Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Universe is Speaking are You Listening?

Every day Universe is speaking to us in subtle ways and when we don’t pay attention, it could escalate until we get the equivalent of a 2 x 4 between the eyes. Early on, I experienced both methods. Now, a little older and I’d like to think a little wiser, I pay attention to the subtle signs that come my way and happily avoid the more painful alternatives.

If you’re heading in a specific direction and hitting brick wall after brick wall, this is Universe’s way of saying one of two things. This is not the path for you or your timing is off, so wait. However, if you’re cruising along and everything is practically falling in your lap, this is a green light to keep moving forward with the confidence you are moving in the right direction.

Universe is the master at manipulation and uses everything at its disposal to speak to us. It speaks to us through whispered knowing, gut feelings, or even through the four-legged, the winged ones, those that slither or swim, and let’s not forget the insect community, all of whom share our environment and are connected to us.

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the subtle way that nature speaks to me. For example, when a hawk flies across my path, I know to pay attention, something is coming. When I have an unusual sighting of an eagle, I know that I am flowing within Divine timing. When I engage raven or crow I am reminded that majic is all around me.
My extensive collection of feathers is a testament to the many confirmations to prayer I have received over the years. The most recent confirmation is the double rainbow, which I woke up to on Wednesday morning.

We all act as Universe’s angels at one time or another, including saying the right words or taking the right action in coming to the aid of someone we know or a total stranger.
Think about it. Have you not felt compelled to go in a different direction, only to find yourself coming to the aid of someone stranded on the side of the road or discovering later that you avoided an accident or delay on your usual route? There are times when someone comes to mind so strongly that you call, only to find out that they really needed someone to talk to at that moment.

Listening is about slowing down and paying attention. Signs are all around us, but if you are moving too fast or too wrapped in your own stuff, you could miss the most important message you will ever receive. Growing in the skill of paying attention will change your life—I guarantee it!

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