Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


After exploring Bend I actually was blessed to get 10 minutes of Dr. Griffith’s time. She is the equine vet I wanted to connect with before heading to Ashland. For those of you who don’t know, I met Dr. Griffith in Ocala while she was there training in equine acupuncture. After our chat, she offered for me to look her up, if I indeed, made it to Oregon. Well there you are. I am happy to share that she now has all my information and will be getting in touch for a sit down in the near future. Why am I in touch with her? I am specifically looking for equine referrals for my work and she happens to be a very intelligent, kind woman as well.

I arrived in Ashland late Friday and had the same response as I did on my first visit in 08. I cried and felt an overwhelming sense of joy. It was like finally coming home after being away for a lifetime.
Sunday morning I awoke feeling compelled to move to Europe—just kidding! However, I was compelled to head to the ocean. So head west young woman I did.

The only route from Ashland to the ocean is on the Redwood Highway. It is so named because; the road takes you right through Redwood National Park. Needless to say I was very excited as I was going to feel the Pacific on my feet and stand amongst the giants all in one day. Wahoo!!!!
The forest was beyond anything I could imagine. The energy was ancient and filled my every fiber. The beauty was magnificent. I had the windows down and my senses were assailed by a rich mix of earth conifers, and myrtle. I wanted to stop so I could absorb it all, and in ten minutes in, I found just the spot.

Imagine you are off to the side of a very narrow two lane road. You step out of your car and all around you are giants and a magical fern filled forest floor lay at your feet. Then you notice something else the silence and you become keenly aware that the Divine is all around you.
I wanted to take a few pictures to share with everyone and I started on my side, but then felt the need to turn and take some shots of the grove across the highway. Now mind you, everything is still, but vibrating with this energy that is palpable. I turn point the camera and click. Nothing moving, everything is still and silent. I get back in my car and continue toward the coast.

I have been feeling the energy from the ocean since Bend, Oregon, but it’s really getting strong as I move closer. I have now moved off of the Redwood Highway and am headed north on 101 also known as the Pacific Coast Highway.

I came around a curve and am hit with the visual of purple/grey/blue on the horizon and sea mist hanging like a light haze. The strong smell of salt is heavy in the air. Believe it or not the Pacific Ocean definitely smells different than the Atlantic and the Gulf.
At this point I cannot see the water, but the excitement is building. It has been 4 years since I have walked on a beach or just sat and watched the surf come in.

As I am approaching Brookings Oregon, I spot Crissey Fields State Park and pull in. I come up through the dunes and I’m struck by the energy that is rolling off the waves and the feeling I experience standing there watching the waves crash in. Well, to put it mildly, I was moved. The feel of the water on my feet as the water moved up the beach, amazing. I spend a few hours just being and taking it all in before I reluctantly head back to Ashland.

I have included some of the pictures from the shore on the blog, but most especially, I have also included one from my stop among the Redwoods. It is an amazing picture. You will see that I shot more than I was expecting. I consider it a gift of confirmation and one that only has one explanation.

What do you see?


  1. Hello Kate, having just read your latest installment I am guided to say
    " WELCOME HOME " I intuit that your journey here and there has brought to this place of rest, peace and tranqulity, also I am guided to say
    " Your work is changing . . . "
    Love and Friendship
    David - ENGLAND x

  2. I watched a very wise, practiced Kate hop on her boat. I am a mere apprentice, having learned how to walk on my two feet, ready to catch the next boat. My heart knows this leap of faith is my path, yet, I am shivering and unsettled as I sit on the dock and anticipate the boat. While inspired by your journey, everyday I ask for more faith, I ask for more serenity, I ask for less fear of the unknown.
    It's all o-K

  3. You are experiencing a period of mourning. It is quite natural. Your life is in a catabolic state, were the old is breaking down to make room for the new that will spring forth, radiant and filled with great potential.

    Let me clear something up, it is not a totally carefree process for me. I too experience grief on certain levels. I too feel adrift, like flotsam on the sea of life at the moment, however, the only difference is my faith, knowing and trust along with a few released tears now and again allow this birthing process to be as pain free as possible.

    However, with this grieving I am simultaneously filled with great wonder and excitement looking toward the new. Waiting to be able to open the package that has been handed to me. I would love to know what's inside, what the plan is, but it's okay that I don't have it all understood. I know that I am being led down a path and that the journey is the most important aspect.

    I encourage you to let go of how you think your life is going to be and just allow it to unfold like the gift that it is. Whole new opportunities await you dear friend. I know you have the strength and courage to experience this journey. Otherwise you wouldn't be asked to make it. You will look back one day and say, what was all the fuss for.


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