Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Unexpected Journey

I was surprised when I received guidance from Source, to take a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. However, I have learned to pay attention when guided in this way, just like the old commercial: when EF Hutton speaks, everybody listens.

So, the trip was taken on trust and faith, its purpose waiting to be discovered. It is because of this trust and patience in Universe’s timing that synchronicity abounds in my life.

Nature’s beauty stretches before my eyes
As if painted from an artist’s pallet
And stone spires reach toward Azure skies

Ancient Tai temple created by wind and rain
Feet of Sphinx lay en masse
Listening closely I hear voices from the past.

Revelation- my visit created an opportunity to be interviewed for a local TV show, produced by Mitch Friedman called Mind over Matter. What an amazing experience that was. I found a kindred spirit in Mitch and am grateful for the chance to get the word out about my work to a wider audience. When the interview is available I will be posting the YouTube link on my blog.

I connected with a woman named Judy Quay, a beautiful spiritual being, who is a talented singer/songwriter. Judy had made contact with me about my work last year and it was wonderful to spend time with her and discover our mutual love of the path.

Last, but not least, the energies in Santa Fe and Taos created powerful energetic shifts within me. I return home knowing that this trip has opened new avenues, and I am waiting for them to be revealed.

There is nothing like coming home from a long journey, even when you know that your home is temporary.

Allow yourself to float like a feather on the water, shifting and moving with the current without resisting. Take comfort in knowing we are always where we need to be at any given moment and doing exactly what we need to be doing at any given time.

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