Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Message from the Mother for 2012

As we leave 2011 new opportunities are approaching. These are two words given for the New Year to reflect upon..

2012 is bringing in even greater change. It will ask each of us, as a group and individually to let go of all that we think we need and embrace what is.

To bend and flow like water around the rocks and trees of life. To move gently or with force as needed. To embrace with the openness and trust of a child the new vibration that is birthing at this time. More importantly, is to allow yourself to feel the love and joy in the newness. Only then will we find that perfect union that allows access to all forms of prosperity that is available to each and every one of us.

As the vibration of the planet continues to accelerate, our ability to manifest or draw into our lives becomes tenfold. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to alter our perceptions and adopt the perspective of the middle path.

Since we presently reside on a plane of duality, we cannot have light without dark, hot without cold, love without hate…etc. When one perceives their pleasant day and/or unpleasant day, with equal enthusiasm and each is embraced with equal gratitude and love, then one finds themselves on the middle path. My favorite saying is, “It’s all good”, because it is.

When we reach this place of acceptance, we cannot help but attract positive experiences.

More importantly, we become a beacon of positive vibration, affecting all that is around us by shifting reality onto the path of light.

Blessing & Love,
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