Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Not only have I been searching for a place to call home, but I have been keeping an eye out for a good meditation group to connect with. One of the many things I love about Ashland is the people are so conscious here. So I have been looking for a group to connect with to share intelligent conversation about all things esoteric.

When I first arrived, I checked out a Monday evening meditation group that sounded promising. It is held at a local Synagogue that has the most amazing stain glass window behind the pulpit--a depiction of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The energy in the space is amazing. However when the meeting began it became something totally different.

The first hour was spent listening to the leader talk about all her qualifications and then the next hour was spent listening to various songs and being told to close our eyes, “because spirit cannot work within us unless we do”. Needless to say, I did not close my eyes, but kept an eye on things. When she headed my way with the clear intention to direct energy at me, I made myself invisible and she passed right by. It is uncomfortable when someone is pointing loaded hands at you. The most interesting thing was that there was no meditation happening. Out of respect I did not walk out, but saw it through and then lit out like a house on fire.

I met with a gentleman this weekend named Ed Hirsch who has a group that practices Presence. Yes, just as it sounds. We chatted for a couple of hours and I am looking forward to meeting with his group this Wednesday. If it’s anything like our time together, I believe I will enjoy it.

I went hiking Saturday with my friends, Sarah and Kevin, a cute couple whose company I thoroughly enjoy. They took me to a trailhead just west of town in the Siskiyou Mountains. It was lovely to be in the conifers enjoying the cool morning with the smell of the rich earth and spruce all around us and the crows chatting up a storm.

We had been out for a little over an hour when I heard someone call out Bear! Bear! My heart began racing. Suddenly this monster dog came bounding toward us with its mom close behind yelling “Bear! You get back here right now!”

Yeah, very funny, go ahead and laugh, but I have a plan should I meet up with one--a bear that is. Yes, mind control. No, seriously. I am planning on putting all this talent to the test. I’ll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. You always bring a smile to my face. I wish I would have been there for the BEAR!!


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