Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm certain many of you are scratching your heads asking, why does it still feel like mercury retrograde? Yes, it was a powerful retrograde, but it went direct at the end of August. Hmmmm! And here it is the beginning of October and its tendrils are still being felt.

Honestly, within my circle of friends this has been an on going topic of conversation since the second week of September.

The word, from my people-

Due to the amazing energy shifts occurring across our beautiful Gaia, the vibration of all matter is raising. This is causing all lower vibration energies held by everyone and everything to be released; and to move up and out.

This is HUGE!!!! We are literally dancing through energetic sludge.

So then the obvious question, how do I dance in the mud?

Each day, be gentle with yourself as well as others. Consciously place one foot in front of the other. Be fully focused in the moment and allow grace to flow within your words, thoughts and actions. Trust and faith should be your watch words. They will keep you anchored to what is based in reality and to not be distracted by things based in illusion. Slow down. Allow yourself to float like a feather carried on the water. The more your fight, resist or challenge the more painful this process will be for you.

I encourage each and every one of you to see this as a blessing; because that is exactly what this is. We are all being given the opportunity to expand to reach our full potential.

Oh, and try to remember how much fun it was to play in the mud. Tons!!

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