Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I think I’m safe in saying that we’ve all been experiencing our own personal rollercoaster ride since the beginning of the New Year. Our physical as well as our ethereal bodies are adjusting to the New Energetic Paradigm.

What an amazing time to be present and participating in.

Even so, it is a time that’s bringing birthing pains as we are being forced to release any of the old lower vibration behaviors/stuff that we haven’t quite purged yet. No one is immune.

The truly fantastic news is that this new energy present is/will fully support the positive changes we make in our lives. So think BIG.

Breathe, relax and let go. Above all trust and believe and throw your hands up in the air and say Whoohoo!!!
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