Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Importance of Being Present During my 3 years of Shaman training, I was shown the value of active listening and active seeing over and over again. These have proven to be very valuable tools indeed. In my travels of late, I frequently observe the lack of presence in the people around me. So many are consumed within their own thoughts and actions that they are becoming invisible to one another. I’m all about making eye contact, yet I’ve been looked past as if I’m not there on numerous occasions, even when they are looking right at me. People have been colliding with me so frequently in stores that it seems more than just a fluke. People are not actively seeing. Those who know me, know that I speak to the point, however, when speaking with someone more times than not, they are hearing something totally different than what I am saying. People are not actively listening. I feel confident to say, these points are reaching disturbing proportion. Of course, I don’t take it personally, I realize that these are just symptoms of a greater issue. People are withdrawing inside themselves being caught up in their own play and not realizing that what one does affects the whole. Even if our orbit is small. There is no arguing that these are extremely challenging times as we shift within and without. The planet and all living things are experiencing their own transformations. However, we can use this time wisely to practice being fully present in each moment. Being more aware of our actions, our words and our thoughts. When we are fully present in the moment, no matter what it is, our experiences become fuller/richer and our consciousness grows. The time has never been more conducive to positive change. Use your power wisely, and with compassion and awareness. In doing this our transformations will flow more smoothly and provide support to one another. Blessings, Kate

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