Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do you Really Want to Get Better?

One of my first clients was a woman, whom I’ll call Beth. Beth was sweet and shy, barely speaking above a whisper. She had been suffering with Fibromyalgia for two years, and shared with me how painful it was just being still—let alone going through the everyday tasks of living. This created a sphere of isolation and depression for her.

Knowing personally how isolating illness can be, my heart really went out to her. I was very excited to have the opportunity to work with Beth, and at that point, I had no idea to what extent the work would assist her. I just knew and trusted that the work would make the difference it needed to, as it always has.

Our first session amazed me. I observed the deep lines of pain disappear from her face, replaced by a soft smile as she drifted off into the Theta state of relaxation. (Theta is the brain wave state above Delta, a zone of deep relaxation, where one can drift in and out of awareness and can experience sensations of blissfully floating. For some, there is a multi- color show.)

As the session ended, I gently brought Beth back. The look of disbelief and wonder on her face was priceless. She had experienced a whole hour of uninterrupted rest without pain. We were both ecstatic.

Beth scheduled her next session for the following week. I saw her, a total of 4 times. Each session was basically a repeat in experience with significant improvements each time. Between sessions she was experienced less and less pain and I was seeing a whole different woman. She was smiling, happy, joking and dedicated to bringing balance and wellness back into her life.

Imagine my surprise on the day of her 5th visit; Beth did not arrive for her session, but her husband. He very politely told me, “my wife will no longer be coming to see you” and then he walked out. Needless to say it was a bit confusing.

Some time later, I began working with another woman, who I’ll call Janice. Janice had suffered from Chronic Fatigue for several years. Right from the beginning her sessions were making a powerful impact on her overall wellbeing. After just a few sessions, as with Beth, I began seeing a happier, healthier woman, filled with more energy and enthusiasm for life to match. Just as suddenly though, I was told by Janice herself, that she could no longer come see me.

As a practitioner it is always my hope that someone who comes to me wants to be healed. However, there are two very different lessons I learned from these experiences.
First, in Beth’s case, Beth’s illness created a very happy dynamic for her husband. It provided him with someone that was totally dependent on him and a clear road to make whatever decision he chose without question from Beth. As Beth began experiencing pain free days and became more confident, happy, outgoing and wanted to have more say in the day to day decisions etc., it began to create conflict with her husband. He was losing control. In his mind this threatened his happy home environment and the hammer came down—hard.

In Janice’s case, her situation was the opposite of Beth’s, she ruled the roost. Never required to assist in the day to day responsibilities, she pretty much did what she wanted and directed life from her chaise. She was lavished with anything and everything. When she began to feel better, her husband began asking for equal distribution of the responsibilities within the home…he no longer was willing to wait on her hand and foot. Dynamics changed and the holder of power began feeling threatened and there was only one recourse, to stop getting better in order to retain control.

I know. It seems crazy, right? Unfortunately, it’s true in both cases.

Learning from these experiences, I now say to new clients, this work will change your life. So you have to ask yourself in the interest of saving your time and money and my time. Do you really want to get better? You have to ask yourself am I ready to shift no matter what the consequences.

Are you ready?

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