Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello, my recent post has generated a lot of discussion off site. Since I have been discussing the changes that are occurring I felt it was important to share this information I received from my guides now instead of waiting until next posting time.

When the event of 9/11/01 occurred, I learned something very interesting from my guides. They told me that all those souls had contracted prior to incarnating to go out together; the victims as well as the terrorists. They agreed to do this in order to create a massive heart opening globally, if it wasn’t present on its own within humanity on that date.

As horrific as the whole scenario was, it did create a huge outpouring of love, compassion and it united humanity; as strangers came together in a unified cause to assist in whatever fashion they could.

Alas, however, it was not to last and over time the majority returned to the closed off treadmill of daily existence.

More recently, it was brought to my attention again, as I watched the events on 3/11/11 in Japan. My guides told me that it was the same group sacrifice for the greater good of humanity. An attempt to create a heart opening across the planet, which is needed at this time to take in the changing energies bombarding Gaia.

Again humanity fell short in numbers of awakened individuals and plan A was switched to plan B and the group made the ultimate sacrifice. Not without success, as it is evident that there has been a huge heart opening across the globe.

We as individuals can help to keep this expansion alive by sending our loving and compassionate thoughts to our brothers and sisters globally. To make it a priority to begin and end each day with gratitude and love and to helping our fellow beings in any way possible.

Love is the key.


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