Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


This week has been profound on many levels. To those on the outside looking in it may appear as subtle ripples in Kate’s world. To me, tidal waves are crashing over me, washing away the old and bringing in the new.

For example: A higher being connected with me as I lay down to sleep. He was at least 7 feet tall, very pale with long white hair. His body was willowy. This being possessed an aura of calm, peace and high intelligence. He did not speak to me, but he reached out with his finger and touches my third eye. Suddenly, I was high above the earth falling at a rapid rate and the next moment I was squeezing through my mother’s birth canal. I burst forth covered in fluids shocked by the bright lights, loud noises and definitely the chill in the air. Intense doesn’t describe it, but as suddenly as it began it was over. Since this experience this being has been present at every healing session. I have noticed subtle nuances in my sessions as well. The look and the feel, though nothing I can pinpoint specifically, are definitely different.

A few nights later I received information from my guides for a new friend about a Labyrinth that he needs to build on his property in CA. The Labyrinth is a giant spiral which is to be built from the inside out. It is to be 50 feet by 50 feet with a large quartz crystal in the center. It is to have a large standing stone 5 – 8 feet high placed in each of the 4 directions 10 feet off the outer edge. My friend asked me for a drawing, but since that is not one of my strengths I decided to create a smaller one at the beach. I went to my favorite spot and created the mini labyrinth in sand per the direction of my guides. To my amazement, as crude as it was, the power it was generating was high. I could only imagine what the larger scale would feel like. He is being asked to create this in order to draw to the land that which he needs in order to build his healing center high in the mountains of California. You can read about and see pictures of the property along with artist renderings of the Pyramid building. Please look to my favorite links to see it.

Last, I finally made it to the Scottish Country Dance class on Wednesday night. I arrived a few minutes before 7 p.m. to introduce myself. There were at least 30 other people from 12-70 years old there, all very friendly, happy and ready to have fun.
For the next two hours I smiled and laughed while listening to music that kept my body in motion. I couldn’t, and didn’t want to, stop. I learned reels, which are the faster dances, traveling steps, skip change, slip step to the slower formal steps of Strathspy. The most difficult for me, which we learned in the last part of the class, was the Pas de Basque, meaning little push. I won’t even attempt to explain. Let’s just say that in the end I will prevail.

Travel, travel set 1234, half turn 2234… I was dancing in my sleep with a smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kate, your blog just gets better and better each week. I'd love to learn MORE about your visitor.

    Keep up the good work

    David - England x


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