Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Standing Alone?

Great change is sweeping across and within our planet. We are all feeling Universe’s nudge to make dynamic changes within our lives.

Humans are creatures of habit, and when confronted with having to make changes, can experience uncertainty and even fear. This leads to a response of holding tighter and to resistance on multiple levels. With this resistance comes the cycle of emotional, and even physical, pain, which can manifest as the body responds.

I liken this to the hydraulics at the base of a waterfall. For those of you who have rafted, you will know exactly what I mean. For those who have not, it is the water dynamics at the base of the falls where there is a churning or turning. If you get caught in the hydraulics, it causes you to go up and then to be pulled back under, over and over and over.

This manifests in the emotional body as despair, and can bring on the feeling of standing alone against all odds. Our state of confusion, fear and resistance, clouds our thought process, and the potential for making poor choices is high. Decisions made in desperation can only lead to wasted motion and more pain and delay the state of being in the flow.

It helps if we take a moment to look at the shift as an opportunity for growth, instead of the notion that we are falling victim to some unjust universal prank or punishment. Then we can remain floating at the surface with a clear view enabling us to see opportunities as they present themselves. It truly is all about our perception as stated in my post The Sky is Blue…

To take this a step further, focus on the blessings in your life and express genuine gratitude in sacred moments, such as prayer or meditation each day. When you aren’t focused on what you don’t have or think you should have, something amazing happens--you begin drawing to you the energy of this strong focus. Now you are co-creating waves of positive potential, rolling like waves onto shore.

The key is to remain in a space of faith and trust, not pushing. Wait for clear direction to be revealed in Universe’s timing, which is impeccable.


  1. Hello Kate - David here.
    Just got back from visiting my brother - I'd like to ask you a question:
    Paul and Kath mentioned they are aware of a spirit entity in their house, I had 'picked up' on this remotely and tuned in whilst there - I felt it was Paul's father there ( not my father ) - he told me he was there to assist in Paul's crossing over when the time is due, and was helping Paul come to terms - how on Earth do I tell Paul this as right now he has so much ANGER within him ??!!
    Lots of Love -- David

  2. Hello David,

    You’re quite right. There is an entity in Paul and Kath’s house. However, it feels like another male relative, like a grandfather or great grandfather. Someone to whom Paul felt close. They are there to assist him through his transition.

    As for telling Paul, it would only cloud the issue for him and not bring him the peace of mind which you were hoping for.

    Paul is working through multiple levels of grieving that all of us will experience close to our passing. That’s if we are aware and not taken suddenly. Transitioning unexpectedly carries its own set of issues.

    In short, I would not tell Paul. Just take comfort in knowing that he is being looked after on levels that can reach him.



  3. Thank you Kate, this makes perfect sense.

    Diane and I will keep sending love and healing light to Paul AND Kath - she is getting the 'short straw' through all of this.

    Love - David ( England )

  4. Hello Kate, over the past few days, since returning from our visit I felt like distancing myself from Paul. He is getting so angry all the time, and often it is directed at ME, don't know why. I don't feel hurt by his anger as I feel he has lots of issues to clear out, and with the entity in the house I sense that he will be passing over sometime soon, and this upsets me as I really do feel that I should be talking with him about that issue, how do I manage that without him going off BANG ! ??
    His beliefs are far from mine. Perhaps I could mention that a you also have picked up on a spirit energy that is his long ago relative not his father ? Any advice and guidance ,a s always, very much appreciated.
    Lots of Love from rainy ENGLAND

  5. Hello David,

    As I mentioned previously, it would not be helpful for Paul. His beliefs will not allow him to accept this information and will only add confusion to an already tense situation.

    Anger is just one stage of grief. Unfortunately people who are close often become targets for this anger. What is important, you’re not taking it personally.

    If you feel it getting too extreme, let him know you understand that he is angry and he has a right to feel how he feels. That you are happy to give him a safe place to express his thoughts as long as he is respectful, but you will not be an emotional punching bag for him either.

    Keep in mind the Spirit that is with him is here to assist in the transition process and is able to reach him on levels we cannot.

    You can only give him you love and understanding.

    I hope this helps.




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