Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Friday, October 18, 2013

OPEN HEART It is not my intention to speak to the changes that are happening all around us. If you’re unaware, I’d be surprised. I will say, however, to trust that everything is as it should be and all will be right in our world when it is all said and done. No, my subject is the rampant judging and peoples unwillingness to embrace those that appear to be different; whether it is color, religion or beliefs that label them so. We are, after all, connected at the very core of existence; fine energetic tendrils reaching out through the Planck level of time and space. This level of existence was discovered through research in the field of Quantum Physics. This is the super highway I travel when I do my bi-location healings. First and foremost we are inherently the same. What molds us is the path that we have chosen to travel from birth. It is our experiences which make us the unique individuals that we are, at any given moment. We all have the choice to embrace everyone as equals without judgment or condemnation. This will require us to work through our fear of the unknown. To not create a story based on assumptions made. To not expect everyone to fit “the mold”. It will require us to approach each individual with an open heart and mind, so that we can see what is truly in front of us. I am no stranger to being on the outside due to my innate nature. Even though this is a lonely space at times, I have learned to let go of ego, to forgive, to understand and love those who would treat me so. I find looking at the bigger picture helpful to this end. So, I encourage each of you to ask yourselves, do I walk with an open heart? Blessings, Kate Like · · Promote · Share

Thursday, October 3, 2013

STANDING ALONE? Great change is sweeping across and within our planet. We are all feeling Universe’s nudge to make dynamic changes within our lives. Humans are creatures of habit, and when confronted with having to make changes, can experience uncertainty and even fear. This leads to a response of holding tighter to resistance on multiple levels. With this resistance comes the cycle of emotional, and even physical, pain, which can manifest as the body responds. I liken this to the hydraulics at the base of a waterfall. For those of you who have rafted, you will know exactly what I mean. For those who have not, it is the water dynamics at the base of the falls where there is a churning or turning. If you become caught in the hydraulics, it would cause you to go up and then be pulled back under, over and over and over. This manifests in the emotional body as despair, and the feeling of standing alone against all odds. Our state of confusion, fear and resistance, clouds our thought process, and the potential for making poor choices is high. Decisions made in desperation can only lead to wasted motion and more pain and delay the state of being in the flow. It helps if we take a moment to look at the shift as an opportunity for growth, instead of the notion that we are falling victim to some unjust universal prank or punishment. Then we can remain floating at the surface with a clear view enabling us to see opportunities as they present themselves. It truly is all about our perception as stated in my post The Sky is Blue… To take this a step further, focus on the blessings in your life and express genuine gratitude in sacred moments, such as prayer or meditation each day. When you aren’t focused on what you don’t have or think you should have, something amazing happens--you begin drawing to you the energy of this strong focus. Now you are co-creating waves of positive potential, rolling like onto shore. The key is to remain in a space of faith and trust, not pushing. Wait for clear direction to be revealed in universe’s timing, which is impeccable. Blessings, Kate

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Check In I’m certain that everyone is familiar with the term, “has baggage”. And I’m not referring to the kind you check in. Humans have it in their nature to deliberately hold on to their “emotional baggage”. Some wearing it as a well-earned badge of courage, earned for enduring some past wrongs/trials either real or perceived. Maybe someone springs to mind or maybe you see yourself. Emotional baggage comes in all shapes and sizes – carry-ons, overnight bags and yes, even steamer trunks. No matter the size of the baggage, holding on to it only keeps us stuck. Societies can suffer from this trap as well. Eventually, you have to ask yourself the hard question. Is it worth it? To ere is human, to forgive divine, so true. To forgive others and to forgive self, starts us on the path to healing our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. And in doing this we are able to clear the way for positive movement forward on our evolutionary path. Blessings, Kate

Thursday, September 5, 2013

THE SKY IS BLUE.. NO IT’S…. You may ask what our perception has to do with anything. You may say, life is what it is and that would be true, but how we perceive life is everything. How we perceive our environment greatly influences our experience. In the field of Quantum Physics, research has shown that just the act of observing an event alters the outcome, even if no physical action is taken on our part. It would stand to reason that our mental and emotional state during the observation would determine whether it is a positive or negative experience. On this plane of existence duality exists. Hot/Cold, Light/Dark, Happy/Sad, Love/Hate, and so on, you cannot have one without the other. For us to trust, we must decide that neither is good nor bad. To embrace each with equal enthusiasm, no matter what the circumstance, brings us to the middle path, being present. This one change creates a fuller experience. Embracing this concept allows us to take responsibility for the experience and know that we have only drawn to ourselves that which was needed for our soul’s growth. It also empowers us, eliminating the need to feel victimized, because we are the creator of our experience on every level. Blessings, Kate

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Importance of Being Present During my 3 years of Shaman training, I was shown the value of active listening and active seeing over and over again. These have proven to be very valuable tools indeed. In my travels of late, I frequently observe the lack of presence in the people around me. So many are consumed within their own thoughts and actions that they are becoming invisible to one another. I’m all about making eye contact, yet I’ve been looked past as if I’m not there on numerous occasions, even when they are looking right at me. People have been colliding with me so frequently in stores that it seems more than just a fluke. People are not actively seeing. Those who know me, know that I speak to the point, however, when speaking with someone more times than not, they are hearing something totally different than what I am saying. People are not actively listening. I feel confident to say, these points are reaching disturbing proportion. Of course, I don’t take it personally, I realize that these are just symptoms of a greater issue. People are withdrawing inside themselves being caught up in their own play and not realizing that what one does affects the whole. Even if our orbit is small. There is no arguing that these are extremely challenging times as we shift within and without. The planet and all living things are experiencing their own transformations. However, we can use this time wisely to practice being fully present in each moment. Being more aware of our actions, our words and our thoughts. When we are fully present in the moment, no matter what it is, our experiences become fuller/richer and our consciousness grows. The time has never been more conducive to positive change. Use your power wisely, and with compassion and awareness. In doing this our transformations will flow more smoothly and provide support to one another. Blessings, Kate
PAST THE EXPIRATION DATE It is a simple fact of nature. All relationships, whether they are casual acquaintances, friendships or loves, have expiration dates. We are not privy to the specific date of their demise, but it is there, nonetheless. We are a species rapt in the rapture that new relationships bring. We leap blindly into the experience usually without a care as to whether or not it is going to last a few hours, days, weeks, months, years or a lifetime. I believe this is a genetic drive; otherwise we would all be too afraid to dive in. Most of us have an idea of where we would like to see a relationship go. We continually write or rewrite the act for each day and project far into the future. When we attempt to cling to our contrived scenarios--turning our thoughts to what was or could be--we keep ourselves trapped in illusion and out of reality. This, my friends, can cause a great deal of pain. When the dynamics begin to shift in a relationship, it is a possible sign that a catabolic process has begun and the expiration date could be looming. If you’re like most, you’ll find yourself wondering” What did I do wrong? If only I had…. I don’t want this to end. I am sensing something is off, but if I don’t ask then maybe it will just go away.” Here’s a novel idea. Why not be present in each day and in every relationship? Give them the attention they deserve, taking and giving to each the very best we have to offer. Then, with an open heart and gratitude, let go when it is time. In doing this we are always present to what is-- here and now. We see clearly what is before us--not just what we want to see. We have to be able to ask ourselves and others the hard questions and to act according to the truth of what is. This will ensure our solid seat in reality, enabling us to take action in our highest good. Blessings, Kate

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

UNIVERSE IS SPEAKING ARE YOU LISTENING? Every day Universe is speaking to us in subtle ways and when we don’t pay attention, it could escalate until we get the equivalent of a 2 x 4 between the eyes. Early on, I experienced both methods. Now, a little older and I’d like to think a little wiser, I pay attention to the subtle signs that come my way and happily avoid the more painful alternatives. If you’re heading in a specific direction and hitting brick wall after brick wall, this is Universe’s way of saying one of two things. This is not the path for you or your timing is off, so wait. However, if you’re cruising along and everything is practically falling in your lap, this is a green light to keep moving forward with the confidence you are moving in the right direction. Universe is the master at manipulation and uses everything at its disposal to speak to us. It speaks to us through whispered knowing, gut feelings, or even through the four-legged, the winged ones, those that slither or swim, and let’s not forget the insect community, all of whom share our environment and are connected to us. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the subtle way that nature speaks to me. For example, when a hawk flies across my path, I know to pay attention, something is coming. When I have an unusual sighting of an eagle, I know that I am flowing within Divine timing. When I engage raven or crow I am reminded that majic is all around me. My extensive collection of feathers is a testament to the many confirmations to prayer I have received over the years. We all act as Universe’s angels at one time or another, including saying the right words or taking the right action in coming to the aid of someone we know or a total stranger. Think about it. Have you not felt compelled to go in a different direction, only to find yourself coming to the aid of someone stranded on the side of the road or discovering later that you avoided an accident or delay on your usual route? There are times when someone comes to mind so strongly that you call, only to find out that they really needed someone to talk to at that moment. Listening is about slowing down and paying attention. Signs are all around us, but if you are moving too fast or too wrapped in your own stuff, you could miss the most important message you will ever receive. Growing in the skill of paying attention will change your life—I guarantee it! Blessings, Kate
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