Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Get Out of My Way!

How often do we busy ourselves with trivial things to avoid moving forward? Could it be that we are afraid of failing or surprisingly, succeeding?

Why do we no longer jump with the enthusiasm of a child moving headlong into their dreams? Believing and trusting that all things are possible?
Remember when your bike became a mighty steed carrying you through fields of grass swaying in the breeze, or the ancient oak in your backyard became a mountain peak to climb?

Somewhere along the line we have shut down that very basic part of ourselves. We have lost our innocent eyes, our innate trust in ourselves and what we see, hear and feel. More importantly, we lost our belief that all dreams are possible.

So ask yourself the hard question: am I standing in my own way? If the answer is yes, what am I so afraid of? What is the worst that could happen if I were to follow my dreams?

It is like learning to ride a bike. We all fell the first few times, but we got back up and kept on trying until tada! We were riding off into the sunset, relishing the new sense of freedom that it brought. Remember?

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