Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


An energetic wave, generated deep in space is washing over our planet like a massive tsunami affecting all matter in its path. This wave is ushering us into a new era.

How will this affect us –you ask?

All matter is being altered.

Have you been feeling physically out of sorts lately? Things in your life not connecting are you missing time and the like. These are just a few symptoms you could be experiencing from the shift.

I began feeling the affects back in March with increasing intensity as each day passes. I can feel my body being altered, the vibration of my energetic being rising. Time and space have shifted. It’s speeding up or coming to stand still, depending on what I need to accomplish. I am finding myself more to the etheric side lately and finding it increasingly difficult to interact on the physical side. I know that this is temporary, but it’s very inconvenient at times.

It will take some time for the wave to pass, but pass it will, so I encourage everyone to be easy with yourselves. Float or ride the wave instead of struggling or resisting and in doing this the changes will flow effortlessly and painlessly.


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