Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I decided that there are several of my earlier posts that are more pertinent than ever and I would like to begin at the beginning. I hope that you find that they resonate with you and provide some insight in the days to come. My name is Kate McKenna. As we all are, I am many things. However, the deepest part of me that cannot be shed like an outgrown coat, the part I carry as I pass from life to life, is psychic/medium/healer and animal communicator. It is my life’s passion, which brings great joy as well as heartache—but such is life.

After encouragement from friends and clients to get myself on the web, this is my first attempt at a blog page and blogging. What an odd sounding word, blogging. It sounds like something they would learn to do at Hogwarts.

After the first day of trial and error--yes, we are talking a full 8-9 hours of frustrations and aha moments-- it finally came together as the page you see before you. Knowing that it will metamorphous by tweaks here and there over time appeals to me. After all, life is about change. The Buddhists say the only thing in life that is permanent is impermanence. It is through this catabolic process that room is made for the new potentialities that are waiting to come into our lives. Resistance is futile and, more importantly, to resist creates unnecessary pain. When we allow and give over to the process, we can manifest more quickly in our lives.

My intention for having this blog is to share my work experiences both through my psychic/medium work and as a healer. Truth be told it is rarely separated into those neat compartments, but intermingled in the most profound ways.

Part of my work as a healer is to provide spiritual counseling. All guidance given comes through me from Spirit, so my work is geared specifically for each individual, whether they are two-legged or four-legged. I suppose you could think of me as a spiritual version of Dear Abby. So with that said, I will be happy to answer your life questions or questions you might have about my work.

I am very excited to bring this new aspect in, as embracing change creates new and positive energy in our lives and opens fresh avenues of potential. With Infinite Gratitude and Infinite Love, Kate

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