Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


This week has been profound on many levels. To those on the outside looking in it may appear as subtle ripples in Kate’s world. To me, tidal waves are crashing over me, washing away the old and bringing in the new.

For example: A higher being connected with me as I lay down to sleep. He was at least 7 feet tall, very pale with long white hair. His body was willowy. This being possessed an aura of calm, peace and high intelligence. He did not speak to me, but he reached out with his finger and touches my third eye. Suddenly, I was high above the earth falling at a rapid rate and the next moment I was squeezing through my mother’s birth canal. I burst forth covered in fluids shocked by the bright lights, loud noises and definitely the chill in the air. Intense doesn’t describe it, but as suddenly as it began it was over. Since this experience this being has been present at every healing session. I have noticed subtle nuances in my sessions as well. The look and the feel, though nothing I can pinpoint specifically, are definitely different.

A few nights later I received information from my guides for a new friend about a Labyrinth that he needs to build on his property in CA. The Labyrinth is a giant spiral which is to be built from the inside out. It is to be 50 feet by 50 feet with a large quartz crystal in the center. It is to have a large standing stone 5 – 8 feet high placed in each of the 4 directions 10 feet off the outer edge. My friend asked me for a drawing, but since that is not one of my strengths I decided to create a smaller one at the beach. I went to my favorite spot and created the mini labyrinth in sand per the direction of my guides. To my amazement, as crude as it was, the power it was generating was high. I could only imagine what the larger scale would feel like. He is being asked to create this in order to draw to the land that which he needs in order to build his healing center high in the mountains of California. You can read about and see pictures of the property along with artist renderings of the Pyramid building. Please look to my favorite links to see it.

Last, I finally made it to the Scottish Country Dance class on Wednesday night. I arrived a few minutes before 7 p.m. to introduce myself. There were at least 30 other people from 12-70 years old there, all very friendly, happy and ready to have fun.
For the next two hours I smiled and laughed while listening to music that kept my body in motion. I couldn’t, and didn’t want to, stop. I learned reels, which are the faster dances, traveling steps, skip change, slip step to the slower formal steps of Strathspy. The most difficult for me, which we learned in the last part of the class, was the Pas de Basque, meaning little push. I won’t even attempt to explain. Let’s just say that in the end I will prevail.

Travel, travel set 1234, half turn 2234… I was dancing in my sleep with a smile on my face.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am drawn to the little park by Bellingham Bay. I go for a walk and my feet always seem to find their way there.

It has a small beach of grey/black sand, and stones that have seen endless tumbling in the surf. This has created beautifully shaped stones that sing of all things passing. Large skeletons lie on the beach, echoing memories of giants reaching heavenward. Their green crowns stand as beacons on the horizon.

As I sit, meditate, contemplate and breathe, I notice how much Lummi Island reminds me of a whale’s back rising out of the bay. It is shrouded in a thick layer of low lying clouds, as if warm breath has been expelled through a blowhole, then met the cooler air surrounding it.

This creates a certain mystique and conjures thoughts of native creation stories and hints of the sacred energies on its shore. I have every intention of taking the short ferry ride over and explore soon.

Since the park abuts the port, I am thrilled by the sight of big ships moored at the docks. My mind wanders in imaginings of where they hale from and what their purpose is. Presently there is a NOAA vessel in dry dock having her hull maintenance. I looked up her hull number online. Her name is Belle M Shimada. She is a part of the Pacific fleet, and her mission is to study the ecosystem and fish of the Pacific Ocean. Information that she gathers is shared with commercial fisheries and the government. I would love a tour and have gone so far as to email the vessel admin office asking if they allow visitors. We shall see.

My attention is drawn to a long grey fishing boat, its bow pushing through the mirrored surface of the water creating a rolling wake in its passing. A flock of gulls, like mascots, announce the success of the day with their shrill calls as they hover over the catch well. The fisherman stands tall in his dirty yellow slicker focused on getting his catch to market and seems oblivious to the group that follows. Or possibly, he is so used to their racket that he doesn’t hear them anymore.

Another familiar call pulls my attention from the boat’s progress and its noisy procession. High above, I am treated to the sight of a beautiful bald eagle rising and falling on the air currents with tall Spruce as its backdrop. I still my mind and connect and in no time am feeling the sensation of air moving over my feathers and cool mist all around me. The view is spectacular and clear.

I am only able to maintain this for a brief time and I thank her for this moment of grace as I find myself earthbound once again.

Reluctantly, I head toward home, my two feet leading the way.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, January 16, 2011


I’m afraid that this weeks post will be lacking its usual color. I was hit hard on Monday by a stealth virus. I suppose my focus being so engrossed in the moving in process, that I didn’t even have a clue it was lurking. On top of that, I thought I nipped a sinus infection that was brewing earlier in the week, but alas it hit too.

Needless to say I was bed ridden through Thursday, with my waking hours spent wrapped in a Robitussin haze.

Friday I needed to rouse myself from the comfort of my warm bed to make a foraging expedition to the local Co-Op. I had been living on organic soups from the box for the past few days and was craving fresh veggies, so I was going to make a fresh batch of vegetable chicken soup, come hell –or- high- water.

It wasn’t a pretty sight as I shuffled down the aisles, but I managed to gather what I needed and went home to put it all together. All and all I think my soup turned out pretty good considering. Not my best batch, but wholesome and fresh.

After resting for several hours, I took a short 20 minute walk down to the water. Even though the pier was calling me, I had to turn around and head back to the condo while I still could, under my own power. The fresh air and the sound of the gulls and the vista of Lummi Island renewed my flagging spirits. It was definitely worth the effort.

It’s Saturday and I am feeling better still, the cobwebs are dissipating, and am looking forward to being fully functional in the land of the living this coming week.

Blessings & Love,


Sunday, January 9, 2011


As I stared out at the water and the storm clouds rolling in this morning, I was reflecting on where my journey has taken me thus far both on a physical as well as spiritual level. As you know if you’ve been following my blog, I have been following whisperings in my ear to head west and then north, which has ultimately taken me deep into the Pacific Northwest landing me in Bellingham Washington. I have felt very much like a gypsy in my 260 horse drawn carriage as I’ve been led down this long road these last few months.

So I am happy to report that I’ve moved into my new space this week, which is a lovely two bedroom condo in downtown Fairhaven. My roommate, who owns the condo, is Fred B. Fred is an easy natured gentleman, my age, into real estate. His work takes him out of town 5 days a week so I will be left holding down the fort, as it were. My new space has all the creature comforts. I feel as if I have hit an oasis after blowing around like a leaf on the wind all these months, not only on a physical level, but on a mental/emotional level as well. I am feeling so much gratitude for having been brought here--there are no words to express the depth.

What’s great about Fred is his openness to my work. He didn’t bat an eyelash when I told him what I do, but just said, “Cool!” His next words were, “treat my home as if it were your own. This is your space too. Whatever you need you’re welcome to use.” It was my turn to say, “Cool!”

This is actually my first venture at in-town living. I have always lived in the burbs or a rural area close to town. One of the many things that are great about this location is that it’s within walking distance of everything. I do enjoy walking everywhere as it allows me to see and observe so much more than when I’m driving. I have found, for the most part, that people are very friendly here and I enjoy connecting with those passing by.

It’s been great to start seeing clients here as well. I have two new ones this week, and I’m really looking forward to building my practice within the community.

Wednesday will be my first Scottish Dance class. I figured it would be fun and a good way to meet people in the community who are into all things Scottish like me. It’s also a great way to get myself into the mind set for the Scottish Highland Games coming up in February. Not that I need much effort in that department.

So here I am, poised at the brink of a new life, ready to embrace all that the area has to offer and to give back as much.

In this time of great change on the planet I encourage each and every one of you to follow your dreams and if you aren’t dreaming then start.

Love & Blessings

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yesterday I was released from the energetic goo that was brought on by Mercury in Retrograde. I could swear I heard a pop as I broke free, propelling me forward with an unexpected feeling of euphoria and clear mindedness. Exhilarating to say the least, however, it took a few moments to get used to it. During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward, a great exhalation escaped.

Now that retrograde is behind us, I’ve been told things are going to start moving very rapidly. You say, “but things have been speeding up for some time.” True. However, I’m talking about the speed of light—as in fast. Universe is literally shifting into hyper- drive.

Now I understand why Spirit has been asking me to say to everyone “Now Is the Time.”
During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward a great exhalation escaped. No More Sitting On the Fence. Be And Do What You Dream. Go Where You Wish To Be. Do Not Let Fear Hold You Back! Think Outside The Box!

What better timing for this, than on the eve of the New Year? It is my sense that 2011 will be filled with unbelievable revelations and a new clarity for all. It will be more important than ever to see things as they truly are.

New Years is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. Its energy is like snake medicine-- filled with endless opportunity for transformation and transmutation. Through the last few days of the year, most of us find ourselves moving in ways that enable us to release and slip out of our old self to be reborn into something new. This is always coupled with a fresh awareness of the potential that is all around us, like gifts from on high.

I love to ring in the New Year with a large bonfire. I place all that I wish to release by speaking into a handful of rice or writing the words on paper, then tossing it into the flames, and watching it rise toward the star people. In doing this I am clearing the way for all the new to come into my life.

On the 3rd of January, I will be moving into my new apartment and will be seeing my first Bellingham resident the next day. I already have things I am looking forward to in this upcoming New Year. I discovered that they have Scottish Dance classes in Fairhaven as well as regular meet-ups each month. Also they have Highland Games in February. I do love a man in a Kilt.

My wish for each and every one of you is a new year filled with the blessings of peace, joy, happiness and abundance.

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