Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


As I stared out at the water and the storm clouds rolling in this morning, I was reflecting on where my journey has taken me thus far both on a physical as well as spiritual level. As you know if you’ve been following my blog, I have been following whisperings in my ear to head west and then north, which has ultimately taken me deep into the Pacific Northwest landing me in Bellingham Washington. I have felt very much like a gypsy in my 260 horse drawn carriage as I’ve been led down this long road these last few months.

So I am happy to report that I’ve moved into my new space this week, which is a lovely two bedroom condo in downtown Fairhaven. My roommate, who owns the condo, is Fred B. Fred is an easy natured gentleman, my age, into real estate. His work takes him out of town 5 days a week so I will be left holding down the fort, as it were. My new space has all the creature comforts. I feel as if I have hit an oasis after blowing around like a leaf on the wind all these months, not only on a physical level, but on a mental/emotional level as well. I am feeling so much gratitude for having been brought here--there are no words to express the depth.

What’s great about Fred is his openness to my work. He didn’t bat an eyelash when I told him what I do, but just said, “Cool!” His next words were, “treat my home as if it were your own. This is your space too. Whatever you need you’re welcome to use.” It was my turn to say, “Cool!”

This is actually my first venture at in-town living. I have always lived in the burbs or a rural area close to town. One of the many things that are great about this location is that it’s within walking distance of everything. I do enjoy walking everywhere as it allows me to see and observe so much more than when I’m driving. I have found, for the most part, that people are very friendly here and I enjoy connecting with those passing by.

It’s been great to start seeing clients here as well. I have two new ones this week, and I’m really looking forward to building my practice within the community.

Wednesday will be my first Scottish Dance class. I figured it would be fun and a good way to meet people in the community who are into all things Scottish like me. It’s also a great way to get myself into the mind set for the Scottish Highland Games coming up in February. Not that I need much effort in that department.

So here I am, poised at the brink of a new life, ready to embrace all that the area has to offer and to give back as much.

In this time of great change on the planet I encourage each and every one of you to follow your dreams and if you aren’t dreaming then start.

Love & Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kate, I am so pleased for you, the place sounds perfect and your room mate Fred ideal, I can see ( in my minds eye ) that this location has ALL the energies from the other places you have recently been to, does this resonate? I have some very good friends who moved a few years ago up into the Scottish Highlands, Stephanie and Phillip, they love it and when Diane and I visited with them the air was so clean, the life so vibrant the people so calm and at ONE . . . loved reading this article, Hugs David


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