Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


It is a simple fact of nature. All relationships, whether they are casual acquaintances, friendships or loves, have expiration dates. We are not privy to the specific date of their demise, but it is there, nonetheless.

We are a species rapt in the rapture that new relationships bring. We leap blindly into the experience usually without a care as to whether or not it is going to last a few hours, days, weeks, months or years. I believe this is a genetic drive; otherwise we would all be too afraid to dive in.

When the dynamics begin to shift in a relationship, it is a sure sign that the catabolic process has begun and the expiration date is fast approaching. If you’re like most, you’ll find yourself wondering” What did I do wrong? If only I had…. I don’t want this to end. I am sensing something is off, but if I don’t ask then maybe it will go away.”

Most of us have an idea of where we would like to see a relationship go. We continually write or rewrite the act for each day and project far into the future. When we attempt to cling to our contrived scenarios--turning our thoughts to what was or could be--we keep ourselves trapped in illusion and out of reality. This, my friends, can cause a great deal of pain.

Here’s a novel idea. Why not be present in each day and in every relationship? Give them the attention they deserve, taking and giving to each the very best we have to offer. Then, with an open heart and gratitude, let go when it is time.

In doing this we are always present to what is-- here and now. We see clearly what is before us--not just what we want to see.

We have to be able to ask ourselves and others the hard questions and to act according to the truth of what is. This will ensure our solid seat in reality, enabling us to take action in our highest good.

Finally, the most important relationship; is the one with ourselves.

Do you know who you are? Really? Or have you been locked into the persona of wife, husband, mother, father or friend, playing the roles with the finesse of a well seasoned actor? Are you so busy doing for others that you have neglected the one that needs you the most, YOU?

If you are so busy ignoring you, your path, and your purpose of being, then how can you fully give of yourself to others? Because we have the choice, we can choose to begin traveling this path and living the great adventure.

So I encourage each and every one of you to get to know YOU. Follow your dreams and share them with those in your life. Share that richer, fuller you.

What better way to be present and to leave an unforgettable mark on lives when the final act arrives; and being confident and strong, letting go without any regrets and with the love and gratitude that it deserves.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post and reminder of the core of love. Thank you!


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