Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Monday, May 20, 2013

WINDS OF CHANGE The winds of change seem to be escalating the release of unresolved issues for a great many. Fear is one of the most prevalent states of being that the majority of people are experiencing at this time. This fear has many faces: fear of change, fear of lack, fear of ruin, fear of difference and so on. With the rising vibration of the planet, many layers are being stripped away from all sentient beings and the planet. This process is creating a firestorm of emotional energies raging across the planet and within each of us. Fear in itself is not a negative emotion. It is only when we allow fear to immobilize us or cause us to act in a self destructive manner, that it becomes problematic. Fear can be a wonderful motivator, launching us onto new paths to explore and experience or stopping us short of physical or emotional harm. I would like to put forth the idea of changing our perception of fear. Instead of resisting this emotion, we can use it to our advantage, motivating us to shift forward in a positive way. My method, envisioning my emotional fear as a doorway, sometimes they appear very elaborate and this seems to be tied to how small or large my fear is. I take a deep breath and walk through and once on the other side it never fails to amaze me how immediate the release of my fear is. Of course, I don’t recommend this method if you come on a bear in the woods.

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