Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cardinal Grand Cross

There is a unique planet configuration reaching its climax this month. It is called the Cardinal Grand Cross. The definition of the Grand Cross is as varied as the multitude of people writing about it.

Based on the multiple sites I reviewed, and sticking with my philosophy of KIS (keep it simple) it basically boils down to this.

Some time ago certain planets began their journey toward forming this very rare configuration of planet alignment. The Grand Cross in itself is not uncommon, but what is rare about this particular cross, is it involves 7 planets, when typically it involves 4 to 5. The planets are the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (pronounced your-on-us) and Pluto and they are all within a few degrees of each other as opposed to greater degrees of separation.

This, coupled with the lunar and solar eclipses as well as the increased solar flare activity we’ve experienced in the last couple of months, is shaking things up on our beloved Gaia and within humanity. One would have to be in complete denial to think that these events have no affect.

Some Astrologers believe this is the true ushering in of the Age of Aquarius. I believe the ushering in began a few years back, which has been a slow process, thankfully.

What really resonates with me is that the energies coming off this configuration serve to push all things in the dark into the light. They create intolerance for illusionary thinking and dishonesty from ourselves and from others. They force us to see things as they are.

Sound familiar? This event clearly reflects the information I channeled a few years back about this being the time of the great illumination, which I shared with you in my posts Beginning or End? 2012 and Standing Alone?.

It is also creating a wave of energy that will encourage us to complete anything unfinished and give us the power and creativity to move forward into new directions. How cool is that!

Folks we are in the front row seats, so put on your 3D glasses and strap yourself in. It’s going to be a hell of a ride. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Kate - wow, now I realise WHY I am getting these emotions, and feelings and they are all OK, I find myself becoming ( or re-becoming ) the person I used to be - a FREE-SPIRIT, ready to cast off the shackles and chains that have bopund me here in this place for way too long. Also I am able to see projects through to the finish very quickly without too much dithering, "this or that"
    I really do not understand the planetery thing, but thankfully I have friends like YOU who do :-) You've explained this so well. What happens next, and how long do these planets remain in this formation - what is the significance of the CROSS ? I am hungry for learning.

    Love, Light and Friendship
    David ( ENGLAND )

  2. Both great questions David.

    The energetic wave setup by this formation is facilitating change on all levels of our existence. All be it exciting, it is a bit frightening at the same time.

    I also know that we are in the (climax) of the formation, but how fast it shifts I am not certain.

    How exciting that you are so open to the transformation that is obviously happening in your life.

    Thank you for your questions.

    Blessings, Kate


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