Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I can’t think of a single person whose life is not moving at mach 10. I mean really, who has time to sit and take a peek inside these days? And yet it is important to pause and do just that.

I like to come to a standstill and go within for a good inventory of everything now and again. To really listen to what I might have to say. To see what needs to be weeded out.

So many things shift and change in our lives, it’s nice to know how we’re truly feeling about who we are, what we’re doing and what we want to manifest. In my opinion, there is no greater waste of motion than trying to manifest old dreams that no longer apply, but we won’t know that unless we get in touch with who we are now.

It is also a time to find hidden ideals, feelings etc, that no longer serve our highest good. Releasing them will provide us with an opening for those that do serve us.

Yes, going within can be scary. You never know what you might discover. Our highest good asks us to be strong and to ask the hard questions. During this exploration, when you see things that you are proud of, please give yourself a pat on the back or a gold star. For those things that might make you cringe, please let go without self judgment. After all, we are here to learn.

Since I believe it is important to do this periodically, I made the time this week to do just that. No great outer exploration of my new locale, but a deep exploration of my inner terrain became my focus.

I found many things I am proud of, and a couple of things that did make me cringe, which I let go without any self recrimination. All and all I’d say it was a thorough spring cleaning; out with what no longer serves me, and acknowledgement of what does, along with new possibilities.

Blessings & Love,


1 comment:

  1. The Reflection Pool is so beautiful. Perfect for self-reflection. I am going to look inward too. You are wonderful.


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