraced, respected and expressed to its fullest over and over again, much to my delight

One of the many cool things about Ashland is the resident’s love of Halloween. They seem to pull out all the stops. When you walk or drive through town you will observe that most, if not all, Craftsman, Bungalow and Victorian homes are completely wrapped in Webs, giant spiders and ghouls and things that--well, I don’t know quite what they are.

At 3 p.m. on Sunday a parade will be held with young and old walking Main Street in full regalia. It is for this reason that the post for today is a tad late. I wanted to share pictures with all of you. So I hope I am forgiven.

A cycle of rain began two days ago, a welcome change to the constant sunshine. I do enjoy watching the black clouds roll in in all their power, and seeing everything take on richer tones. As an extra bonus, there is snow on the surrounding mountains. Now I get to enjoy the beauty of the snow, but not have to endure the headaches of dealing with it up close and personal. I can go visit it, play in it and then leave it. Hurray!

I thought everyone would be happy to know that I will be shifting to a new spot in town. It’s temporary, but I can stay for 5 months. The spot is a beautiful Victorian house that was converted to a guest house called Delaunay House. You can see pictures at I will be staying in the Pilgrim. It is very lovely and has everything I could possibly need. It will be great to give the car a rest and walk to where ever I need to go, one of the many benefits of being so close to everything. People actually talk to each other here, so it is a nice way to get to know others as you are on walkabout.

This move came none too soon. As you know, I have been residing in a rented room outside of town on a beautiful small farm. In all honesty its views are spectacular and just being able to enjoy watching the horses, wildlife and hummingbirds has made the inconvenience of being so far out and having no privacy seem insignificant.

There is a family of deer, a few doe and their fawns, that have been hanging around and on occasion I have had the pleasure of just sitting and watching them. Yesterday afternoon, not 20 feet from my parked vehicle, I noticed one of the fawns dead by the side of the road that leads to the back of the property. I was heart broken.
Later that afternoon a big ruckus ensued when a large truck came down our street with a large Blood Hound in the back sounding off. The neighborhood dogs began barking and the horses in our pasture stopped in mid-chew, lifting their heads to see what was happening. This noisy vehicle pulled in our driveway, stopped and out stepped a Mountain Man and he was a mountain of a man. He met with my landlady and they both walked over to the fawn’s body, where a deep conversation accompanied by hushed tones and serious expressions began. It didn’t look good. . After finishing their conversation, the Mountain Man removed the fawn’s body. I asked my landlady if they determined what killed the fawn. She said that it was a cougar or bobcat. OMG!!!!

None too soon, is what I say.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Not only have I been searching for a place to call home, but I have been keeping an eye out for a good meditation group to connect with. One of the many things I love about Ashland is the people are so conscious here. So I have been looking for a group to connect with to share intelligent conversation about all things esoteric.

When I first arrived, I checked out a Monday evening meditation group that sounded promising. It is held at a local Synagogue that has the most amazing stain glass window behind the pulpit--a depiction of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The energy in the space is amazing. However when the meeting began it became something totally different.

The first hour was spent listening to the leader talk about all her qualifications and then the next hour was spent listening to various songs and being told to close our eyes, “because spirit cannot work within us unless we do”. Needless to say, I did not close my eyes, but kept an eye on things. When she headed my way with the clear intention to direct energy at me, I made myself invisible and she passed right by. It is uncomfortable when someone is pointing loaded hands at you. The most interesting thing was that there was no meditation happening. Out of respect I did not walk out, but saw it through and then lit out like a house on fire.

I met with a gentleman this weekend named Ed Hirsch who has a group that practices Presence. Yes, just as it sounds. We chatted for a couple of hours and I am looking forward to meeting with his group this Wednesday. If it’s anything like our time together, I believe I will enjoy it.

I went hiking Saturday with my friends, Sarah and Kevin, a cute couple whose company I thoroughly enjoy. They took me to a trailhead just west of town in the Siskiyou Mountains. It was lovely to be in the conifers enjoying the cool morning with the smell of the rich earth and spruce all around us and the crows chatting up a storm.

We had been out for a little over an hour when I heard someone call out Bear! Bear! My heart began racing. Suddenly this monster dog came bounding toward us with its mom close behind yelling “Bear! You get back here right now!”

Yeah, very funny, go ahead and laugh, but I have a plan should I meet up with one--a bear that is. Yes, mind control. No, seriously. I am planning on putting all this talent to the test. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It’s Monday the 11th of October. As I write this, I’m sitting in a little coffee house I recently discovered, called Evos. It’s very eclectic, but more importantly it has the best coffee I‘ve ever tasted and scones to live for. There is amazing art on the walls and music from the 70’s is playing in the background. The proprietors, Candace and Don really know how to make a being feel welcome. It’s so cool!

My Saturday was spent in the never ending quest for finding a more permanent place to live. I was hoping beyond hope that my space would be ready for me, but sadly, it wasn’t. So feeling a little weary I decided to take Sunday off and do a little exploring to renew my spirits. I discovered that Mt. Shasta is only 90 minutes away so it would be off to the Promised Land for me.

Leaving early in the morning I was rewarded with the most perfect light hitting the mountains and Shasta Valley as I came up over the rise. What a spectacular view of Mt. Shasta, so imposing on the horizon. The power rolling off the mountain was intense. As soon as I hit the valley floor a vision began filtering in of a past eruption. It took all I had to stop the vision, when I just wanted to give myself over to it. Seriously, not a good thing to have happening when you’re driving, let alone at 75 mph.

When I got home, I checked and the last eruption for Mt. Shasta was 200 years ago. The strength of the energetic signature is amazing. Were you aware that every event that has occurred through time leaves an energetic signature that someone like me can read? Since past, present and future are all happening simultaneously…well you get the idea. It’s all just hanging out there waiting to be discovered.

I found the little town of Mt. Shasta to be interesting with all its New Age shops. However, the beauty and energy of the area will keep me coming back again and again. I hear the hiking up there is amazing. I cannot wait to experience it.

Did anyone pick up that Sunday was 10/10/10? I have to admit with everything going on that one slipped by me until a friend was kind enough to share. The day ushered in amazing energies that will continue to open things up and provide that little extra something we need to accomplish the changes we are in the process of making. However, you have to be willing to let go of the worn and outdated in order to keep balance. It’s all part of that Universal catabolic state of burning away to make room for the new.

I awoke this morning feeling renewed and definitely benefiting from an energy shift and clearing away of all the etheric clutter I picked up on my travels here. I feel more in sync with the area and things definitely have been flowing better.

Before I sign off there are a couple of important facts about Oregon I think everyone should know.

You can’t pump your own fuel here. No, it’s true! Just like times past, you get full service at no extra charge. I like it!

You can’t buy any products that have Pseudoephedrine (don’t ask me to pronounce it) Sulfate without a prescription. You’re thinking: so what? Well if you have pollen allergies and are used to walking up to the pharmacy window, signing electronic papers and getting handed a 30 day supply, it would mean something to you. What a shock. It’s like living in a dry county (no liquor sold) and having to make rum runs. I’m thinking, great, I am going to have to drive 30 minutes across the state line into California to make a Claritin run once a month, how crazy is that? I can see it now, a life of crime running drugs over state lines, just to keep from sneezing, coughing and having itchy eyes. Isn’t that special!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It has been 15 days since I left Park City. I know, hard to believe, but true.

Someone asked me recently, if I missed it. In the two years that I lived there I met people who lived in, left and came back to Park City.

I loved it and loved the beauty, but surprisingly I don’t miss it. Truthfully? My focus has been so keen on my start here in Ashland that I haven’t looked back.

More importantly, there are people who I will miss interacting with on a daily basis. After all we have our routines, don’t we? I really enjoyed my yoga class and going to PC Roasters after enjoying a latte, chatting with everyone about everything under the sun and seeing my dog friend--a white Great Pyrenees aptly named, Yeti.

There are friends I definitely miss seeing in the flesh, even though I have seen a few since I have been gone. Astral travel does put a whole different spin on things. In truth we are never really separate.

I am now staying in a beautiful spot just south of town surrounded by green, green and horses. Mountains cradle Ashland in an interesting contrast. To the west is the Siskiyou Mountain range which is covered in beautiful Redwoods and many types of conifers. To the east it is rolling hills cloaked in wheat colored grass and oaks. What really speaks to me, however, is the energy I feel from the Pacific Ocean, only two hours away.

Ashland is a bit surreal at times. It is not a big town, but densely populated, thanks to city planning. It is filled with professional aging hippies and college students who are attending Southern Oregon University. As I write this I am recalling the evening I stayed in Bend someone asked me where I was headed. When I replied Ashland, she said “oh!” I asked, “Why?” She very seriously informed me that Ashland is full of hippies and everyone smokes pot. It was all I could do to reply with a straight face. Really! Early one morning I was walking through one of the little parks and began experiencing a slight buzz. I began to notice an all too familiar fragrance, yes; the guy walking in front of me was definitely smoking a joint. Just to be clear, marijuana is legal here for medicinal purposes. Still, I resisted asking him what his physical issue was.

Everyone is a practicing Greenie (environmentally conscious) and traffic stops to allow people to cross the street. Well, most of the time, unless their plate says California. They always seem to be in a hurry.
There is a thriving Thespian community here; as a matter of fact their Shakespeare productions draw people from all over the world from February through October each year. There are deer aplenty here wandering through town and they even wait for traffic to stop before crossing the street--really. Ashland is unique in so many ways, it fits like a well worn pair of jeans and tie-dye shirt.

There are already places that I enjoy being and people I enjoy seeing. Some are beginning to hear about my work and so the Dance Continues…….

Sunday, October 3, 2010


After exploring Bend I actually was blessed to get 10 minutes of Dr. Griffith’s time. She is the equine vet I wanted to connect with before heading to Ashland. For those of you who don’t know, I met Dr. Griffith in Ocala while she was there training in equine acupuncture. After our chat, she offered for me to look her up, if I indeed, made it to Oregon. Well there you are. I am happy to share that she now has all my information and will be getting in touch for a sit down in the near future. Why am I in touch with her? I am specifically looking for equine referrals for my work and she happens to be a very intelligent, kind woman as well.

I arrived in Ashland late Friday and had the same response as I did on my first visit in 08. I cried and felt an overwhelming sense of joy. It was like finally coming home after being away for a lifetime.
Sunday morning I awoke feeling compelled to move to Europe—just kidding! However, I was compelled to head to the ocean. So head west young woman I did.

The only route from Ashland to the ocean is on the Redwood Highway. It is so named because; the road takes you right through Redwood National Park. Needless to say I was very excited as I was going to feel the Pacific on my feet and stand amongst the giants all in one day. Wahoo!!!!
The forest was beyond anything I could imagine. The energy was ancient and filled my every fiber. The beauty was magnificent. I had the windows down and my senses were assailed by a rich mix of earth conifers, and myrtle. I wanted to stop so I could absorb it all, and in ten minutes in, I found just the spot.

Imagine you are off to the side of a very narrow two lane road. You step out of your car and all around you are giants and a magical fern filled forest floor lay at your feet. Then you notice something else the silence and you become keenly aware that the Divine is all around you.
I wanted to take a few pictures to share with everyone and I started on my side, but then felt the need to turn and take some shots of the grove across the highway. Now mind you, everything is still, but vibrating with this energy that is palpable. I turn point the camera and click. Nothing moving, everything is still and silent. I get back in my car and continue toward the coast.

I have been feeling the energy from the ocean since Bend, Oregon, but it’s really getting strong as I move closer. I have now moved off of the Redwood Highway and am headed north on 101 also known as the Pacific Coast Highway.

I came around a curve and am hit with the visual of purple/grey/blue on the horizon and sea mist hanging like a light haze. The strong smell of salt is heavy in the air. Believe it or not the Pacific Ocean definitely smells different than the Atlantic and the Gulf.
At this point I cannot see the water, but the excitement is building. It has been 4 years since I have walked on a beach or just sat and watched the surf come in.

As I am approaching Brookings Oregon, I spot Crissey Fields State Park and pull in. I come up through the dunes and I’m struck by the energy that is rolling off the waves and the feeling I experience standing there watching the waves crash in. Well, to put it mildly, I was moved. The feel of the water on my feet as the water moved up the beach, amazing. I spend a few hours just being and taking it all in before I reluctantly head back to Ashland.

I have included some of the pictures from the shore on the blog, but most especially, I have also included one from my stop among the Redwoods. It is an amazing picture. You will see that I shot more than I was expecting. I consider it a gift of confirmation and one that only has one explanation.

What do you see?
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