Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It’s Monday the 11th of October. As I write this, I’m sitting in a little coffee house I recently discovered, called Evos. It’s very eclectic, but more importantly it has the best coffee I‘ve ever tasted and scones to live for. There is amazing art on the walls and music from the 70’s is playing in the background. The proprietors, Candace and Don really know how to make a being feel welcome. It’s so cool!

My Saturday was spent in the never ending quest for finding a more permanent place to live. I was hoping beyond hope that my space would be ready for me, but sadly, it wasn’t. So feeling a little weary I decided to take Sunday off and do a little exploring to renew my spirits. I discovered that Mt. Shasta is only 90 minutes away so it would be off to the Promised Land for me.

Leaving early in the morning I was rewarded with the most perfect light hitting the mountains and Shasta Valley as I came up over the rise. What a spectacular view of Mt. Shasta, so imposing on the horizon. The power rolling off the mountain was intense. As soon as I hit the valley floor a vision began filtering in of a past eruption. It took all I had to stop the vision, when I just wanted to give myself over to it. Seriously, not a good thing to have happening when you’re driving, let alone at 75 mph.

When I got home, I checked and the last eruption for Mt. Shasta was 200 years ago. The strength of the energetic signature is amazing. Were you aware that every event that has occurred through time leaves an energetic signature that someone like me can read? Since past, present and future are all happening simultaneously…well you get the idea. It’s all just hanging out there waiting to be discovered.

I found the little town of Mt. Shasta to be interesting with all its New Age shops. However, the beauty and energy of the area will keep me coming back again and again. I hear the hiking up there is amazing. I cannot wait to experience it.

Did anyone pick up that Sunday was 10/10/10? I have to admit with everything going on that one slipped by me until a friend was kind enough to share. The day ushered in amazing energies that will continue to open things up and provide that little extra something we need to accomplish the changes we are in the process of making. However, you have to be willing to let go of the worn and outdated in order to keep balance. It’s all part of that Universal catabolic state of burning away to make room for the new.

I awoke this morning feeling renewed and definitely benefiting from an energy shift and clearing away of all the etheric clutter I picked up on my travels here. I feel more in sync with the area and things definitely have been flowing better.

Before I sign off there are a couple of important facts about Oregon I think everyone should know.

You can’t pump your own fuel here. No, it’s true! Just like times past, you get full service at no extra charge. I like it!

You can’t buy any products that have Pseudoephedrine (don’t ask me to pronounce it) Sulfate without a prescription. You’re thinking: so what? Well if you have pollen allergies and are used to walking up to the pharmacy window, signing electronic papers and getting handed a 30 day supply, it would mean something to you. What a shock. It’s like living in a dry county (no liquor sold) and having to make rum runs. I’m thinking, great, I am going to have to drive 30 minutes across the state line into California to make a Claritin run once a month, how crazy is that? I can see it now, a life of crime running drugs over state lines, just to keep from sneezing, coughing and having itchy eyes. Isn’t that special!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, you write so discriptively, I can see the vibrance of the mountain, the inner-peace in the location you are at - and a part of me reaches out to touch you, to connect again, not that we ever disconnected :-) - what do you FEEL is your main purpose in Oregan ?
    I'd be really intere4sted to learn.
    Hope the sneezes are kept well at bay and the Rum arrives on time ( smile )
    Love and Astral hugs - David


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