Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I know that there are some of you following my blog, struggling with the concept of allowing guidance to shift and move you. I say this from an intuited standpoint, as well as from the repeated question from multiple people, “Why did you leave in the first place and what was the trip all about?”

So let’s back track a bit.

When I first left Florida May 31st 2008, my intention was to head to Ashland Oregon. For years I felt an inexplicable draw to the Pacific Northwest, but being in relationships and not in a position to just drop everything and go for it, I stayed in Florida.

When the opportunity presented itself to shift, I took it without even looking back. A funny, unexpected, thing happened on the way to the Ball. I arrived in Utah on my 4th day of traveling and decided to take a day of rest, as I had been pushing it pretty hard.

The next morning when I stepped outside into the beautiful, clear day, I was struck both energetically and visually by the Wasatch Mountains to my right and Utah Lake to my left. To keep a long story short, I decided then and there to take a few days to explore the area. One such expedition took me to Park City and to my surprise I was told that I would stay temporarily and that Park City was where I needed to be. It was amazing, everything just fell into place.

Two and a half years later, I received the guidance to shift again, in order to finish my journey out west.

On September 28th 2010, after releasing everything, I set out to finish what I started.
For the next 8 months my time was split, 4 months in Ashland Oregon and 4 months in Bellingham Washington. In each town I met and worked with several people and enjoyed the beauty and activities each area had to offer. However, when the guidance came to shift again and the specific location given; well, quite honestly, I was very surprised, but excited to come back. I feel as if I completed and unseen task and that now I am free to begin anew.

This brings us to the present.

In the three weeks I have been back everything I require has flowed to me with grace and ease. I have had the great fortune to meet an amazing couple who have opened their hearts and home to me in this new beginning and I have begun seeing new clients from the area. Before long I will be in my own place.

This, my friends, is what is referred to as being in the flow. Trusting, believing and not being afraid to let go. By doing so puts us where we need to be at any given moment. Doing exactly what we need to be doing at any given time.

Blessings & Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kate, you REALLY shopuld be getting a book out all about this, honestly. You write so lightly, so descriptively and lovingly, from your HEART.
    Have a glorious week . . catch you on the phone soon


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