Four Legged Friends

Four Legged Friends
Energetics: the science that deals with the laws of energy and its transformations.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yesterday I was released from the energetic goo that was brought on by Mercury in Retrograde. I could swear I heard a pop as I broke free, propelling me forward with an unexpected feeling of euphoria and clear mindedness. Exhilarating to say the least, however, it took a few moments to get used to it. During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward, a great exhalation escaped.

Now that retrograde is behind us, I’ve been told things are going to start moving very rapidly. You say, “but things have been speeding up for some time.” True. However, I’m talking about the speed of light—as in fast. Universe is literally shifting into hyper- drive.

Now I understand why Spirit has been asking me to say to everyone “Now Is the Time.”
During this past Retrograde you could literally feel the Universe holding its breath and with the release forward a great exhalation escaped. No More Sitting On the Fence. Be And Do What You Dream. Go Where You Wish To Be. Do Not Let Fear Hold You Back! Think Outside The Box!

What better timing for this, than on the eve of the New Year? It is my sense that 2011 will be filled with unbelievable revelations and a new clarity for all. It will be more important than ever to see things as they truly are.

New Years is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. Its energy is like snake medicine-- filled with endless opportunity for transformation and transmutation. Through the last few days of the year, most of us find ourselves moving in ways that enable us to release and slip out of our old self to be reborn into something new. This is always coupled with a fresh awareness of the potential that is all around us, like gifts from on high.

I love to ring in the New Year with a large bonfire. I place all that I wish to release by speaking into a handful of rice or writing the words on paper, then tossing it into the flames, and watching it rise toward the star people. In doing this I am clearing the way for all the new to come into my life.

On the 3rd of January, I will be moving into my new apartment and will be seeing my first Bellingham resident the next day. I already have things I am looking forward to in this upcoming New Year. I discovered that they have Scottish Dance classes in Fairhaven as well as regular meet-ups each month. Also they have Highland Games in February. I do love a man in a Kilt.

My wish for each and every one of you is a new year filled with the blessings of peace, joy, happiness and abundance.


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